Its happening again

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~meanwhile at a collage ad phone goes off and Sidney wakes up~

I got it.

You sure?

I'm sure





What's your favorite scary movie?

Who is this?

You tell me.

~Sidney grabs a small device hooked to the phone. She takes a look at its display~

Cory Gillis. 442-8730.Silence.Hot flash, Cory - prank phone calls are a criminal offense prosecuted under penal code 653M...~CLICK! The phone goes dead~Enjoy the movie~She hangs the phone up, turning to Brittany~

They hang up?

Yeah they did

Want to change the number?

Nah I think it'll die off. It's opening weekend Let's see how it goes.

Alright well let's get dressed and go see our boyfriends

Alright-gets up-

~both of the girls get dressed and goes to turn the tv on Various morning news programs are on their small TV. Snippets are heard~

The two victims, Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens..."

~The channel switches. A YOUNG MAN is being interviewed Attractive, sullen Sad~

Please, I just wanna be left alone.

~His voice stops Sidney and Brittany cold. She turns to the television~

Shit it's happening again

We should tell the boys

Your right let's go

~they both leave and steps outside of their dorm. The morning sun shines
down as they breathes in, taking in the day just as FIFTY NEWS REPORTERS NOB them~

Sidney,Brittany, did you guys know the victims?

Do any of you feel responsible for the

What murders?

~Microphones are shoved in our face as Sidney is seiged upon by journalists and TV cameras. She starts to panic~

Leave us alone

Do you think there will be more murders?
Fuck off now

~Sidney is mortified. Brittany pushes and shoves but there is no escape. The questions come at them like
lightning.They see a whole in the crowd and goes for it as a REPORTER, a flashy woman all hair and teeth, thick sunglasses, moves in our way~

Did you kill them last night, Sid?brittany?Has it gotten to one of you?Have one of you finally snapped?

~Sidney's and Brittany's eyes flare. Their fists starts to clench when...BAM! Someone beats her to it. A fist flies out from the crowd, connecting with the flashy woman's face. She drops. Sid spins around to find GALE WEATHERS Standing, tight-fisted. Their eyes meet. A quick moment. They are happy to see her.The onslaught continues Cameras flash, reporters shove Gale moves in front of them holding the crowd at bay. The reporters begin to throw questions at Gale~

-looks at the girls-Quick, get outta here.

What's going on?

Just go. l'll find you later.

~They wastes no time. They take off, running around the side of the building. She stops, takes a breath, but
the reporters are on her tail. She looks up to see a SMALL CAMPUS SECURITY VEHICLE Appear, moving towards her. It slows down~

(MAN'S VOICE from the vehicle)
Hop on, Sid,Britt

~They go for it as two hands reach out to help them One smooth move and they are in the arms of DEWEY RILEY She looks a at him. Her face a book of questions~

What's going on, Dewey?

-He smiles at her. A safe, warm smile. His face as cute as ever-It'll be alright.

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