Part 4

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Days go by.

Laika communicates less and less with Tyan. All he can do is admire her pictures with Peter on Facebook or on her WhatsApp statuses. The sight of this feels like somebody is stabbing him right between the ribs. It hurts and angers him. Tyan does not know yet, but this is jealousy.

One day on a weekend, Tyan sees Laika and hurries to the fence. He wants to talk to her. He calls her over but Laika answers with a friendly tone "I am so sorry Tyan, but I'm busy right now. We are about to go out."

Peter also comes out of the house and tries to speak Papiamentu, but his sentences come out with a thick Dutch accent. "Hey, Tyan, how's it going? See, I'm learning it."

Tyan, not really feeling enthusiastic, replies with a cold, "Hey, Peter."

Peter and Laika both get into the car, their laughter echoing as they enjoy each other's company. As they drive, they pass the same corner where Tyan had once reveled in Laika's pain, leaving her standing all alone in the rain a few years ago.

Anger surges through him, overpowering any semblance of control. Tyan's voice erupts into a furious scream, "Who the fuck does Peter think he is? White ass motherfucker!"

As if his fury wasn't already at its peak, Tyan turns around and spots the stray dog sleeping on his balcony once more. He grabs various objects and hurls them at the dog, finally managing to hit it with a stone.

The dog slips and slides, finally managing to scurry away as Tyan's fury intensifies. "Next time I see you, I'll kill you," he mutters, his anger palpable. Returning inside, he retrieves a gun from storage, placing it in a drawer next to the sofa in the living room. Next time, the dog won't escape.

Unable to sleep that night, Tyan picks up his phone and notices that Laika is online. With a mix of frustration and desperation, he types random letters, "sflsfglbefbwlfblwk," and sees Laika is typing.

Laika's message comes in: -Hello? I do not understand-

Tyan types back, -Oh hey Laika, my phone accidentally messaged you in my pocket. But how are you doing? -

Laika: -ah ok I understand. I was about to go to sleep. I am so tired of Peter. -

Tyan starts typing: -I knew it, he's worthless, I never liked him...-

Just as Tyan prepares to send his message, another one pops up from Laika: - I mean het got me so tired. All this attention and affection is killing me. He takes me everywhere. He always tells me that I am his queen. He is a crazy man. I love it. -

Tyan reads the message and quickly erases the previous message he typed and just replies, -Okay, then. -

Laika: -Anyway, we'll chat tomorrow. I'm going to watch a movie with Peter. -

Tyan's anger surges as he flings his phone onto the bed without responding to Laika.

"Fucking Bitch?" he seethes. "She should be happy I'm giving her ugly mug attention. Man, forget her. She should just go fuck herself." His frustration boils over, his mind consumed with bitterness and resentment.

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