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The Thief looks at the 3 balls

Thief: Oh, pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty.Gotta have it. Gotta have it. Gotta have it.

Tack look at him

Tack: don't get ideas okay

cut to Yum-Yum running to his dad

Yum-Yum: Wake. Wake Father,...

her dad woke up

Zigzag: Oh Great King Nod! Have no fear! Zigzag your Grand Vizier is here! King 

Nod: Oh... it's you... Zigzag...

Zigzag: And now oh Greatest of the Great!To rest you from affairs of State I've searched the world and brought you thenceat no little effort and great expense a plaything from far south of Gaza. A bountiful Maiden from Mombasa!

 King Nod: Oh. Mombasa!

Yum-Yum: Oh father. 

Goblet: Mombasa.

The Thief and the Cobbler walk to Them

Yum-Yum look at Tack and he did the same and The Thief get jealous

Zigzag: Oh Greatest King of all the Earth!This low-born cobbler and The Thief of no worth attacked me in the square today!Shall we take Ther heads away?

King Nod: What? Oh... uh... yes Zigzag... if you really think so...

Yum-Yum: But what has They done? 

Zigzag: Attacked me. 

Yum-Yum: Really?

Zigzag: Yes.

Tack try to run away but falld wif but Zigzag Thief look at him

Zigzag: Oooh Ow! 

Goblet: Quiet! Ssh.

Zigzag: You great fool! 

King Nod: What!? What!? What!? What!? Huh? What? Hmm? Uh what?

Yum-Yum: At the moment Daddy, I need a cobbler and someone who gets me food.

The Thief and the Cobbler look at her

King Nod: Uh y-yes, of course.

Tack gets her show and the Thief go get her some food

Zigzag: Of course... Oh Rose of the Land.Your slightest whim is my command.

King Nod: But if you fail to fix my daughter's shoe, then your head will fall to Zigzag's blade.

King Nod: Go... with Princess Yum-Yum...

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