Part 9

42 4 2

"Is JJk is behind all this ?"
"Is they are supporting mafia ?"
"Jjk is working for mafia "
"For which mafia they are working?"

"All the thoughts were running inside his mind while he was sleeping and soon he opened his eyes while rubbing his hand on his forehead"

Jk : I need to talk to him

(Saying this he dialed the number of Taehyung Hoping to pick the call and after 2 Bell the call was picked by him)

(On call )

Tae : Jungkook

Jk : Taehyung

Tae /Jk : where were you ?

Jk : huh what happened

Tae : I need to talk sometime important !! And what about you?

Jk : I also need to have some discussion about something serious

Tae : let's meet tomorrow okii

Jk : hmm yeah !! We will !! My mind is spinning because of this drama

Tae : same here but don't worry we will

(Saying this they both hanged up the call while Jungkook called his secretary)

Jk : I am leaving!! After arranging this files you can also leave

(The secretary just nodded his head meanwhile Jungkook left from there )

Jk : Hmm I am hungry ouch my tummy

(He was about to go out from there when a notification came to his phone so his mind got diverted to there )

Jk : who is there...Oo mom

(After that he started to type the message and went to a corner because the network was slow but as he was finding network he overheard his receptionists talking to eachother)

Receptionist 1 : do you know the KTH ??

Receptionist 2 : yeah I have heard there names hmm like they are number one mafias right

Receptionist 1 : hmm yeah and you know our new CEO is there bestfriend

Receptionist 2 : what ?? Really?? I was not knowing it !! Hmm have you heard a news related to them ?

Receptionist 1 : news??

Receptionist 2 : hmm yeah actually there was a old building and in which they use to hide drugs !! As per the news but when police reach there they didn't find anything

Receptionist 1 : Oo this mafias are like this only !! Oo wait if this happen- like I want to say that if he gets to know about this than he called media and told that his bestfriend is involved in this things and now he is safe because police will look over our company

Receptionist 2 : hmm you are right and see this all happen today !! Like today mafia was about to get caught but JJK enterprises is suffering

(They don't know that he was listening to there so he pretend that he is on call and left from there )

Receptionist 1 : did he heard our talks?

Receptionist 2: ahh naa he was on call and second they are not that much free to listen our talk

Receptionist 1: yeahh but he is handsome

Receptionist 2: don't you dare because he is younger than you !! He is still in his university and after that he will be CEO

Receptionist 1: yeah yeah whatever


(On Taehyung side )

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