Tyler's pov later that night

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"Adam, why on earth did you hit her?" I asked. I had just seen the video on it. (Yeah, that's why Anna saw the camera flashing.)

"I was drunk. I didn't mean to." he replied.

"Why were you drinking?"

"I don't know."

"Adam! Why were you drinking?"

"I was angry."


"You left me and went back to America."


"So what?" he asked me.

"So you drank, got drunk, and put Anna in the hospital."

"Tyler, don't say it like that."

"But that's how it happened." I interrupted.

"It's not like that."

"Yeah Adam, I think it is."


"Shut up Adam. I'm sorry but we're over. You hurt one of our friends because you were angry. You tried getting her to drink, and wouldn't take no as an answer. You almost hurt Brandon for stepping in, and ended up putting Anna in the hospital. I can't take anymore. We're done."

"So you're leaving me because of a mistake I made?"

"I guess. It's what we all did to Brandon. I'm sorry Adam. Bye."

I hung up the phone. I had to do it. I had to break up with him. He's been hurting people for to long. I don't care how angry he was, there was no reason to take it out on Anna.

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