War and Pizza

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~My POV~
I told Waunu to use her spiritual powers to tell me what is Nessie's future be and why. Waunu has ignited the flame in the small area in the sewer that is sanctuary for us to use. Waunu got it big before she closed her eyes, grabs the fonda and tossed it to the flame for it to burn brightly. I grabbed Nessie's messed up hair after she brushed her hair. I kissed it softly before tossed it into the flame. "Okay, let's see what the real meaning to Nessie's future is and why." I said. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jen. Retsu. Zai. Zen!" Waunu said before the flame burst up more before Waunu closed her eyes but I kept my eyes open so I can see it. I saw Nessie's face is on the flames. 'There she is.' I thought before saw her with the Turtles happily as they hugged and blushed softly at each other. I got surprised a bit by the results to see Nessie is really in love with them. Then I saw the background turned black surrounding them before they got scared and they got pulled away by a shadow silhouette's grudge. Then I saw green eyes glowed up before it showed Nessie in a different outfit is under control to the Foot. Then the different silhouette holds Nessie in a comfort and romantically way. Then the vision is gone after it showed the last one. Waunu and I gasped before we stand up in shock. "This is not good, we gotta tell Nessie." I said before got stopped. "We can't tell her, at least not yet. If we tell her what is gonna happen to her, then things will come sooner than later. So, let the time tell us when it comes." Waunu said before I glanced back at the flames and is worried. "You're right, I'll let it go till the time is right." I said. "Good, let's go." Waunu said before we headed to the lair after Waunu got the flames out.
~Timeskips to the Lair after a long walk~
I was reading the book on supernatural that I have been loving a while. My mind is still spinning on the vision it showed us. I can't even get it out of my head. 'Who was it? What does it was with Nessie? And why does it want her for?' I thought to myself before a scream was heard. I tossed the book aside, got up and ran to see the Turtles (except Donnie), Martin, Nessie and Waunu are being chased by a flying microwave. "Hey! Who's idea is it?!" I asked before jumped to land. "It's Donnie, he did something to the microwave when I was ready to pop my popcorn!" Martin said. "Gasp! How could you!" Donnie said to Martin. "Run!" Waunu said before they got chased again. I grunted softly before my phone rang before answered it after saw April's caller ID.

"This is Erwina speaking, go for long." I said.

{"EC, I need Donnie."} April said through the phone.

"Of course. Dee, it's April!" I said before Donnie's battle shell arm got my phone and held it close to him.

"You are conversing with Donatello." Donnie said. I leaned in to listen.

{"Dude, I need your help."} April said through the phone.

"For you, anything. As long as it does not involve bees, or spiders, or beach balls. Please not beach balls." Donnie said when he ignored the explosion behind him which I heard and ran to put it out before ran back to listen.

{"Can you fix Albearto? He broke before singing ‘Happy Birthday’."} April said fearfully through the phone.

We got shocked before Donnie turned to the others. "April still hasn’t gotten through the ‘Happy Birthday’ song yet, guys." Donnie said before Raph popped up with Nessie on him and Martin beside him. "April still hasn’t gotten through the ‘Happy Birthday’ song?" Raph asked.

{"Am I on speaker?"} April asked curiously.

"And cake, to be honest." I said before Leo came up with Waunu and Mikey. "*Pfft* And cake?" Leo asked. "That's sad for a birthday disaster." Waunu said. "Oh can it, Waunu!" Nessie said. "Albearto’s the pizza place, right? We’ll be right over." Martin said to April through phone.

{"Hey, if you guys are in the middle of something..."} April got cut off.

