Part 3

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For his studies, Tyan ventured abroad, severing all ties with Laika. Years passed, and he eventually returned back to Curaçao.

Upon his return, Tyan's parents made the decision to construct a new home better suited to their aging needs, opting for a residence with fewer stairs in a more upscale neighborhood.

As fate would have it, the old house adjacent to Laika's now belonged to Tyan.

Tyan's flight arrived late at night. His parents picked him up at the airport and drove to their new home. Tyan then went to his home and rested.

The next day, as Tyan woke up, he spotted Laika hanging clothes on the clothesline. She gained even more weight. With a sudden burst of excitement, he called out, "Hey, you!"

Laika turned around, her face lighting up with a smile as she recognized Tyan. With a determined wobble, she made her way over and enveloped him in a tight hug. "Are you back? Oh my god, I am so glad to see you again," she exclaimed, tears of happiness streaming down her face. "We have a lot to catch up on. Let's do something. We have to sit down and talk somewhere." Her excitement and eagerness to reconnect with Tyan were evident in every word she spoke.

Their friendship endured, remaining as strong as it was when they first met. Despite life's twists and turns, Laika's fondness for Tyan remained steadfast.

Whenever the opportunity arose, she would offer him heartfelt compliments.

"Any girl would be lucky to have a partner like you. You're handsome, kind and a genuinely good guy," she would say, never failing to lift Tyan's spirits with her words of appreciation.

Laika's warm and approachable nature made her well-liked by everyone, but only as a friend. People found her easy to talk to, and she quickly earned their trust.

Every guy who befriended her couldn't help but admire her, often saying, "Man, I wish I could find a woman like you." However, despite her admirable qualities, many struggled to look past her appearance.

Despite the superficial judgments, Laika possessed a heart of pure gold. Always ready to lend a helping hand, even though she didn't have much herself, her kindness and generosity were unmatched.

There was this stray dog who loved to sleep on Tyans balcony. Its once glossy coat now was dull and patchy, marred by the relentless assault of fleas. Tiny parasites, could be seen scurrying through the tangled fur, their presence betraying the dog's infestation. With each movement, the dog scratched and gnawed at its irritated skin, seeking relief from the incessant itching caused by the fleas' bites.

Tyan would consistently approach the stray dog armed with a stone, attempting to shoo it away, but his efforts proved futile. Despite his attempts, the dog would inevitably return within a few hours, seeking refuge and respite from the harsh streets. Exhausted and weary, the dog would scramble back to its spot and settle down to sleep.

Contrastingly, Laika responded to the stray dog's presence with compassion and kindness. She would gather leftovers and ensure there was fresh water available for the dog to drink, offering a gesture of care and empathy towards the creature in need.

Laika's determination and hard work bore fruit as she diligently saved her money over time. With her accumulated savings, she constructed a tiny apartment just behind her parents' house.

Tyan loved to flirt with Laika. They would constantly exchange sexual inuendos via whatsapp. Even though Tyan wasn't genuinely interested, he enjoyed the attention he received from Laika.

Tyan is incredibly busy with work, often leaving early and returning home late, resulting in days passing without him seeing Laika. Months go by without them seeing each other, making the absence feel particularly long, with their interactions limited to WhatsApp conversations, lacking the personal touch.

One weekend while Tyan is washing his car in the yard, he hears a voice greeting him, "Good morning, neighbor." Startled, he turns around to see a white man standing by the fence. The man introduces himself in dutch, "Pleasure. I'm Peter, Laika's boyfriend."

With a smile, Tyan responds, "I'm Tyan," before seamlessly returning to washing his car.

Just then, Laika emerges and remarks, "I see you've already met my boyfriend."

"Yes, indeed, Peter. Was it?" Tyan replies.

Later that night Tyan messages Laika. –Waw, I did not even know you had a boyfriend-

Laika replies, -Yeah, we've been talking for a while now on the net. He finally got his papers in order and moved to Curaçao. He's staying with me until he can stand on his own feet.-

"Be careful, Laika. Be careful that he's not taking advantage of you. Does he even work? He looks like a lazy bastard, to me- Tyan admits.

-Thank you for your concern, Tyan; I really appreciate it. But he's a good guy. He's opening his own business that takes tourists on tours, and things are already going very well. He even pays me to stay here.-

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