💗 ~ { lost lovers }

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Requested by: EmpatheticEowyn  !!!  (I love your oneshots so much)

Ship: Drenriam  - - - - - - This ship is slowly growing on me (And I'm not complaining)

Ship: Drenriam  - - - - - - This ship is slowly growing on me (And I'm not complaining)

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Drew slowly pressed the brakes, careful not to stop too suddenly. Liam and Drew were in the back probably sleeping, and he wouldn't want to startle them. 

He drove into an empty parking spot while focusing his eyes on the wheel. As he finally parked perfectly, he took his keys and stepped out of the car, going to the back door. 

Drew's soft voice carried through the car, accompanied by gentle pecks on their cheeks. "Wake up darlings," he cooed, his affectionate tone cutting through the drowsiness.

As Drew gently tried to rouse Liam and Henry from their slumber, the sleepy dark brunette-haired boy blinked his eyes open, gradually realizing his surroundings.

Liam yawned and stretched, mumbling incoherently before rubbing his eyes. "Wha... What's happening?" he asked, still half lost in the haze of sleep, "Are we already here..." 

"Yeah, yeah we are." 

Liam's lips curved into a sleepy smile as he leaned into the affectionate gesture, his gaze meeting Drew's with warmth. "Well then, morning," he mumbled, his voice still laced with sleep.

"Just wake up Henry, I'll get our stuff," Drew said with a grin, already moving to retrieve their belongings.

Liam nodded in acknowledgment, a fond look passing between him and Drew before he turned his attention to Henry, who was still nestled against him. "Come on, sleepyhead," Liam murmured, brushing his fingers through Henry's hair gently.

Henry stirred, blinking owlishly before his eyes focused on Liam's face. A soft smile tugged at Henry's lips as he stretched, reciprocating Liam's affection with a light kiss. "Good morning," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth.

With Drew and Jake already gathering their things, the group exited the car, the excitement of the water park ahead of them. They made their way towards the lazy river, laughter and chatter filling the air as they anticipated the day's adventures.

"Nah you'd probably be too scared to go on that slide." 

"No, I wouldn't! You probably would!"

"Well then, let's bet on it!"


"You'll see, I'll be 20 bucks richer after this trip." 

"Hey! We never agreed on 20 bucks!" 

(let your imagination tell you who the ones having this conversation were 😱😱)

As the two bickered about their little conflict, the other two boys just stared at each other blanky before busting out with laughter. 

"Woo! Let's go in the lazy river first!" Liam yelled, putting down all his stuff on a chair and running to the flowing river. 

"Wait up bro!!" Henry replied, following behind, dragging Drew and Jake with him. They then all splashed into the water and started following the flow of the ripples. 

As they drifted along the gentle currents of the lazy river, Henry and Drew were fighting each other in the water, Liam was seeing how long he could stay underwater, and Jake was just relaxing along them with a tube. 

However, their peaceful float was interrupted when Liam and Jake suddenly realized that Henry and Drew were no longer beside them. Panic surged through Liam as he scanned the riverbanks, frantically searching for any sign of his missing partners.

Jake, sensing Liam's distress, he teased him lightly, as he watched Liam's affectionate displays with Henry and Drew. "Looks like your boyfriends have abandoned you," he teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Liam shot Jake a playful glare before turning his attention back to the riverbanks, his heart racing with worry. "They couldn't have gone far," he muttered, his voice tinged with concern.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find them." 

After what felt like an eternity of searching, Liam's heart soared with relief when he finally caught sight of Henry and Drew, running along the riverbanks in search of them. "There they are!" he exclaimed, relief flooding through him.

With a mixture of exasperation and adoration, Liam rushed towards them, enveloping them in tight embraces, his worries melting away in their arms. "Don't ever scare me like that again," he chided gently, his voice filled with relief.

Henry and Drew exchanged sheepish looks before pulling Liam into a group hug, their laughter mingling with the sounds of the lazy river. "Sorry, love," Drew murmured, pressing a kiss to Liam's forehead. "We didn't mean to worry you."

"Yeah, we were looking for you too, we've been here for like 30 minutes and we already lost each other!" Henry exclaimed, a hint of sarcasm and annoyance in his voice. 

"We better stay together the whole time we're here," Liam muttered, still holding onto Henry. 

"There's that slide we were talking about! I swear, I am going to win this bet!"

"Nuh uh! I am!" the cheerful boy beamed, following his peer behind. The two other boys chuckled at each other before chatting and following the rest of their friends. 

After the regroup and continuing their day at the water park, Liam found himself cherishing each moment with Henry and Drew, his love for them shining brightly even in the midst of chaos.

 And as Jake watched from the sidelines, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing, knowing that he was just a bystander in their beautiful, polyamorous love story. 

He was still happy for them. They were still his friends. 

They had each other, and that's what they needed the most.

{I did change the title format too :3} 

(I hope you like it Wyn!!! First time doing a requested one-shot sorry if it sucks lol)

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