❤ - Under the Sea - Turtles + Seaturtle!Sibling!Reader

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[I made some art for this one!!]

💜 - You were different.

💜 - That's the first thing that came to your head whenever you saw your brothers.

💜 - Sure, you're all mutants, you're all turtles, you're all around the same age, you were all raised the same way, but it's not that-

💜 - Your brothers can walk around, they can run, jump, fight.

💜 - The most you could do was slap someone with your fins as you sat there, useless in your wheelchair.

💜 - It made you feel odd as a child, having to crawl around when they were all learning to walk. To this day, you could still remember the look of joy in your father's eyes as your brothers walked towards him, the feeling of hurt as you realized at a young age that you'd never be the reason behind the light in his eyes.

💜 - It went on like that for a few years, even to the extent of hating your brothers.

💜 - You'd ignore Leo whenever he'd come up to you with a new action figure of comic of some kind, begging you to play superheroes with him.

💜 - You'd take any gift either Mikey or Donnie made you and shove it into the shoebox you kept under your bed, never once opening them.

💜 - You'd just sit there, pouting as Raph placed a teddy bear next to you, hoping to cheer you up.

💜 - Looking back, it was a bit overdramatic, yes, but back then it felt unfair, like the world was against you; and although to a lighter extent, it still does to this day.

💜 - They'd gone off, beginning they're training around the ripe age of five, while you sat there, unable to even stand, being forced to cheer them on when they did something right.

💜 - It was as though anything you did was outdone by something they did, and you were so close to just giving up...

💜 - But then came the time Splinter had decided to teach you all to swim, and the look in his eyes and you glided through the water made up for it all.

💜 - You could have sworn that it was from that moment on that you'd promised yourself that one day you'd go back to the ocean, but until then, you'd have to sit in your wheel chair, right next to Splinter's recliner as an endless amount of commercials played on loop for hours on end.

💜 - But in order for that to happen, you'd have to tell your family, and whether you liked it or not, you loved and cared for them and the fear of breaking their heart was too much. And so you did the next best thing.

💜 - Whenever you all would go to the sewers, or swimming in a pool or in the river, you'd make sure to have the time of your life, and collect a souvenir or two [ranging from stones, to postcards, to pictures you had Donnie take for you]

💜 - You'd have a whole corner of your room dedicated to just the ocean and other sea creatures, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't raise a slight suspicion on your family, especially Leo.

💜 - It was around dinner time, you were all in the projector room, munching away at yet another pizza, as you watch Jupiter Jim.

💜 - Taking another bite at the slice sandwiched in between both of your fins in an awkward attempt at holding it, you get the feeling that you're being watched. Turning around, lo and behold, it's Leo, staring at you seemingly deep in thought.

💜 - You couldn't remember what surprised you more that night. The fact that Leo wasn't watching Jupiter Jim, or that fact that he had the ability to think so deeply. [/j]

💜 - At this point, the others had noticed too, confusing them as much as you. Pressing pause, Leo seems to snap out of his thoughts, before taking a bite of his own.

💜 - "Say, Y/n... I've noticed that you've been staring a whole lot at those postcards you have taped up in your room...got anything to share with the class?"

💜 - Of course he had to bring it up in front of the others.

💜 - Brushing it off, you just cover it up as admiring the scenery, but clearly that wasn't the answer he wanted.

💜 - So for days, he kept egging you on, poking at you, pushing you to your breaking point till you just snapped.

💜 - And so you told him everything, from being excluded in day to day activities to practically disabled.

💜 - The silence, the shock, it was all just as you'd feared.

💜- The worst part? The rest of your family was right there, by the entrance of the kitchen. Oh, the look on poor Mikey's face, it made you want to tear up.

💜 - You wanted nothing more than to roll of into your room and scream. Damn it! This wasn't how you wanted to tell them-

💜 - As you sat there, chastising yourself, you froze up as you felt someone hug you. Looking down you see a grey patch of fur up in your face...Splinter?

💜 - "I'm sorry I have made you feel this way, my child...I hadn't realized your fins had made you feel this way...if only you'd told me earlier..."

💜 - Now you just felt guilty. Looking around, you realized how down everyone looked, apologetic even, as they seemed to understand where you were coming from.

💜 - Mikey rushed forward joining in on the hug, as he teared up, somehow still wearing a smile. "I'm sorry we made you feel like this, Y/N! I swear I'll visit you everyday when you leave, and I'll bring you gifts and you can introduce me to all of your little fishy friends and-"

💜 - "Wait-" You look down at Splinter, before scanning over the others, "You're not mad that I want to leave?"

💜 - "Sweet sweet Y/N," Donnie shook his head, smiling a bit himself, "Who are we to deny you your happiness?"

💜 - You couldn't help but sit there in shock, still processing what had just happened as the other walked closer, either joining in on the hug themselves or getting dragged into it by force.

💜 - And they kept their promise.

💜 - Every other day, they'd meet you at the dock, telling you about all the adventures they went on with April, and give you little souvenirs you could keep under water.

💜 - If it's hot out, they might join in, take a swim [although Mikey will stick to his floatie, thank you very much.]

💜 - And as promised, he will get to meet your little fishy friends, maybe even have them swim around his floatie for a while as you introduce him.

💜 - It might take some time for them to get used to you not being in the lair anymore.

💜 - No one dares to touch anything in your room, other than for the occasional dusting off. Your wheelchair is kept safe in your room, ready to be used if you ever decide to visit or come back.

💜 - But with how happy you seemed in the water, they'd say it's worth the wait to see you tomorrow

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