Bugbusters, Part 2

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~Martin's POV~
"Find the blue one and the three female gals! Don't look at the Ultima in its eyes!" Big Mama said before eight yokai bellhop boys jumped over us us before six of them got us jumped on, pinning us down and used mystical restraints on our forearms behind our backs. We grunted softly when we tried to get out of the restraints. "Let us go!" I said. "Hey!" Donnie said. "Wait!" Big Mama said before the eight stopped. "I got a better idea. Gus." Big Mama sang at the last one to nothing. "Gus? What kind of mutant is named Gus?" Nessie asked. Then the elevator doors opened and we saw a silhouette of a dog. We yelped in fear once the shadow looms over us. It reveals a very terrifying dog mutant, then it happens to be a friendly one.

 It reveals a very terrifying dog mutant, then it happens to be a friendly one

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It pants happily and howls like a normal dog. Some got confused and my anime sweat appeared. "Huh?" Mikey asked. "What the?" Izzy asked. "Yep. That’s a Gus." Raph said to us. I glanced at Raph once my anime sweat drops from my side of the head. "We can see that, man." I said. Then Gus skidding between Big Mama and us. "Whoa, dude, is this about me chewing all those slippers? I totally didn't do it." Gus said. 'Totally know dogs can chew things up in a flash.' I thought to myself. "Nevermind the stupid slippers. Get their scent and find the missing turtle and three human girls, but beware. Don't glanced nor glare at the Ultima's eyes. One of them could have it." Big Mama. 'The Ultima? But it's only an urban werewolf legend.' I thought to myself. Gus howls and glanced at us. "On it, brah." Gus said before he sniffs us that we whimper a bit then he backed up as he growled a bit to show his anger side with a few transformation and howls then he starts to leave to find out brother and friends that we yelped as he ran through us that we quickly moved to avoid being hit. "Put this splendiferously ingenious device contraction in my safe." Big Mama said to one of her bellhop yokai. "Flattered. But also betrayed." Donnie said. "HEY!! EC made it too! Give her some of the credit too, man." I said to Donnie. "Take these charming and beautiful young clowns to the Battle Nexus gateway. And make sure the family watches them, VIP style. But leave me dear Isabella, we have a motherly daughterly talk to do." Big Mama said before we saw bellhops coming at us. I got surprised before glanced at Izzy who has her head hung down in shame. 'Izzy.... AND HURRY UP GUYS!' I thought to myself fearfully.
~At the Elevator Shaft~
~My POV~
I grunted when I grabbed the edge of the vent once the three got in, I struggled a bit before Miah and Waunu helped me in. "Come out to the luxurious hotel. Get together, have a few laughs, Raph and Martin said. Oh, I knew we couldn’t trust Big Mama!" I said when I banged my fist on the right of the vent that made a dent. "Good thing I believe you." Leo said. "Hey! What about us?" Miah asked Leo. "Yeah!" Waunu said. "Guys, there's no time to argue. We got to save our friends and family before the bellhop yokai takes them to Battle Nexus and makes them into rodeo clowns. More importantly, we gotta get the oozesquitoes and the device back too. Or else bigger trouble comes." I said. "Bigger trouble?" Miah and Waunu asked. Leo was about to answer when he saw me signaling him not to spoil the answer. "Well.... What the bigger trouble is, uh, uh... Bellhops will come and grab us." Leo said. "Yeah, come on." I said before crawled ahead of them first through the vent. I kept crawling with the three behind me. Then I stopped once I heard the bell rang. I saw the bellhop fox came into the office. I yelped quietly when three bumped into me that we fell on the vent. I grunted quietly when I glanced at them. They chuckled nervously quietly before I pointed to their left and they looked. We saw the bellhop pokes its fingers into the picture's eyes then the wall moved with yokai magic to reveal the vault. I narrowed my eyes before saw he puts six of ones in a row. 