I Didn't Forget - Damn

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Chloe's pov

I woke up smiling today is my first day with a new job ahh I love it I get to use my camera again yeah I used it in Spain but not a lot. I got up and walked into the bathroom I just jumped into the shower and let the warm water trickle all down my body as I washed my hair and body. I got out and wrapped a towel around me and walked into my room I looked at the clock 10:34am I have a while yet but I decided on a light blue dress that had a elasticated band on the hips and the rest baggy I put in my white blazer - yes I still wear my blazers I love them - and my light blue wedges I straightened my short blonde hair and played my white beanie on my head i put my fake 3D thpe glasses on - i think they make me look unique - and applied some face powder and mascara with some light pink lipstick. I looked at the time 12:00 I had an our so I decided to leave I grabbed my white bag slipped my phone, purse and hotel room key into it and made my way out the door and of course I stopped at Starbucks and a shop and brought some chewing gum I looked at the time 12:30 ahh oh well I suppose it doesn't matter if I am early. I continued walking with the gentle breeze and the sun shining - perfect weather if you ask me - I got to the door and headed in they showed me my office and it had a fantastic view I was on 6th floor. I walked in the studio where the set was being prepared and I set up my camera the different props for it were being set up, I took out my phone and looked at the time 13:17pm "hey Lucy when are they getting here?" I shouted to my boss "they should be--" she got cut of the door swinging open and a bunch of stomping on the floor and a pair of heels "sorry we are late stupid traffic" wait recognised that voice oh no oh no I am not ready to face then please don't let them recognise me. "It's fine this is the photographer Chloe" Lucy said sh*t why did she have to say my name there are plenty of Chloe's out there. Plus I look totally different I turned around to face them "hey Chloe I'm Liam" thank god they all introduced them selves and went on set Shannon was with them and she kept glancing at me I think she might be figuring it out luckily I didn't talk only saying hello. After ten minutes there was a break I set my camera on the stand and stepped outside for some air.

Niall's pov

That photographer looked so familiar but yet so different and it was weird that her name is Chloe but it can't be her because she doesnt look anything like that I mean for one she has long brown hair secondly she does not have glasses and thirds she is a police officer. I still couldn't help but wonder so I went to Lucy I think her name is I know she told us but I can't remember I think it was "hey you know the photographer?" I asked her and she turned around "yes what about her?" She asked "what's her last name?" I asked "Roullier why?" Oh my god I can't believe it she looks so different "oh nothing don't worry I said walking out to the guys "hey guys that's Chloe my Chloe our best friend that moved back from Spain" I said and everyone's mouth dropped "how do you know?" Shannon asked "I just asked Lucy what he last name was I knew she looked familiar but she looks so different" I said "oh my god we need to talk to her" Shannon said and we walked up to her "Hey Chloe how was Spain why didn't you come back home?" Shannon asked and her mouth dropped and she legged it out the room great! "I'll go talk to her" Shannon said.

Chloe's pov

Sh*t why did they have to guess it was me I didn't know what to do so I ran to the ladies room and let the tears fall down, why did they have to catch me out "Chloe" I heard Shannon say at the door as she walked in and closed it behind her "Chloe please talk to me" she said and I looked at her "what is there to say I messed everything up and now you guys hate me" I said crying every more "we don't hate you Chloe we missed you like crazy we was so worried when you didn't come home the night you landed back in England why didn't you come home?" She asked "because I thought you lot hated me and I didn't think it would be my home anymore especially after I ignored all you for two years" I said still sobbing "we never hated you and we never will we love you and missed you please come home" she pleaded "I don't know if I can face being around them knowing how much upset I caused" I said "you'll cause more if you don't come home" she said "fine" I said giving in as she enveloped me I to a hug.

After I sorted my mascara out I walked back out with Shannon smiling a little knowing I still have my best friend I walked back to my camera yelling at the boys to get in position like I had been doing before the break.

Two hours later the shoot was done Shannon drove me to the hotel to get my stuff as the boys went straight back to mine and Shannon's and what Shannon said earlier Zayns as well. I walked up to my room grabbed my things signed out and paid and got back into Shannon's car "ready for a night of catching up?" Shannon asked "yeah I suppose" I said breathing in and out nervously.

We arrived and stepped in a ran to my room and put y stuff down I changed into something comfy it was going to be a long night and I had a lot of explaining to do.

"So why didn't you answer or reply to us?" Harry asked as I sat down here we go "well I thought I would miss you more if I carried on talking to you as it would make me realise how much I missed you guys and I couldn't help but I thought it was better for me if I didn't contact you" I answered honestly no one said anything so I continued "I only really made one friend out there Holly she was my work partner and she is two years older she helped me through the first couple of months and helped me when I started getting hate and I know I never got bothered by hate but some of the things they were saying I couldn't handle it I kept getting called fat and ugly and I started starving myself but Holly kept making me eat and made sure I put on weight every week but she stopped and I started to stop eating I still ate just not as much and I stayed the same weight, I never really talked to anyone as I worked full time everyday for twelve hours" I continued "a couple if weeks before I came back I couldn't sleep I was worried of what was going to happen, and I couldn't face you I kept changing my mind to whether I should come back here or not but I decided against it and just went to a hotel I decided that being a police women, wasn't helping me and I never got time to my self or go out so I applied for some photography jobs and straight after my interview with YOU magazine they hired me straight away" I finished, Niall just sat there looking shocked as did everyone else "we could never hate you we missed you like crazy" Louis said hugging me "I missed you all too" I said as I hugged everyone and then it came to Niall I didn't know what to do, does he still hate me all of a sudden two strong arms wrapped around me and squeezed me I noticed it was Niall and flung my arms around him I never wanted to let go ever again.

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