"It's been dealt with! We're coming over soon!" I said before I hanged up the call before we headed to Albearto's, since I remember the episode.
~Timeskips to Albearto's~
We got there and got inside through the back door, striking a perfect pose. "Fixers in the house, swooping in to save the day!" Raph said happily. April got up and sheesh, she looks cool in her Albearto uniform. "That was fast. Actually, I just needed Donnie." April said. "Oh, they know, they're just came for the free pizza. While some of us are just gonna stand to watch." I said. "Remember, blend in like you’re a birthday robot." Martin said before Raph, Mikey and Leo pretended to be robots, moved forward like robots and Martin followed them. "Aye, aye, captain." Mikey said in a robotic voice. "I'll follow them, just to keep them out of trouble." Nessie said before she followed them but I stopped her. "Actually, why don't Waunu take care of them? She's learning to do so." I said, coding for Waunu to swap place. "Yeah! What she said, I'll just follow them and see." Waunu said before she follows them. "So, Donnie, hopefully this will be a quick fix." April said before we saw the parts taking apart and we got shocked. Donnie looked up and gave a thumbs up to April before he winked at Nessie before Nessie blushed and squeals happily. I facepalmed. "Or a total mess-up. That really works." I said to April before we heard a scream. "What the?" I asked before April and I parted the curtains to see and gasped. We saw the kids are all wild. "Man, do parents have to leave their kids unattended? Good thing, our parents taught us to be calm and stay close." I said, mentioning Nessie and my parents. We turned back to see Donnie hotwiring and Nessie sighed dreamily. "And short-circuiting con-qu-ered. Now to juice up his...." Donnie got cut off by April. "That’s enough. I just need him to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and quiet the kids down so I don’t get fired." April said. "Yeah. Cause if you so messed this up, I'm gonna have your battle shell." I said. "Oh, sure, he could just sing it. Or he could dazzle!" Donnie said before his robots arms did the jazz arms. Nessie giggled softly at the jazz arms. I groaned softly in exasperation. "Dee, no dazzling! This is an important issue for April." I said. "You know, he might end up being the greatest entertainer-bot of his generation. And voila, Albearto 2.14.2. I upgraded my upgrade in the middle of the upgrade." Donnie said. "Wow, he looks so rocking like a rock." Nessie said before Donnie smiles softly at Nessie's joke before he held the the control and pressed the button. "Now, to sync him to my remote, and it’s showtime!" Donnie said. "Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto said. "Whoa, he even talks!" Nessie said. "Yeah, let’s go give Timmy the Albearto-iest birthday ever." April said. "April, don't jinx it please." I said before April steps out on stage before saw her grabbed the rope. "He's ready?" April asked before I saw Donnie gave a thumbs up. "He's ready. Pull it up!" I said before April got the curtains up before I ran off stage to get out the way for Albearto to stand on stage and has a guitar. "Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto said. "Is he going to break again?" Someone asked. "Not on my watch. Again." April answered sarcastic. "April, just be cheering for once." I said. "Hold on to your birthday hats, kiddies. Whoa!" Albearto said when he and his band plays hard rock music. "And now, for a little guitar solo. You’re welcome." Donnie said before he pressed the button for Albearto to play the guitar solo. Nessie cheered happily. Then I saw Albearto glitching when he shredded the guitar. "Uh Dee, something's wrong with Albearto." I said before they noticed. "No, no, no, no. He should not be glitching. He should be rocking and or rolling!" Donnie said. "Guys." April said fearfully before I grabbed the control to see the battery is empty. "Dee! Did you forgot to change the batteries!?" I asked furiously. "Oh, I knew I forgot to change something. I can’t stop him!" Donnie said before Albearto tossed the guitar into the air for it to stab through the spotlight and is electricuted. We got shocked as we witnessed it before Albearto exploded and fell over. April groaned softly in shock while she held her head. "Ta-da." Donnie said weakish.
~In the Kitchen~
~Waunu's *SHORT* POV~
I was watching the boys while they eat pizza, then the lights turned off and we got curious. "This can’t be good." Martin said. I felt something off before got the utter feeling. "No kidding." I said.
~Back at the Stage~
~My POV~
April quickly ran onstage to the kids. "Okay, so that happened. But we can still sing ‘Happy Birthday’ without him. Happy birthday...." April started singing. I felt something moving before saw Albearto moving slowly and yelped. "April, stop singing. It's alive!!" I said before April turned with a gasp to see Albearto up and some paper skin is off to reveal some of his robotic parts. "Hey diddly ho, kiddies. Time to pump this party up. Let’s play!" Albearto said before the kids screamed and ran. I turned to Donnie before shoved the control into his arms. "Dee, fix this now!" I said. "I can fix this. I can fix this, I can fix this, I can fix this. I can totally fix this." Donnie said before his head broke the control, Nessie yelped, April and I facepalmed in frustration. "You know what, it turns out I cannot fix this." Donnie said before a kid screamed and I saw Albearto was about to get the birthday boy. I panicked before saw the pizza pan, ran to grab it and ran in front of the birthday boy. "Play nice, Albearto!" I said before uses the pan to slice the hands off. I felt the kid held my leg. "Hide, buddy!" I said before the kid ran off screaming before I glared at Albearto and held the pan. "Whoopsie, thanks for the claws, Erwina." Albearto said before he has his newly hands readied. I got shocked before held the pan above me. "He freaking knows my name?!" I said. "These are way better to open gifts with." Albearto said before he slashes the gifts. April ran to the kids. "Who wants to play a little game of follow the leader to safety?" April asked before she leads the kids after