'Too obvious, she should've put in a challenge number.' I thought to myself before the the vault open. Then he just... threw the device and the jar of oozesquitoes into the vault before the vault closes. He dusted his hands and left the office. "Rude." Miah said. "Yeah, the jar is pure glass. It could've shattered." Waunu said. "Come on. I got an idea that involves crazy... and laundry." I said before we kept crawling. "I can’t wait to save Raph and Martin, so I can rub it in their faces that EC was right all along." Leo said. "We will. Cause I got an original plan AND a backup plan." I said. "Backup plan?" Miah and Waunu asked. "I'll explain." I said before we stopped at the vent then I saw the laundromat putting laundry down the chute. "Be a henchman. See the world. Worst job ever." The yokai laundromat said before he rolls the cart and the chute door closes. I got the device before opens it lightly and tossed it down for it to burst out smoke. He coughed before he passed out and fell to the floor. We jumped out of the vent. "Smooth." Leo said. "Wow, how did you do that?" Miah asked. "Simple, I made a smokebomb, specifically for Yokai just in case of a situation like this." I said before we got to the chute. I covered my nose before opened it that the air came out, the three gagged in disgust and they covered their noses fast, Leo did too but his non existent nose can smell too. "Oh wow, that is so NOT gonna be on our list." Miah said. "Oh boy, dirty Yokai laundry is not gonna be fun. Those guys are gonna owe us." Leo said. "Sis, what are we gonna doing in the chute?" Waunu asked. "This!" I said before pushed them down the chute that they screamed. "Cowabunga!" I said in a Noi voice when I did the dive like an Olympic swimmer down the chute. I grunted and screamed when I hit every vent inside the chute. I yelled when I fell through the end of the chute and into the bin. I got out fast and tossed the smelly sock off my hair then I see Miah and Waunu groaned in disgust as they got the dirty shirt and pants off them. "Why? WhY??????" Waunu asked in disgust. "Now we need a bath and a shower. TWICE!" Miah said. "Calm down girls. Where's Leo?" I asked before he pops out of the cart with.. a dirty underwear over his head. We yelped in fear and disgust. "Oh wow!" Miah said. "Too much!" Waunu said. "That's rated PG-13 right there!" I said before Leo lightly moves it a bit. "I’m just gonna tell myself this is a t-shirt." Leo said. "Apparently, that's not a shirt." I said before the hems hits that Leo. "YECK!" Leo exclaimed in disgust before he fell backwards into the chute. "So, what's the plan? Are we gonna slipped them with detergent?" Waunu asked when she lifted the jug of detergent. "Or maybe clipped them with clothing pins?" Miah asked when she picks up one. I shook my head softly before snapped my fingers when pointing at the chute Leo's in. "Are you kidding? We're gonna use the chute.. as a trap for them?" Miah asked. "No no no, dear ladies. I got an idea but we have to make haste. The more we talk, the less time we wasted and our friends and family along Leo's brothers are gonna be taken to Battle Nexus." I said before we started to push the cart out with a few grunts.
~Timeskip After a Backup Plan started~
We yelped before we crashed on the floor with the others. At first the bellhop boys got their guard down when I pushed the cart by portal then Leo made the portal. As we waited, the vent didn't support our weight that cause us to fall in then our friends and family jumped in behind us to get out, so here we are. "You’re welcome for saving you." Leo said before he sliced the restraints off his brothers and Nessie's wrist. "Mom! Dad! Brothers!" I said when I rushed to cut them free. They hugged me in embrace and I hugged back. "Oh sweetie." Mom said. "We're glad you're okay. And you're grounded." Dad said. I got mad at him. "Dad." I said. "Hon." Mon said. "Sorry." Dad said. "We're glad you're okay with Nessie." Terrance said. "Yeah." I said. A loud howl startled us and they turned. We saw Gus came around the corner and charged towards us. The others yelped in fear. "Well, we had a good run." Leo said. "Miah!" I said. "On it!" Miah said before she tossed me the tennis ball and I skidded in front of Gus. "Hey, boy, what’s this?" I asked before he stops and gasped in joy at the sight. "Whoa. What is that?" Gus asked. I moved it around before threw it far. Oh, man, I