She is crazy, but she is mine

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Clarissa and Leonora are in a relationship no one knows about. But with all the comments that Clarissa hears about how crazy her girlfriend is, she decides to silence them for once and all at the staff party.
No warnings needed.

Clarissa PoV:

Nobody knew that Leonora and I were a couple. Everyone of my friends just thought she was crazy and some sort of psychopath. But I loved her, no matter what they said.

There was this soft side of her that she only showed me, when we were alone. If the others could see her like I do, they would understand.

"I heard she tortured another students yesterday. This is just madness." One of my colleague whispered, as I walked past them. I just smirked to myself.

Everyone was scared of her and we both enjoyed that. At nights, she would sneak into my room and we would talk about our day. That was when I told her about all the storys I had heared over the day.

"People really talk about me like that?" She asked, as she leaned against my balcony door. I nodded and walked closer, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"And do you think I am crazy?" "A little bit, yes. But that makes you so hot." I leaned closer and kissed her softly, feeling her hands fall to my waist. "That's a good thing then…"

And so went most of our nights. Always hidden from anybody's eyes, so that no one would find out about our little relationship. Even though when Lesso liked to take some risks.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered towards her, as she had stopped me in the hallway. "Just wanted to see my girlfriend." "How many times Nora, not in the school."

Lesso always did this, getting on my nerves about something simple we agreed on as we started dating. "Why so tense, nobody is here…" She leaned closer and gave me a soft kiss on my neck.

"Do you need me to help you relax a bit?" I blushed, as I carefully pushed her back. "Nora, please. We agreed on something." "You are no fun, you know that Princess, right?" I just rolled my eyes and looked around.

"Later, I promise. Now please, before someone see's us." She nodded, but before she walked off, she pulled me in and kissed me deeply. I just watched, as she walked off, a proud smirk on her face.

It was like talking with a teenager that didn't want to understand or follow the rules. But at the same time she did just that. In the end it was only frustrating for me.

The actual thing I wanted to speak about was the little get to gether of the staff we had this weekend. You could clearly see the little circle that formed around her and how the people practically jumped out of her way.

I just watched with an amused smirk, sipping from my drink. "I am suprised she even showed up here. Nobody likes her." I clenched my fist, but my face showed none of the anger I felt right now.

"She probably just wants to intimitade us. I mean, after all, she is still crazy." With a deep breath, I emptied my glass, placing it on the table.

"What do you think Clarissa?" "What do I think off what?" My eyes went over the others, as I put on a little smile. "About Lesso." I looked at her, trying to supress my smile.

"She is okay to work with. It's not always easy." "Has she ever hurt you?" I scoffed and shook my head. "No, no. She wouldn't dare." "Why not? Are you holding something against her?" My eyes widened a bit and I tried to come up with a simple lie.

"N-no… We just agreed on keeping it professional." The others seemd to buy it, but still I excused myself to get a new drink.

Of course, as I did, Lesso walked over and stopped next to me. "Having fun?" She whispered, not turning to me. "I had, now all they talk about is how crazy you are and that nobody likes you."

I saw the little smirk on her lips. "If they only knew…" "Don't get the wrong ideas now Lesso. I am not ready for that." She grabbed her drink, taking a sip.

"I won't force you. Like I said, we do whatever you are comfortable with." With that, she walked away and I tried to get the smile back under control, that she had left on my face.

After a few seconds, I grabbed my own drink and walked back to the others. "Are you okay?" "Yes, why do you ask?" They just nodded shortly into Lesso's direction, which gave them a short wink back.

I had to say, the suit she was wearing and the simple make up, made her look so hot. Lord, I wanted nothing more than to just showe her off right now.

"Oh, yeah. She said not much, just asked about some paper work we went over yesterday." They all seemed confused and I just took a sip, acting as if I told just told the most convincing lie ever.

"Whatever. We talked a bit, while you were away and we all agreed that she should leave. This isn't a relaxing party as long as she is here." They kept on talking, but I was already not listening anymore.

I let many things slide, calling her crazy and a psychopath was okay. I mean, she kind of was, but this isn't the point. Wanting her to leave a party where she could be was to much.

"Than just ignore her." I said and looked at them all. "We can't make her leave. She belongs to the staff as much as we do." "You are right Clarissa, but, you can't tell me you really want her here."

I clenched my fist under the table, taking a deep breath. "You know what. You all are just idiots. Maybe she is psychopath or even crazy, but she is mine." With that I turned around and walked over to her.

That was finally enough for me. I thought I did everyone a favour in keeping this a secret, but it seemed more like I got hurt, while I had to play along. Whilest I had to listen to their stupid complains and hateful comments.

Leonora looked at me, a slightly worried look on her face. "Are you okay?" "They want you to leave." I said with a audiable annoyed voice. "Should I leave?" I shook my head, wrapping my arms around her neck.

"Right now?" "Just stay quiet." With that, I pulled her closer and kissed her softly, getting everyone to stare at us. It felt good to not be needing to hide anymore.

As I leaned back, I stared up into her soft green eyes. She gave me a short smile, before I took a step back and turned around to face the others.

Everyone was quiet, as they stared at us. "Now, whoever says another stupid fucking comment about her, I swear you will be needing to hide from me and not from her."

No one said a thing, as Leonora placed her hands on my shoulders, leaning to my ear. "Lord you sound hot with that dominant voice." With that, she pressed her lips right under my ear, before leaning back up.

My face flushed red and I was luckiy that she was holding me halfly, because else I think I would have trembled right in this spot. "N-not now Nora…" I whispered back at her and took a deep breath.

"Got it?" There was just one big nod from everyone and I smiled satisfied, before I turned back around. "Alright now, want to leave? I think we can have some more fun elsewhere…"

There was a soft blush on her cheeks, as she took my hand and nodded, following me outside of the party.

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