they agreed fearfully. I backed away and used the pan to block the attacks Albearto threw at me. He slashed the pan off my hand. I yelped before jumped back to April when she closed the door after the last kid left. "April, we got a problema!" I said before April gasped when she turned. Albearto laughed evilly when he menaces at us. He was about to attack us, but Raph and Martin punched with their weapons. "Knuckle sandwich!" Raph said. Albearto has crashed onto the table and quickly sat up and his upper body turned to them. "Bon giorno, kiddies!" Albearto said. Mikey, Leo, Nessie, Donnie and Waunu skidded to us. "We’ll fix it, April. He may have the crazy, but we got the numbers." Raph said. "Go ahead and bounce if you need to." Martin said before he got his spear pulled into two and another blade popped out. "Don’t leave, I haven’t handed out the party invitations yet." Albearto said before cords came out of his mouth and flied to Cheery Tomato and President Pepperoni to give them life. "Be careful guys, Albearto is bringing them to life!" I said. "No sweat, still got this." Raph said. Albearto turned his head and got the voles to life. "Raph, you just have to jinx it!" I said. "Uh, you didn’t have plans right now, did you, April?" Martin asked. April came to us and Waunu got the pen out. "Oh, I’m staying. I am the Party Captain, and I am saving Timmy’s party from disaster." April said before the kid screamed and we saw him in front of the machine. "Oh no." I said. "Right after I save Timmy." April said before we charged forward. Nessie and I saw Waunu held the pen up. "Fire power! Make up!" Waunu shouted before she transforms that Nessie and I quickly shielded our eyes from. Once it's gone, we peeked before got shocked. "Whoa!" We said before Waunu saw herself in the sailor outfit and is shocked. Then we saw voles are coming at us. "Waunu!" I said. Waunu has her Fonda out before spins it that the blue flame came out before the real flame ignites. "Evil spirit, be gone!" Waunu said before she threw it at the voles to be burn alive. Waunu ran to help April out, Nessie ran to help Mikey out while I ran to help Donnie out. I got my newly invention out before pressed it for it to beep. I saw Donnie is being pounced on by Cheery in the ball pit. "Hey Cheery! No one gets to pounce on Donnie, except me!" I said before tossed it like a baseball at her before it activated and it electricuted her that made her mushed before she fell into the ball pit and started to sink. "This doesn’t make Cheery cheery." Cheery said before she had something and she pressed it that made it beep. I gasped. "Dee, move!" I said before Donnie yelped and scrambled out of the pit. I helped him out of the pit before we ducked fast with our arms over our heads, just in time for the ball pit to explode and some balls hit us. We got up. "Whew, that was close. And yahoo! My invention worked!" I said. "Oh, I’ll never eat ketchup again." Donnie said before Cherry's remains plopped behind him. "Oh, that's scary fuel. Let's go!" I said before we got up and ran to see the turtles are down. Martin, Nessie and Waunu are wrapped up in tickets, struggled to get out and Albearto laughed evilly. "Oh, your sorry skills make me snicker. You’re no match for the King of Birthday Parties, that’s for sure." Albearto said before I got an idea before glanced at the birthday cake at the cart. "There's one way to get through that big boy." I said to Donnie before we lifted the cake and walked over to Albearto. "Hey, Albearto. To tell you the truth, you can’t be the King of Birthday Parties without having one of your own." I said when we held out the cake. Albearto was about to go attack us before stopped to get the pieces what I'm saying. "Wait, what? A birthday party for meesy-weesy?" Albearto asked before we jumped over the Turtles without damaging the cake. "Sis, what are you doing?" Waunu asked me. "Trust me, it's worth the while." I said to Waunu before turned to Albearto. "That’s right, Albearto. Today’s the day you were born. Through a total accident that’s clearly nobody’s fault." Donnie said. "Actually, it's your fault Donnie. Don't deny it." I said before Donnie groaned softly in defeated by my warning. "A birthday cakey-wakey? Oh, for meesy-weesy?" Albearto asked us when he took the cake from us. I got the spear and cut the tickets loose that made the three landed before they joined us with the Turtles after they stood up. "Oh not just cake, Albearto. We’ve also got a little song for you." I said. We started to sing the 'Happy Birthday' song to Albearto and he got emotional that he leaked oil before April charged and destroyed Albearto with the mallet. Nessie yelped before Martin covered Nessie's eyes. "April! Why! He was about to have the best birthday ever!" I said. "Sing with me, guys! I am finishing this party!" April said before we sang very weakly before we finished the song. Then we heard the crumples and we yelled. "Oh no, timber!" I said before we covered our eyes and yelped as the rumble was heard. Once it stopped, we coughed violently before we saw the remains of Albearto restaurant. "Uh... Oh." Nessie said. "Last one out, stays with April!" I said before we, except Martin, ran back to the lair. "Hey!" Martin shouted. "Sorry, but we can't be caught!" I said before we head home.
~Timeskips to the Lair~
We got home, the turtles landed on the beanbags, Nessie lightly ruffles her hair to get some dust out and Waunu has changed back into her original outfit. "Man, that really messed up. And we messed up too." Waunu said. "Yeah. We left Martin there, April lost her job and now he has to walk her home." I said. "Man, this day really sucks to ruin someone's birthday." Nessie said. "Well, when our birthdays come up, we gotta make sure our lucks doesn't turn badly as this one." I said. "Yeah, unlike someone attend to turn it into a disaster." Waunu said, referring to Donnie. "Gasp! Humbug upon you, Waunu. Humbug!" Donnie said. Waunu stuck her tongue at Donnie who stuck his tongue back. I got really tired before yawned and walked to my room. "Night y'all." I said.

'So much for Waunu and Donnie to get along so well, now they're frenemies.'

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