Chapter 1- The Difference

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Valentino slammed the door to Vox's penthouse as he stormed in and threw himself on the couch. Vox was scrolling on his phone with the brightness of his screen low, sitting opposite Val and half asleep.

"What's wrong Flutterby?" Vox looked up slowly. Val hated that nickname, and said something about it being offensive to moths.

"I hate my work. I am going to fucking kill those whores." Valentino said, his face half into a pillow. As he spoke, a growl rose from his throat.

Sighing, Vox turned off his phone and tossed it at the chair next to him. He stood up and crossed to the couch Val was on to lean down and kiss his boyfriend on the cheek as Valentino turned around to lie on his back.

"There's the face I love." Vox said softly, smiling sweetly down at Val, "I love you Val, you know that, right?" 

"Of course Voxxy. I love you too." Valentino's features relaxed and he pulled Vox down for a kiss. 

These were their favorite moments. When they could just love each other and be together, Vox wished they had known each other when they were alive. That day he fell into Val's arms at a red carpet was the best day of his afterlife. Since that day he'd loved Valentino incessantly, wanting nothing more than to be by his side.

Vox pressed his forehead against Val's, then kissed him on his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, his nose, and at the base of each of his antennae. 

"Go shower Flutterby, I'll make something for us to eat." 

Val kissed Vox's forehead and got up, hips swaying slightly as he walked. Vox admired his boyfriend, he'd never felt the same way he felt about Val with anyone else. Not even when he was alive. Smiling, he strolled to the kitchen humming to himself.

Valentino closed the bathroom door quietly and locked the door. A small click reached his ears as the lock slid into place. He turned on the water and turned it up as hot as possible. In front of the mirror, Val unfurled his wings and unbuttoned his coat revealing the smokey lavender fluff underneath. His chest was well-toned and the fur got lighter farther down. 

His arms had thin fluff until his wrists where the skin had become too damaged to grow anymore. All along his wrists were scars and cuts, each with their own story. The most recent ones were only 3 weeks old from a day that ruined him. Vox had been on a trip and hadn't been around to stop him as Val drank the liquor cabinet empty. 

Velvette had found him slumped against the bathroom wall, wrists leaching blood onto the floor. He had been out cold, practically dead all over again when she had slapped him across the face. Velvette screamed in his face trying to get him to open his eyes. It took her 5 minutes to get Val to pry his eyes open and another 5 before he could actually focus on anything.

She had even cried, and Velvette never cried. His consiousness had come back and Valentino had hugged her tight, she hadn't even complained that he got blood on her new dress. Velvette sobbed into his shoulder telling him that if he ever tried that again she'd find a way to bring him back and kill him. 

After Val could stand again the two of them had cleaned up the apartment and restocked the liquor cabinet, vowing to never tell Vox. Then Velvette left. And he sat and tried to be normal as he put bandages on his wrists and waited for Vox to return.

Music drifted through the closed bathroom door bringing Valentino back the the present. He smiled when he heard the song, recognizing it. It was Butterflies by Aurora, Vox played it all the time because he said it reminded him of Val. Val let his hand slide down the now wet wall. 

Looking around he realised he'd left the water running too long. He slid off his pants and boxers and tossed them aside. Val stepped into the shower and let the scalding water wash away his thoughts.

{So this is the first chapter and I know it's short but it was kind of like a spur of the moment write. The next ones are longer}

Word Count: 724

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