Chapter 6 - Right here

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"How the hell are you still so weak!"

"Maybe because my teacher prefers looking at my ass than training me."

"Fair point"

But still, he can't let you go on missions like that. As much as Gojo hates admitting it, it was clearly his fault for you falling back.

Each training session he would steal you away, finding an empty classroom and eating you out like the starved man he was. He just couldn't maintain himself whenever you were around.

Even now when you are sitting on the polished floor of the training class, all pouty and flushed, looking at him with those adorable confused eyes...

"Sensei?" And the way you call him that... god...

"I'll give you more sessions with Maki and Yuta" He decides, "And from now on you go to your missions with Panda"

And I will try to keep my composure with you.

"But Gojo sensei-" - "Call me Satoru from now on"

Maybe that will ease him up.

You tilt your head, rosy pink blush covers your cheeks.

"Okay..." Frustration flickers across your face as you struggle to make sense of anything he says. Insecurity clouded your every thought, making you tense with your shoulders hunched.

Gojo sensed the shift in your eyes and he stepped closer, lowering himself to your level.

"What's with the sour look?" He asks softly.

"It's just frustrating, that's all" Your knees are drawn up to your chest, cocooned in a protective embrace. Strands of hair cascade around your face, partially obscuring your features.

Gojo sighs, his soft fingers brushing your hair away gently.

"None of this is your fault" Maybe he lied a little, just a tiny bit, "I am your teacher and you are my responsibility."

There's a fragility in your gaze, a delicate balance between retreat and surrender.

You hated to admit you just wanted him to see you as someone strong. He adored your softness but you saw it as weakness, as if you are too breakable for this world.

"Would you tell me if I wasn't suitable to be a sorcerer?"

It caught him completely off guard. Your glossy eyes made his chest ache, his lower lip stuck painfully between his teeth as he struggled to find the right words.

"I don't think I am the right person to decide that" His voice is low, gentle.

"So who is if not you?" You chuckle sadly, eyes glistening with unshed tears, "You know better than anyone else."

You thought about quitting countless times, but something in the back of your head always told you to try harder, to keep going. Maybe it was your intuition, but right now you think it was false hope.

"Being a sorcerer isn't just about strength." It's an almost hesitant reassurance, " It's about resilience, about determination... about finding your way in a world filled with uncertainty."

Your lips curve upwards, but the light doesn't quite reach your eyes.

"That's not what I asked" Your voice is bittersweet, "I asked about you, Satoru"

It's the first time he hears you say his name. There's a beauty in your vulnerability, a rawness.

"Probably not"

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