💜 - Much Needed Reassurance - Donnie x Insecure!Reader

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You wince, letting out a hiss, as your cut stung in pain. Peeking out from in between your fingers, you see Donnie's frown, not processing any of the words he rambled on to you. He let go of your hand, putting down the bandages, before moving onto your face to disinfect the scrapes along the side of your face, making you flinch in pain, listening to him chastise you for how careless you were.

"-I thought I'd told you to stay in corners. They can't sneak up on you, if your back is against a wall."

Sinking deeper into the mattress of the bed, you sigh, running a finger over the bandaging on your forearm, only for Donnie to slap your hand away. Rolling your eyes, you let him patch up your face, avoiding eye contact, because you knew as soon as you did, shit would hit the fan.

After what seemed like hours of nonstop admonishing and multiple rolls of bandages (which in all reality was only a few minutes), Donnie finally packs up the first aid kit, having finished patching you up. You stretch a little, before reaching for your phone, which lay on the far end of the mattress. Just as you were about to pick it up, a metal arm suddenly swipes it off of the sheets, holding it up.


As you go to reach for the phone again, he just brings the phone higher up, farther out of your reach.

"So..." the mutant started, busying himself with putting supplies back into the first aid kit. "Leo informed me you, uh...got jumped-"

"Please, don't remind me-" you sighed, the memory of being unable to defend yourself flashing behind your closed eyelids. Not only had Leo been struggling to take care of his share of the ninjas, he had to make sure you weren't getting hurt too.

Opening your eyes once more, you frown at the floor, listening to Donnie go on.

"Scoff," Donnie scoffs, voicing his actions, "Well, if you let me finish, you would've heard me say '-you got jumped, are you feeling ok?' It's unlike you to get taken advantage of like this in combat."

"Stop it," You mumble, not wanting to hear about how you were unable to help, frustration rising as Donnie went on, not having heard you.

"I mean, it was just a couple of foot ninjas, and statistically speaking, you've done better before-"

"Donnie-" You frown, speaking a bit louder, but your words went unheard as Donnie's rambling went on.

"I'm just thankful Nardo was there for you, don't tell him I said that though-"


He freezes, facing you as his rambing comes to an abrupt end. Seeing the frown on your face as you shifted in your seat, your head held down, Donnie was riddled with guilt. "Were you," he clears his throat, "Were you about to say something...?"


That's all he got in return, before soft mumbles could be heard, "It doesn't matter how many times you've told me, it just won't get in my head alright? I'm not a ninja, I've never gotten training-," you muttered, as Donnie stopped what he was doing, focusing on your words- "Hell, I don't even have a proper weapon!" you scoff, gesturing to Donnie's tech bo, which lay messily on his desk, piles of unorganized blueprints and tech scattered around it. "Even April has one! April!"

"Well, that is an issue can easily be resolved by simply paying a visit to the local sports store-"

Donnie's words were cut short by the glare you gave him, as you went on. "But that makes perfect sense, since she's just...so perfect," you chuckled dryly, jealousy creeping into your voice, or maybe it was just self-pity.

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