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Police cars surround the area, sirens no longer damaging the eardrums of those in close proximity, although the blinding lights were more than enough of an annoyance to deal with.

Caution tape—No that's police tape—and barriers barred off the general public as well as the thirsty to get a new story for the news. A person was seen retching to the side as the cameras began rolling. The newswoman was clearly uncomfortable with the topic but all involved managed to push through their disgust.

It was harshly raining that early morning, when the murder occured. The reporting crowd continues to attempt pushing back the barriers yelling unethical critism at the police force as they did their best to quell the crowd.

Ah, yes. A normal morning.

"Ugh... Why is every single channel being interrupted by this crap? I promise you, not everyone wants to hear you talk about the freaky shit going on in that body bag." [Y/N] mutters to nobody in particular. The sun had just barely began to peek through the window, and she had already had to hear about a gruesome murder in the neighborhood.

She was flipping from channel to channel while preparing herself a sandwich for her lunchbreak later on. Paying for food from that company was such a waste. They made everything so expensive when she could always make the same thing at home. And that's exactly what she's doing. The homey scent of toast permeated the air, ham, cheese, lettuce, and an assortment of other ingredients lay out on the counter. She aimlessly swung the butter knife between her dexterous fingers, watching the reporter cover the most recent victim of the serial killer in the area.

I wonder if I will someday suffer the same fate.. She was just about to search for a new show to watch, when her nose detected the smell of something akin to burning bread.

Ah. That was burning bread. Her food was burning.

"God damnit!"


Packing her sandwich along with an assortment of other snacks took little to no time, her phalanges making quick work of it all. She shut off the TV, quickly dusting off her outfit and grabbing her messenger back on the way out.

Her keys were missing, she noticed. She made her way back to the kitchen, and reached for the hook where they hung when she heard shuffling in the background.

Aw hell no.. I live alone, why do I hear noises right now. The sound of papers being flipped immediately alarmed the woman.

It sounded like someone was invading her personal office. How they got there, she would never know. [Y/N] immediately stuffed her hand into her back pocket, snatching her phone and flipping it upright in one swift motion. Quickly dialing 911, she silently lifted the keys from the hook and snuck to the front door. Just as she opened it, she heard a crash from behind her.

She felt her heart drop past her stomach like a ton of bricks. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she swung the door open a cold chill travelling down her spine. [Y/N] sprinted to her car, not bothering to keep quiet. Whoever the intruder was definitely was behind her, and she was not willing to run the risk of getting caught.

She remotely unlocked the car, practically throwing herself inside. She locked it as quickly as she could as she got on the line with the operator.

"911 what's your emergency?" An almost infuriatingly calm voice came from the other side. [Y/N] placed the phone on speaker as she caught her breath and buckled her seatbelt.

She was about to start the car when something, or rather, someone crashed into the car. Unaware of wether or not that was intentional, she didn't care.

"Please help me," She choked out, feeling her throat grow tight as tears bubbled in her eyes. "Someone, Someone broke into my house. I managed to get out, but now they're-"

𝙰𝚋𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗' 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 ; 𝑶𝑹𝑽Where stories live. Discover now