Chapter 6-Extermination Day

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Vox was half in sleep and half out when he heard Val's voice muffled and far away.

"Never leave me Voxxy...I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiled as he felt Val's arms tighten ever so slightly around him and drifted into the warmth, happy to be with the one person he's ever really loved. 

(Right so I do try not to interupt my books like this, but I felt that this little tidbit was sweet and necassary.)


When Vox powered up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was the lack of warmth near him. Opening his eyes, he noticed that Val wasn't next him. He stood and walked out the now ajar bedroom door and into the kitchen. There was a note pinned to the island counter top explaining that Val had recieved a call from Velvette asking him to come to the office for an urgent meeting. The note assured Vox that he'd be back soon and so Vox discarded it and set about making breakfast.

After standing around for five minutes and realising he didn't want to cook, Vox grabbed his jacket and strode out of the door and to the street. He walked the six blocks to his favourite cafe to get coffee. Sweet, sweet coffee...

He grabbed scones and was on his way out when he finally noticed how quiet the streets were. Strange. It was only Wednesday, there should be people walking around everywhere getting into scraps and leaving bodies all over the street.

About four blocks away from the penthouse, ten chimes from the Angel clock sounded. Ten very deadly chimes. Vox's face dropped as his grip on his food relaxed, letting everything slip to the sidewalk. 

Extermination Day was here.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

And Vox ran. Darting through alleyways and side streets as angels rained down on Hell. Two streets over from V Tower, four angels cornered him. Half of them landed on the ground and advanced toward him while the others attempted to keep his within range. A blonde angel moved forward and grabbed his wrist to tug him back.

Fury flashed in his eyes and he raged. Vox pivoted and flung the angel over his shoulder, smashing her into the concrete below as the others tried to keep him contained. One flung the end of a burning wip at him, and it coiled around his chest and stomach burning his flesh. He drop kicked her, hoisting her up as a temporary shield and whipping her around to smash the two into the side of a brick building.

Summoning the electricity that had all nine circles of Hell terrified of him, Vox threw out a net over the remaining angel, attempting to burn her to a crisp. The net clipped her left arm and wing and they burned, with her screaming. This angel, a brunette, pulled out a gun and fired as she went down.

She missed him with every shot and he darted forward, dragging his electric blue claws down the side of her face and her chest. Her chest ripped open, the air around her crackling from his fury and power. He turned and started down the street thinking that she was done for. 

However only five steps away Vox heard the crack of gunfire, and four bullets came at him, whistling through the air. Weaving carefully out of range of the first two bullets, he prepared to move out of the way of the remaining two. 

Suddenly he felt a searing pain in his side, followed by one in his shoulder, almost shattering the bone. He gasped before the last of the air in his lungs was sucked away. The angel behind him fell to the ground with a bone crunching thud and crashed against a wall. 

Seeing an alley nearby he dashed into it before collapsing against a trash bin. Vox pulled out his phone and pressed a shaking finger to the hellphone screen. His vision began to blur as he typed out a message into the Vee group chat.

Finally the black tint around his peripherals closed in and the phone slipped from his hand as he lost consiousness, presumably for the last time, leaving the chat open on the pavement beside him.


Vox: I love you guys, I'm sorry. Val, live. I love you.

{I did a cliffhanger! :D  Yes be so happy with me. I really felt this chapter so I hope you enjoyed and I might be able to get the next chapter out tonight or tomorrow at some point. Love you guys <3 }

Word Count: 756

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