Chapter 10-Bring It

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First thing: Can we talk about that picture :') I saw it and my heart just flung itself off a cliff :'( 

The week sped by quickly everything going back to normal. Mostly. For reasons unknown to most of Hell, evil overlords Vox and Valentino had become reclusive, only showing their faces for meetings and important events. The illustrious Valentino hadn't frequented any of his regular clubs and had barely been in the studio, and Vox hadn't done more than a handful of interviews and showings.

However, they remained unbothered by the rumors spiraling around their absence and continued to be safe and quiet until Vox was fully healed. Val finally let him go and be on his own in his office to attend to matters on his monitors. In hindsight, that might not have been that wise of a choice but what's done is done.

It was Friday again and it was quiet out, just the sound of the occasional body smashing into the pavement and the chatter of demons walking around. However, as Vox scrolled through his view of the city, he saw something that made him stop and go back. In an alley towards the outer reaches of Pentagram City, a familiar yellow smile flashed by the camera. 

Voc scrolled back to the device view and saw Alastor standing looking right up at him, eyes glowing sinisterly.

"Well hello there old friend." Alastor's radio voice crackled as his presence caused the video to glitch.

"Alastor," Vox uttered the single word before sending electricity shooting out toward the radio demon.

The electric strings took Alastor by surprise and wrapped around his body, pinning him to the wall as the smell of ozone filled the air. He fought back as the whips crackled and zapped, tightening with every second. 

Finally, Alastor stopped, but only for a second before his shadows shot out from behind him, smothering the electricity and freeing him. His red coat was singed and torn, and one of his antlers had broken. He walked with a slight limp as he spun around and threw a vine of black straight at the camera. 

It burst through the screen and smashed into Vox, enveloping him and burning like acid. It knocked him and his chair to the floor as he screamed, sparks flying off of him and casting the office in a blinding light. The shadows tightening around his torso vanished within seconds, Alastor gone and nowhere to be seen.

Vox sat up to catch his breath, his eyes closed. He was assessing the damage to himself and his office when Valentino burst through the doors in a panic. His eyes were wide and he looked ready to kill. When he turned and saw Vox sitting on the floor, his mouth dropped.

"Vox!" Val slid forward and gripped Vox's uninjured side. Looking down Vox saw that the place where his wound was was gushing cyan blood.

"Oh. Shit. I didn't even feel it..." Vox said with a scowl. 

The bleeding didn't hurt, it just stung a little. 

"Voxxy, can you stand? I just need you to sit on the couch." 

Vox nodded and stood, he still couldn't feel the pain, but as soon as he was upright a wave of dizziness washed through him. He staggered slightly but made it to the couch without mishap. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Val eyeing him warily, just waiting to reach out and catch him if he fell. 

The TV demon flopped down on his brand-new, plush couch while being careful not to stain it. Val came over and removed Vox's blazer gently and pulled his sweater vest over his head. Finally the moth peeled back the once crisp white shirt. The cool grey skin was sticky with cyan blood, which oozed from the bandages on his waist. 

Vox let out a nervous laugh as Valentino pulled off the old bandages and began to meticulously clean the wound. It stung and Vox bit his lip and held his spine ramrod straight so as to not wince. He stared down as his boyfriend cleaned the shot wound. His brow was furrowed in a mixture of worry and focus and he dabbed here and there, and wiping at the areas farther away from where the bullet had pierced him.

Finally, Val sat back with a satisfied expression on his face and ripped a generous piece of gauze with his claws. Wrapping it carefully around Vox's waist, he slid his gentle, warm hands back and forth. His touch lit Vox's body on fire, and he stilled. Vox could feel that familiar heat he had always felt with Valentino building as his breathing sped up. He turned his head slightly, attempting to hide the large blush growing on his screen, but failed as Val looked up and smiled. 

Then Vox was on his back, flat against the soft cushions with his hands pinned playfully above his head. Val grinned above him with that curious and crazy look in his big pink eyes. As much as the usual desire growing in him was something he craved, Vox knew he wasn't a full capacity yet.

"Val. gentle and don't go too far. I'm not better as you can quite clearly tell and I can't go full-on yet." Vox's tone was gentle but left no room for discussion.

Val nodded in acknowledgment and began to kiss along Vox's exposed collarbone, at first delicately and then rougher, trailing down to tease his nipples. Vox stifled the moans fighting to get out as Valentino shot back up to his neck to kiss and bite. 

Suddenly Val's jaw shot open and his deadly sharp teeth pierced the skin between his collarbone and neck. Vox let out a high pitched moan as Val sunk his teeth in and gripped the moth's shoulders tightly. 

Valentino pried his teeth from the flesh and gently licked the now tender bite mark that oozed a bit of blood. Vox caught his breath and relaxed slightly, shoulders sagging downwards. Val leaned up, his upper set of hands caressing Vox's back and the bottom set pulling his waist up, and kissed Vox swiftly. 

Vox smiled into the kiss as Val pulled back to pepper his face in little kisses. They shared one more kiss before calling Velvette. All that was needed was a new shirt and jacket and they hadn't seen their Vel in over a week so it would be good to catch up. 

Val shifted them until his back was pressed against the cushions of the couch and Vox sat snugly in his lap. The two pulled out their phones and began to talk and scroll through Voxtagram to pass the time. They shared a grin when they heard Velvette's small footsteps and Vox leaned back into Val, closing his eyes briefly before the door swung open.

{Yayyyy we did it! This is sort of a cliffhanger, but not a very suspenseful one. Anyways this is Chapter 10 for 1k views with 1k words! Thank you guys so much for voting and contributing, don't forget to follow and check out my other stories and one-shots! Kisses darlings <3 }

Word Count: 1178

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