Lost in the shop

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Clarissa, Leonora and Anemone go shopping for a barbecue party. And whilst shopping, thy lose Clarissa.
No warnings needed.

Leonora PoV:

"Do we really need all that?" "It's a barbecue party, Red. So yes, we need all that." I sighed and grabbed a shopping cart. "If we really do then we will be here the whole day." "And? You got great company so this will be a lot of fun." Clarissa smiled at me, to which I only rolled my eyes.

"Why again did I agree to come with you guys?" "Because we needed your car and you wouldn't let me or Dove drive." I sighed and handed the list iof things we needed back to Anemone. "I regret not taking the risk of letting you drive."

Together, we walked into the shop. Where, I have to say, shop is an understatement. I don't think I ever was in a shop that big.

"What the fu-" "No swearing." Turning to look at Clarissa, I groaned. "Really, Princess?" She nodded, giving me this stupid smile again. "Now c'mon, follow me. I know where we need to go." And so us three started to wander deeper into the store.

After a while I got used to this. Walking after them like some lost child. "How long do you guys need?" "We have half of the list." My eyes widened and I whined. "Only half? We almost been here two hours!" "Maybe instead of complaining, you could help us look, Red." I rolled my eyes, and just kept quiet.

After a lot more walking, I was sure that I lost the orientation. Finding out of the store now was impossible for me. "Alright. You wait here. I just need to grab two things from over there, got it?" Both me and Clarissa nodded and watched as Anemone walked off.

I leaned against the big shelve, pulling out my phone. You would expect for a grown up like Clarissa, that you didn't need to watch over her like a little child, right? Well, you guessed wrong.

When Anemone returned, we both noticed that the little Clarissa was gone. "Where did she go?" "How am I supposed to know?" She groaned, rubbing her neck. "C'mon Lesso, really? You guys were supposed to wait here." "Do I look like her fucking mother?" We stared at each other before I groaned.

"Lord damn it. Another reason why I don't understand why people want kids. Clarissa is like the grown up version of one." Grabbing the shopping cart, we started to walk down the aisle to look for her. And as expected, we failed.

"Welp, we tried everything. Guess we have one guest less for the barbecue party." Anemone didn't seem to find that funny at all. "Forget it, Red. We won't leave until we found her. She has to be around here somewhere."

I wasn't even sure if we walked deeper into the store or of we walked towards the exit. But did that really matter? Without Clarissa I would never see the light of day again.

"Clarrisa! Where are you!" I felt like somestupid parent that couldn't take care of their child. "Can't we just go to the register and then call her from there?" "I think that is the smartest thing you said today, beauty teacher." Anemone rolled her eyes and so we started to look for a way towards the registers.

Clarissa seemed as smart as Anemone, because after she didn't find us where I haid waited before, she had walked up to the register. And so this whole situation ended up with this annoucment. "Attention customers. We have a lost child at the register," the voice of a young woman said before it switched to someone else, "Guys? I… uhm… kind of lost you. Can you come pick me up? It's Clarissa by the way."

Staring at Anemone, I rubbed my eyes before I chuckled. "Thank you." And with that the annoucment ended.

Walking down the aisle towards the registers, we saw her sitting at the side, a lollipop in her hand. "There you are, Princess." Her face light up as she heard my voice and she didn't waste any time getting up and hugging me. Out of both me and Anemone she decided to hug me. Suprised, I couldn't help but blush a bit.

"I just wanted to look for some marshmallows and then you guys were gone." "You should have told Red." I nodded in agreement to Anemone's words. "I did. You even nodded." The two woman looked at me. "To my defense, I was on my phone. I never listen when I am on my phone." Anemone rolled her eyes, grabbing the shopping cart and pushing it over to one of the registers.

"C'mon, you can't say that it was my fault now! She wandered off on her own!" She just kept walking, ignoring me. "Don't worry, I'm not mad. Look, they even gave me a lollipop." The proud smile on her lips made me chuckle a bit. "As if I would care about her opinion." Now we both chuckled, following Anemone to help woth the shopping.

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