Part 6

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(While walking Taehyung reached infront of University while Yn looked at him and waiting for him to speak)

Tae : Our university

Yn : so from here you got your graduation

Tae : ofcourse and now you need to go in past !! Let's go and sit near that tree

(Saying this he hold her hand and dragged here inside the university garden )

Tae : now let's start

(After that Taehyung started to tell about his past meanwhile Yn was listening to him carefully)

(In past )

(University bell ranged and all students run inside the university because they don't want to get late for there class but here is one person waiting for his bestfriend to arrive as he knows no one has power to scold him if he came late in the class)

"Ahh why can't he come on time and why he always need to be this late , sometimes I want to kill him for making me stand in the sun !! Aww my poor legs always hurt because of him , let him come this time than I will how him who I am"Jeon Jungkook said while looking at his watch but soon his mind got diverted when he looked at the car horn which indicates that his bestfriend had arrived and in minutes the car stopped in front of him while he pouted angrily looking at him like a small kid who order chocolates but didn't get it.

"Hey buddy what's up, huh looking angry !! Hey hey where are you going!! Are you really angry on me oki oki i got it but what can I do I slept late at night you know I was watching a Chinese drama "Kim Taehyung said while coming out from the car and after that he throws the car key to the security guard to park his expensive car.

(After that they both went inside the college but as they entered inside the college all girls looked at them and start chit chatting like always and like that they both ignored all this and left from there while leaving there fan girls behind.

"I hope I can be his girlfriend,Why  Kim Taehyung always ignore us like that"A girl from the crowd said while glaring at two going figure without noticing that someone anger was boiling as he don't want that his girlfriend should be crazy on his enemy.

(Meanwhile on Taehyung side ,the both bestfriend enter in the class and directly went at back and order the students to change there seat as they both want to sit there and after that they both took there seat while half of the class was watching them because who will not gonna watch the university heartrobs ?)

"Students just focus on your studies don't look here and there"professor
said while looking at the students meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook smirked at eachother because they know how girls die at them and after that he started teaching meanwhile Jungkook slept in his class and Taehyung started to scroll his phone

(Time skip !! Everyone was having there meal but Taehyung was waiting for Jungkook to come from the classroom as principal order him to stay there as he need to talk with him )

(Time skip )

Tae : ahhhhh I am soo tired now

Jk: hmm from what?

(As Jungkook said this Taehyung looked at him with narrow eyes because he just wake up from his sleep and now Jungkook is making joke of him )

Jk : by the way did you notice that from morning Haeun is looking at us

Tae : hmm yeah I also noticed this but why he is behaving like this ?? I mean he is our enemy but now what he want ??

Jk : leave it !! We will see him for sure

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