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"Wah! It's food!"

"He brought food!"

Jesus.. These guys are like blood hounds.

Many hungry eyes fell on the convenience store bags, whispering callously amongst themselves. [Y/N] was about 90% sure she heard someone say,

"Screw the food, give me the guy!"

..Keep that stuff to yourself. She made a mental note to avoid whoever had tha audacity to say something like that aloud. The whispers began to disperse into silence as Cheon Inho spoke, as if he had been waiting, "He delivered it exactly to us. He's a rare good person."

It had yet to reach even a second later when the entire station snapped their gazes to Kim Dokja as if he was the next Messiah. Cheon Inho... [Y/N] always hated the man.

[ The constellation, 'Secretive Plotter' is excited. ]

[ The constellation, 'Lonely Daydreamer' rolls their eyes. ]

[ The constellation, 'Lonely Daydreamer' chides you for not accepting their bounty. ]

"Christ.." She muttered, dragging a hand across her hand in exasperation. "I already told you I can't."

Despite her words, [Y/N] was clearly considering it. It took a brief pause for her to once-over Cheon Inho before she said, ". . Maybe later."

[ The constellation, 'Lonely Daydreamer' cheers. ]

[ 350 coins have been sponsored. ]

As much as she didn't condone the violent behavior, some people just deserved it. Cheon Inho was clearly one of these people, and [Y/N] knew retribution would come to him. Maybe, she could hash out the terms of his death later one, but now wasn't the time to lash out recklessly as she did with Yoo Joonghyuk.

"Welcome to Geumho Station, Kim Dokja-ssi."

Kim Dokja glanced at the blue windows, taking notice of how despite the interference of Cheon Inho, the constellations didn't ask for a bounty scenario. Well, all except one. That constellation really was strange.

In any case, it wasn't the best time to deal with him.

[Y/N] sat with the rest of the group as Kim Dokja was caught up on the situation at the station. Gilyoung sat close to her and Kim Dokja, sitting in between the two. She let out a particularly loud yawn after a few hours of sitting around.

She didn't remember the last time she properly slept. She hasn't had a proper meal since..


The beginning of the scenarios. When you awoke on the train. There it was. The voice [Y/N] had been plagued with thinking about.

Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up. You went quiet after I interrogated you earlier. . If you could even consider it that.

I don't enjoy my privacy being invaded. Said the voice, sounding eerily similar to that of her own.

. . You literally live in my head. If I don't get privacy, I don't think you should either.

Also, one thing I've always been curious about since first encountering you. Why do you sound like me?

As you said, I live inside your head. I'm bound to sound like someone, am I not?

Yeah, but that's the weird thing.. I can hear other voices as other people, so why do you distinctly sound like me if you're another entity?

𝙰𝚋𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗' 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 ; 𝑶𝑹𝑽Where stories live. Discover now