💚 - Sweet Shifter O'Mine - April x Shapeshifter!Reader

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💚- All she wanted was one normal friend

💚 - Not a mutant, not a yokai, not a bloodthirsty foot-clan member, just a normal human friend, who she can go out with hang out with [not that she discriminates <3]

💚 - Now, when she found out you're a shapeshifter, she wasn't upset, no-

💚 - She was glad, excited even, that you trusted her enough to tell her this, but all hopes she had of having a "normal" human friend...

💚 - Poof, gone with the wind

💚 - Constantly asking questions about your powers

💚 - "Does it hurt when you shift?" "Is there like a time limit? Do you have to shift back to your original form after some time?" "Oh! Have I seen your original form before?-"

💚 - Immediate discomfort in the air

💚 - April being April, immediately catches onto the bad vibe and changes the topic. But, by god, if that didn't pique her interest...

💚 - Shrugging it off as just being a bad time to bring up, you guys go a few days [maybe even weeks] without bringing it up

💚 - Until it does happen 😔

💚 - Now she's definitely noticed a pattern in your behavior. The awkward silence, the dismissal of the topic, the shifty eyes-

💚 - And y'all know April- New mystery in town? You know damn well she's going full reporter mode till she gets an answer, and it better be a satisfying one.

💚 - Now, I firmly believe she's not one to go snooping through your private things [looking in your room, peaking in, etc,]

💚 - But she will record your behavior. What topics make you nervous? What prompts you to shift forms? Different form everyday or not as frequently? Similarities between each form, so on and so forth.

💚 - Now there are two ways this can go.

💚 - Option A: Never speak of this again.

💚 - Option B: In the case that you have this thing where you have to go back to your original form after a certain amount of time-

💚 - If you guys are roommates and/or dating, it's more likely than not, that you'll end up having to go back to your original form in front of her.

💚 - For example, maybe you guys were out, at a diner perhaps, and it's taking longer than expected.

💚 - The timer you put on your phone rang, warning you about the time, or more specifically, how you were going to shift back soon. Panic rising, you excuse yourself before striding over to the bathroom to go hide yourself.

💚 - This wasn't anything that confused April, I mean, you're just going to the bathroom, right?

💚 - Now what did confuse her, was the fact that it had been twenty minutes since you'd left-

💚 - Thinking something's wrong, she made her way over to the restroom, her eyebrows furrowing together as she heard...was someone sniffling?

💚 - You freeze, as you heard her call out your name-

💚 - Fuck, you couldn't afford to be caught! First you have to deal with shifting back, possibly ruining your date and now this? You didn't want her to think of you as weak.

💚 - Wiping away your tears, and clearing your throat, you let out a simple "I'm okay," cursing as your voice cracks.

💚 - Alarms rang in April's head, as she walked closer to where she assumed the noise came from, "Are you sure...? I can stay if you need me to-"

💚 - "I'm fine!" You interrupt her, desperately wiping away your tears, making every attempt to look calm and collected.

💚 - Bringing the hood of your jacket over your head, you cover your face half way, head down as you walked out of the stall, forcing a smile, "Let's just...go home."

💚 - [Sorry for going into oneshot mode, I'm back-]

💚 - Now, it's no use trying to escape, because no matter how many tears you wiped away, how many times you cleared your throat, April could tell something was wrong.

💚 - And hopefully the bathroom is empty, because whether you like it or not, a confrontation is going down.

💚 - Now, she won't corner you or hold you down, but the look she gave you, that look of concern, or affection, of trust...it made you want to stay, despite your beliefs

💚 - So you did. You explained to her, how you've shifted, and how you were hiding because you were...afraid.

💚 - "Afraid...of what?"

💚 - But she was only greeted with an awkward silence.

💚 - Now, seeing you this vulnerable, it made her heart break. She didn't realize you didn't feel comfortable enough to show your true self around her.

💚 - Despite the temptation to pull you into a bone breaking hug, she kept her distance, nodding, thinking this over.

💚 - By now you felt another break down on its way. This was it. This was the moment you would kiss goodbye to this life. I mean, it was expected, why would April, a strong, independent, secure woman want to be with little ol' insecure you?

💚 - The air was stiff, just like that night all those weeks ago...only this time, April took a step forward.

💚 - You took a step back, noticing her sneakers make their way closer, till you have nowhere left to go, leaning against the sink counter.

💚 - It wasn't uncomfortable, no, April made sure to give you space, but yet it still felt suffocating, as though you were trapped, with no choice but to face what was to come.

💚 - You could see her shadow stretch as she reached out towards you, your head hung low, hood still on. The fabric of your hood ruffled in your ear as she paused, the rim gently in her grip.

💚 - That pause, it was like a silent plea, one last chance for you to leave, to forget all of this, yet begging you to stay...and stay you did. You stood there, frozen in your place, awaiting the inevitable tug, a gasp of shock, a break up which would leave you heart broken for months, years even; wincing as the fabric fell, head held down, ready to face anything thrown your way...

💚 - Yet all you got was silence.

💚 - Looking up, all you could see was a soft smile, as she brought her hand up to cup your face, the look in her eyes apologetic, comforting...

💚 - "You're...beautiful..."

💚 - You froze.

💚 - "...What?"

💚 - You could only listen in shock, as she praised you, apologizing for having to put up with all of this, your check resting in the palm of her hand as she stroked your cheek with your thumb.

💚 - The stuffy atmosphere cleared, as she brought you close for a hug, gently, yet it was as though you were locked in her arms. Unable to move, unable to leave.

💚 - Not that there was anywhere else you'd rather be...

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