Rob and clair🫶🏼

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" ROB" i said passing him his sword as he catches it at started fighting the goddess ekhidna with a daughter of ares known as Clair fair her and clair where never that close but they were known to being a good team while Rob and Clair where fighting the mother of monster i was side to side with luke "LUKE HIT ITS LEG!" i yelled pointing at the dragons leg as luke aimed but in outcome the dragon scratched lukes face " LUKE" i yelled running up to him to shield him from another attack from the dragon until i heard screams from the once known clair fair as she fell and holding her wound in her stomach as the son of apollo bended down to heal the girl the goddess eknhinda aimed for the boys head the boy evaporated in thin air as i let out the loudest scream as i fell to the ground as luke ran to the girl that was the last time she saw the once called Robert gonzales " UDAYA" yelled luke while balling his eyes out as i ran to the side of the girl "shes gone luke " i said crying to his shoulder " we should finish the quest" he said cleaning his tears " And leave her here .No" i said moving clair hair off her face i couldn't stop crying over her and worse my best friend " luke just finish the quest without me" i said still crying
" no udaya i cant do this quest alone " he said " well then DONT GO" i said yelling at him for the first time as his reaction was to hug me .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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