I Didn't Forget - what now?

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Niall's pov

She's back in my arms and I never want to let go ever again, we still have things to talk about though; why she looks so different for one and then I need to talk to her because I didn't forget what she said in her letter. We stood hugging for what seemed like forever but really I think it was about 5 minutes. I pulled away and sat back down on the sofa "so why the look change?" Shannon asked and she giggled "well I got bored of my old look and I decided to change so I decided to go natural but cut my hair shorter" she answered "when did you get glasses?" Harry asked "they aren't real I just like wearing them they are real glasses they just don't do anything" she answered with a giggle. "Well you look gorgeous babe" Louis said. "Thanks" she said looking down. I sat there in silence not saying anything and the lads looked at me and I gave them the 'need some privacy' look and they nodded "well we are gonna go get some pizza" Zayn said looking towards Shannon as she nodded and they turned to walk out "of no pizza for me can you get me a salad please?" Chloe said "urm sure but why?" Shannon asked "urm I-I-I-I'm kinda on a d-d-d-diet" she admitted "why?" Zayn asked "u-u-urm ..." She said looking down going a little red "you don't need to go on a diet so I'm not getting you a salad you will eat the pizza" Shannon said "I do I have been on this for a year" Chloe said "no you don't your eating pizza end of" I said everyone turned to look at me "fine but if I get fat I am blaming you lot" she said pointing at us all.

They finally left and she sat down "I think we need to talk" I said looking at her as she looked worried "w-w-what about?" She stuttered "us" I replied she didn't reply so I carried on "listen I didn't forget what you said in your letter and I still feel the same probably more actually" I admitted she looked up from fiddling with her hands and a small smile on her lips "same and I told you I would always feel the same about you" she admitted and it was my turn to smile. She started blushing and looked down I got up and went to sit next to her I lifted her chin up and smashed my lips into hers for a soft but passionate kiss - how I missed this feeling - I smiled into the kiss and then realised she did to, I lifted her on to my lap as she wrapped her legs round my waist. "We're ho..." Louis shouted walking into the living room "oh did we interrupt something" he added as we pulled away I just pulled her close to me as the guys and Shannon smiled at us. "Take it you talked things out" Shannon said and I felt Chloe nod as I did the same "yeah" we said at the same time. "Good" they said and came and sat down, Chloe stayed sitting on my lap but she turned sidewards and rested her legs on the rest of the sofa. Harry placed a whole box of pizza on my lap for me and Chloe to share as they all sat down.

Chloe's pov

So happy right now he still feels the same and that kiss I missed that so much and to feel his touch and his hugs. I sat on his lap and ate a couple of slices of pizza as we all watched a couple of films that Shannon started in they were really good. "Shan, there amazing" I said as the second one finished "thanks" she said and we put in a classic titanic on.

Halfway through the movie I could feel myself drifting off "you tired?" Niall whispered and I nodded, everyone else was asleep so he picked me up and carried me upstairs. He laid me down and went to walk away "where are you going?" I asked half asleep "downstairs" he answered "no way your staying up here" I said and then felt a dip in the bed as he climbed in next to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close as I slowly let darkness take over.

Shannon's pov

I woke up and looked everyone was asleep but there was no sign of Niall or Chloe I woke the rest of the boys and we all went upstairs and looked in Chloe's room; there they were all snuggled up together "arww" I said and the boys smiled "shall we wake them up?" Louis asked with an evil grin "what for we aren't doing anything today are we?" I asked him raising an eyebrow "we could go to the beach as its a nice day" he said "ok I like that idea" I said and we walked over to them and screamed "WAKE UP" and then laughed as there eyes shot open "what the f*ck do you want?" Chloe grumbled "we are going to the beach" Harry said "go on then see ya" Niall said still half asleep "your coming with us" I said and they sat up.

Chloe's pov

After they left my room I got out of bed and walked around the other side to my bag when Niall grabbed me and spun me around then crashing his lips into mine "good morning" he whispered as he broke away "morning" I smiled.

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