Part 1

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Friends are the family you choose." This truth resonated deeply with Laika and Tyan, who had been neighbors since infancy and practically grew up side by side. Their bond transcended mere friendship; it was a profound connection forged through years of shared experiences and unwavering support. Their closeness was such that they could communicate with just a glance, exchanging whole conversations without uttering a single word.

Their commitment was sealed with the strongest of promises—a pinky swear declaring their unwavering dedication to stand by each other till death do them part. This is the story of their enduring friendship.

Despite their shared perspectives and deep connection, Tyan and Laika led contrasting lives.

Tyan's family reveled in a comfortable lifestyle, not excessively wealthy but sufficiently affluent to afford biannual vacations to exotic locales. Their residence boasted manicured lawns and luxury vehicles gracing the driveway.

In stark juxtaposition, next door, Laika's family weathered hardships. While they never went hungry, sacrifices were commonplace, often foregoing new shoes and clothes to prioritize putting food on the table. Their modest home emanated warmth and resilience, a testament to their strength in the face of adversity.

Both Laika and Tyan attended the same elementary school. Whenever Laika managed to get up on time, which was quite a challenge for her, she would catch a ride to school with Tyan instead of enduring the dreaded bus ride. The bus was always packed in the mornings, filled with a blend of musky and unpleasant aromas that made the journey far from enjoyable.

This arrangement, however, was something Tyan detested above all else. Laika was an unattractive chubby girl who was often bullied at school. Tyan, on the other hand, was a handsome boy who, from a young age, had a charm about him. All the girls gravitated towards him. You could see from early on that he'd eventually become a heartbreaker.

Whenever other kids at school saw Tyan and Laika coming together to school they'd tease Tyan, singing, "♪haha, Tyan likes Laika, Tyan is going to marry Laika.♪" He felt a mixture of embarrassment and anger at these taunts.

Tyan's internal struggle with the teasing and gossip surrounding his friendship with Laika continued to weigh heavily on him. Despite his genuine care for Laika, the fear of social stigma and ridicule persisted, driving him to take drastic measures to avoid being seen with her.

As a result, Tyan began waking up extra early and encouraging his parents to hurry up and leave for school. He knew that if they left before Laika arrived, he wouldn't have to face the dilemma of whether to offer her a ride or not. In this way, he hoped to distance himself from the potential judgment of his peers and the discomfort of being associated with Laika in public.

Tyan would sit in the back seat of the car with an evil grin reminiscent of a mischievous rat that just stole some cheese as they drove away when Laika was not there.

Laika, despite the inconvenience of having to walk a considerable distance to catch the bus, harbored no resentment or bitterness. Instead, she viewed it as a lesson learned and a reminder to prioritize punctuality in the future.

One of Tyan's happiest days was when rain poured down like a pipe had burst in heaven. As usual, he begged his parents to hurry up and leave, desperate to escape the nightmare that was Laika's presence. To Tyan, Laika in the mornings felt like a leech, sucking away all his happiness.

On this particular day, Tyan achieved his goal, and they left without encountering Laika. As the car drove off, he couldn't resist glancing back, only to see Laika running in the rain. Her wet clothes clung to her body, accentuating her love handles and causing her fat to bounce up and down like a sack of potatoes.

This sight was glorious for Tyan. He couldn't imagine a better start to his day—or so he thought. Little did he know that it was about to get even better.

Approximately one hour later, as they all sat in class, Laika arrived, soaking wet with her hair all messed up. The room erupted in laughter, and Tyan couldn't help but join in.

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