I Didn't Forget - Beach Crazy

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When I finished getting ready I looked at the time 9am what? How early urg I could still be asleep right now. I went down to join everyone and they were already eating breakfast "want anything?" They asked "na I'll get something on the way" I said and sat down next to Niall. After they finished eating we all grabbed our beach stuff and started the walk to the beach. On the way we well I stopped in to Starbucks and got my hot chocolate and blueberry muffin, I payed and headed out to the rest, I got Niall to hold my hot chocolate while I ate my muffin, and feeding Niall a bite of it I chucked the rubbish in the bin and took my hot chocolate and sipping it slowly as I grabbed Niall's hand in mine as I smiled at him.

By the time we got to the beach I had finished my drink and put the rubbish in the bin, and walked down onto the sand and laid my towel down, I took my yellow sundress off and revealed my lime green ruffled bikini and my tanned skin - I had a day off before I moved back to London I spent the whole day sunbathing - whilst Niall just stared with his mouth agape I lifted my hand to his chin and shut is mouth.

Niall's pov

She has gotten so skinny looks like she is close off anorexic it doesn't look healthy and she still looks hot her newly tanned skinned and her light green ruffled bikini with her blonde hair tied into a messy ponytail. She laid down on her towel as I took my shirt off and made my way over to her and picked her up bridal style and legged it down towards the water "Niall put me down" she screamed but I just laughed "nope never" I said and she giggled. As I ran into the water and went to put her down but she just wrapped her legs around my waist as she leaned in and placed her lips onto mine "what was that for?" I asked smiling when she pulled away "don't you want me to kiss you" she said pouting trying to look sad but a small smile forming on her lips and I leant in to kiss her back.

After a while we walked back to shore where Harry sat on his own "so Harry any girls on the scene?" I asked as me and Niall sat down on our towels. He started blushing "maybe" he answered smiling his grin showing his dimples "oh tell meeee" I said "you'll see soon actually tonight you, Niall, me and her going for dinner" he said "ahh I can't wait what time we going?" I asked excitedly "I think we are meeting at six" he answered and I checked the time 3:00pm ah I have time "ok 1 more hour here and then home to get ready" I said and laid down.

Once we got home I ran upstairs and jumped straight in the shower washed my hair to get all the sand off and then washed my body. I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked to my room to get dressed, Niall and Harry went to theirs to get ready and Shannon and Zayn were out. I put high waisted shorts on along with my flower print top tucked in, I straightened my hair and put the basic make up on - mascara - and some lipstick on, I put a couple of bracelets on and my necklace that is a simple silver chain with a heart dangling on it I sprayed my favourite perfume - Brittany Spears Midnight Fantasy - on my neck and wrists I threw my Black blazer and some black ankle boots and and picked up my bag and ran down stairs and looked at the time 5:59pm not bad, I chucked my keys and phone and purse in my bag and ran outside shutting the door. Believe it or not a minute later the boys were pulled up outside I ran to the car and jumped in.

We arrived at the restaurant and we got out Niall grabbed my hand as we walked in, we got addressed to our table and I noticed who was sitting there, she looked really nice wearing tight skinny jeans with one of her shirt tops and cardigans with her black boots. "JODYYYYYY" I shouted as I ran and gave her a hug, who would of thought my sister and Harry Styles. "CHLOEEE" she shouted back we let go as Harry gave her a peck in the lips and sat down next to her whilst I sat down next to Niall.

That night was a laugh, catching up with my sister, moaning at them for not telling me, and spending time with Niall and Harry after 2 years of not seeing or contacting them. I found out Jody finally got the job she wanted - fitness instructor - which is great for her. Her and Harry have been together for 5 months and she never bothered mentioning it!

Now me and Niall were on our way back to my house, I am so tired now today has been amazing I can't wait for work tomorrow luckily it's a late shift as its about 12 right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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