Prescott sisters

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~later on at the prescott house there are two sisters getting ready for school the next day and decided to sleep in Sidney's room~

Hey sid?

Yea?-looks over-

Um what would you do if I told you that I have a crush on Randy?


-nods-yea I do

Then I'd say go for it

No Sidney I can't do that

Why not?

It's just-sighs-Sid I'm your little sister and he's never looked at me that way

What way?-raises eyebrow-

You know that look-moves my hand-that look like Billy gives you

Ohhh,mmhm I see

And ontop of that he's into horror to much to notice me like that,and it's fine I just thought I should tell you

Thanks for telling me,I won't say anything,just don't get hurt

I won't


~we both hear a nock at the window and see Billy~

It's just me!

Billy, what are you doing here?

Sorry, don't hate me!

Hey Billy-smiles-

Hey Brittany what's up?

Nothing much just hanging with Sid but I see you are here so I'll just go-smiles and leaves the room and goes to Mine-

-looks over at Sid-You sleep in that?

Yes, I sleep in this.My dad is in the other room. You can't be here.

I'll just stay a sec.

No you gotta go! go! go! go!-hides him-

-comes up and comes in-What's going on in there?Are you okay?where is your sister?

Can you knock?

I heard screaming.

No, you didn't.and Brittany is in her room dad

No?And thanks I'll go see her in a sec Oh, well. I am hitting the sack.My flight leaves first thing in the morning. Now, the expo runs all weekend so I won't be back till Sunday.There's cash on the table and I am staying- -

At the Hilton.

Out at the airport.....So call - -

if I need anything.

I could've sworn I heard screaming.

Have a good trip okay?

Sleep tight, sweetie.-leaves the room-

-comes out from the side of the bed-Oh, close call.

Billy, what are you doing here?

It occurred to me that I had never snuck through your bedroom window.

shhh..shhh...shhh.. now that it's out of your system.

I was home watching television.. The uh exorcist was on. It got me thinking of you.

It did?

Yeah, it was edited for TV all the good stuff was cut out.And, it got me thinking of us.How 2 years ago we started off hot and heavy.
Nice solid R rating on our way to a NC-17. And now...things have changed and....lately were just edited for television.

Oh so you thought you would climb through my window and have a little raw footage?

No! I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule.I just thought we could do a little on-top-of-the-clothes stuff.



Yeah.-gets on the bed with Billy ontop and starts to kiss but he gets into it and puts his hand on the thigh so I stop him-Okay, okay, okay. Time is up stud muffin.

God, you see what you do to me!

You know what my dad will do to you?

Yeah, I'm going-starts to leave out the window-

-stops him-Billy You know, I appreciate the romantic gesture.

Hey about the sex stuff, I'm not trying to rush you at all.I was only half serious.

Okay.Hey Billy.Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship?

What's that?

-flashes him-

My god you're just a tease.

~over in Brittany's room~

-in my closet looking for an outfit and didn't hear someone climb in my room and walks out the closet and sees a figure and jumps until they get closer-Randy?you asshole-smacks his arm-you scared me,what are you doing here?

Ow,ok I'm sorry but I wanted to see you and I seen Billy come over so I wanted to do the same

-sighs-just because Billy doesn't mean that you can too

Yes it does

Randy he's seeing his girlfriend,and anyway our dad will kill you both if he seen you two

First of all so what if he's seeing his girlfriend,I'm seeing my bestfriend and two your dad loves me

-bites my lip-my dad loves you when he knows that you are here and not this late doofus

Alright fine I'll go

I'll see you at school

Yea yea-starts to climb out the window-oh and Brittany?

-looks at him the eyes-yea?

-smirks-I love seeing the legs,it's hot-winks-

What?-looks down and sees I'm not wearing pants and blushes-Randy!

-laughs-alright I'm going-leaves-

-closes my window and turns and leans on it-I'm so stupid-dad comes in and has the conversation that he had with Sidney-

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