Chapter 2

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As soon as my eyes opened I shoved the covers off of me and ran out of my room. The first place I went was my parents room. I slammed their door open but they weren't in there. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I grabbed a gun out from under their bed that was there for emergencies. I turned around and slowly crept down the stairs with the gun in my hands. Though, I almost dropped it once my eyes laid on two of the tallest men I have ever seen in my life, they didn't even look real. I felt my heart drop to the floor and my breathing sped up drastically. "Who are you and where are my parents?!?" I screamed at them but they didn't even flinch. I was so upset that I didn't even notice the strong scents coming from them.


I felt my legs get wobbly and I started sweating due to the room heating up. No way I was going into heat right now. "A-answer me.." I tried to growl but all that came out was a helpless whimper. One of the men smiled and looked at me as if I was the most precious thing in the world. He had white hair, was tall and defined, and his eyes were pitch black. I also noticed the long fingernails that looked like claws. His wavy white hair went down to his lower area and he looked more feminine out of the two, but again not feminine at all. The other man looked way more serious and was an itch taller out of the two. He had long straight black hair that was slightly shorter and had white cloudy eyes that made him look blind. He also had long claws but his were black and I couldn't help but notice the collar in his hand. "Our little mate.. you don't know how long we've waited for you," the man with white hair said, smiling at me sweetly.

I couldn't keep myself up any longer and slowly slid down the wall and onto the floor breathing heavily. I could barely think straight and my body and inner wolf was telling me to go to them which wasn't helping. "Where are my mothers," I said sternly, trying to remain tough but it got harder to. "My sweet, sweet little darling," the white haired man started to say, taking steps closer to me. "GET AWAY." I yelled several times but he didn't budge. It wasn't until the other man spoke that I really realized the situation I was in. "When one of us speaks to you, you answer. But under no circumstances, will you ever, yell or speak harshly to us. Do you understand? Because if you don't, I can surely teach you in a different way." He spoke way harsher than the other man, and it actually scared me, especially in the state I was in right now. "I said, do you understand me?" He said in a stern tone, and I nodded in return. "Good boy," he replied. "Good boys get rewarded."

I shut my eyes and whimpered slightly but quickly gathered myself together once I smelled my mothers a few feet away. I opened my eyes to find them both standing there crying. My more dominant mother never cried, but today is the first time I actually saw a few tears slide down her face, while my other mother cried hysterically. I weakly reached my hand out towards them, but that quickly ended when the man with white hair stepped between us. I tried my best to growl at him, but all he did was smile which really pissed me off. I then remembered the gun in my hand and slowly looked down. "Point that gun and I will make sure you will never be able to hold one again." As the black haired man spoke, every word sent shivers down my spine and I felt like I was going to throw up. Somehow, the white haired mans close presence calmed me down, I no longer felt as much as in heat as I was before.

     "We will give you two options," he spoke. "First option is that you come with us to our kingdom and be a good little bride, ruling with us, or, the second option would be us killing your parents, cutting off your legs, and making sure you have nobody in life who would help you or anyone you could be dependent on, and even then we will come and get you. For the first option, if your a good boy and choose to go with us, you would get anything and everything you have ever and will ever want or need, while the second option, you will loose everything to the point you go insane and we will still come and get you in the end, but you wouldn't be rewarded as greatly since you weren't a good boy the first time. Choose one."

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