Part 10

45 4 2

(While on the other side )

A handsome Man was sitting in the luxury restaurant and waiting for someone while sipping his drink but soon a couple enter inside the restaurant and he smirked while looking at them

?? : Why did you called me

?? : we have something for you

?? : What is it ?? And how can I help you Mr Suga ??

Suga : Alex as we all know that you are very talented teacher and even very popular!! I have recently saw your news on newspaper and even on board that you come in Top 5 best teacher

Alex : Aww thankyou for your kind words Mr Suga

Suga: Soo my wife Yumi wants to hire you for our kids

Yumi : Actually as you know we belong to high family so my kids never focus on studies as they always think that they will handle there dad business but this can't be possible without studies so I want you to be there private teacher

Alex : Thankuu soo much for your offer but please try to find someone because I can't live here

Suga : any problem??

Alex : actually i came here just to visit korea and now it's done and if I stay here than you know that hotel payments and all and than my budget

Yumi: don't worry about it !! We will pay you as much you want

Alex : but how I will live alone??

Suga : hmm yeah he is right Yumi !!

Yumi : Alex please don't do this!! We came with hope !! Wait you can stay in our mansion and you will not be alone as Yn also stay there !! And because of her we trust you that's why I am requesting you !!

Alex : if you are oki than it than I don't have any problem

Yumi : thankuu so much !! So from when will you start taking there classes and all

Alex : from tomorrow?? Why to waste time right

Suga : than we will send our driver tomorrow to pick you up

Alex : thanku for it and I will glad to meet your kids and Yn after so long

Yumi : yeah but how did you meet Yn ??

Alex : she was student of our university and I am just 1 years older than her that's it and we use to share good bond but when I came here I was to shock to know that she is married

Suga : she didn't tell you about all this ?

Alex : actually i never asked her about this because i always used to think that she is single because the way she look

Yumi : ohh I got it but yeah she is married

(After chit-chat they both left from there while Alex called someone )

(On call )

Alex: hello ?

?? : Congratulations buddy your work is done

Alex : thankyou my friend

?? : now enjoy and do your work

Alex : ofcourse...oki byee I have to pack my stuff as I need to left tomorrow for somewhere

?? : Ooh oki i will call you later

(Saying this they both hanged up the call and Alex took out a hanky )

Alex : Finnally I am coming there

(Next day )

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