act 7

22 0 1

Narrator: That night, King Nod had a terrible dream.

King Nod: Zigzag! King Nod: Zigzag!Zigzag! Get me Zigzag! NOW!!!

cut to the new Thief walk to the 3 balls

New Thief: Oh, want it

New Thief walks back

cut to Zigzag goes to King Nod

King Nod: Oh! Oh! 

Zigzag: Oh Great King Nod! Have no fear! Zigzag your Grand Vizier is here!

King Nod: Death and destruction, Zigzag! My Kingdom will come to destruction and death!

Zigzag: Be calm Serene Highness. You must catch your breath. What dawn of disaster? Why speak you of death? 

King Nod: I've had a dream. A nightmare!No! A vision! A vision of invasion! An entire race of One-Eyed men! And death... Everywhere!

Zigzag: Excellent Majesty Ruler Supreme!I can safely assure you, a dream's just a dream.

King Nod: I saw it, I tell you! 

Zigzag: Calm down, Your Highness. Invaders? One-eyed? But this is against what has been prophesied. For has it not been written, we are safe from any threat,as long as those three Golden Balls are on the minaret?

King Nod: What if the Balls are taken away? 

Zigzag: A way has never been found to take them away. What freak of nature could ever get up to the top of that minaret?

cut to New Thief up to the 3 balls and take Them

New Thief: Zigzag will like it before he sees it

cut back to Tack and Jim just getting out

cut back to Zigzag

Zigzag: It's not time to get up. Too early to rise.Too early to open the King's sleepy eyes.

cut back to the new Thief have the 3 balls and tries to get out but he loses Them

cut to Yum-Yum running to his dad

Yum-Yum: Wake! Wake father! Something's happening!

cut to Zigzag

Zigzag: Is this opportunity ringing?

he goes to the Goones

Zigzag: I think there are some Balls you should be bringing... Get those Balls! Keep out of sight!Bring them to me late tonight!

Goblet: Yes, Milord!Zigzag's 

Goons: Thy will be done! Yes, Milord!

cut to the Dying Soldier

Dying Soldier: One...

cut to Tack and Jim on outside

Tack: what going on here

Jim: I don't know I want to be free

cut back to the Dying Soldier

Dying Soldier: One... Eye... 

Zigzag: One? Eye?

Dying Soldier: coming. 

Yum-Yum: One-Eye?

King Nod: One-Eye!

King Nod run to see the 3 balls are not here no more

King Nod: The Balls are gone!My Kingdom will come to destruction and death!

[sorry it take so long I know]

The Thief and the Cobbler my Version/au [CANCELED]Where stories live. Discover now