gotta get that thing and bring it back." Gus said before he ran after it, bumping into the others on the way. "Whoa! What a rush." Nessie said. "I’m sorry, who was that EC?" Leo asked me. I got Waunu and Mom up. "Gus was sent to grab us." I said. "But another thing; Big Mama said something about the Ultima. I thought it was a werewolf legend but she said the Ultima has returned. The main problem is, one of us could be the Ultima." Martin said. "Wait! Where's Izzy?" Waunu asked. "Oh, about Izzy. She's.... Big Mama's daughter." Martin said. "What?!" We exclaimed in shock. "Yeah, right before we got taken away to Battle Nexus entry way, Big Mama said motherly daughterly talk. So I figured it was Izzy since Nessie is a Chee gal." Martin said. "True, but we’re not going without Donnie’s bug slapper, the Oozequitoes and Izzy. We can’t leave them in Queen Eight leg’s hands." Raph said before the elevator door opens, we got in and I chuckled quietly. "Spill the beans, sweetie. We know that silly chuckle from anywhere. When you chuckle, it meant you know something and what plan you're cooking up." Mom said. "Okay mom, everything is inside the vault in Big Mama's office, and we can risk our lives getting it back right now." I said before pushed the button to get us to the office floor. "And that’s exactly what we’re gonna do. Guys, stealth mode!" Raph said. "Or [whispers] stealth mode." Leo said. I tapped Leo's head that he yelped. "Leo, Raph LITERALLY just said that. We don't need an echo in here." I said. "Sorry." Leo said. The bell rang before the door opened, we got in then I stopped my and Nessie's family, got them in and pushed the first floor button. "Sweetie, we stick together." Dad said. "No dad, you guys gave us life. And we're gonna make decisions between good decision and bad decision. Let us do it." I said. "Okay, be careful girls. We're counting on you two to be safe. And make-up the mistakes." Mom said before the door closed. I rushed to follow the others then skidded to the picture. I looked at the portrait of a man before used my fingers to poke into its eyes before it revealed to be a vault. The others exclaimed in surprised. I yelped when I got shoved to the side. "This calls for the delicate touch of a genius." Donnie said before he turns his techno into a metal cutter, flips his goggles down and advances on the door, starting to cut into the metal. It is extremely loud. I went around him and put in five of ones. "Nessie and I will cover the sound for you!" Mikey said before he and Nessie pushed the vases off different table and breaks it, which makes a minor tinkle noise. Mikey gives Donnie a thumbs up. "We should be through in a couple of hours!" Donnie said. "Or we can do!" I said before Donnie stopped and half of the others glanced my way. "This." I said before slide down the last one and the vault opened. "Viola." I said. "Smarty pants." Nessie said before the others go in to get the device and the oozesquitoes. I stand guard just in case of bellhops or Big Mama are here. Then I felt a small tap, I looked down to see the ball and grabbed it. I got surprised. "Oh no." I said before the growl was heard that the others peeked, I glanced to see Gus near the elevator and I yelped a bit. "Don’t start a game of fetch you can’t finish." Gus said. The others got out and I stood up in stance. Then a voice spooked us up on our skins, we quickly turned to see Big Mama on the spinning chair and she turned with Izzy on her side, all webbed up. "Oh no no no no no. This simply won’t do. If there’s one rule of Big Mama has-" the boys stopped her. "Is it forgive and forget?" Leo asked. "Is it don’t chew on the guest slippers?" Raph asked. "Is it no using Raph’s toothbrush?" Mikey asked. "Is it Ohm’s Law?" Donnie asked. "Is it no spraying cologne, unless it's eventful?" Martin asked. We girls facepalmed. "You fools!" I said. "NO!" Big Mama before she transforms. Izzy got shameful before she pushed the brooch to transform with Big Mama. Then Big Mama used her webs that we yelped as we are webbed in, it felt like the same when we're on Episode Mystic Mayhem, but Miah, Waunu and Nessie are together. We struggled a bit. "Sorry guys." Izzy said fearfully. "No worries." I said to Izzy. "My rule is no stealing from Big Mama!" Big Mama said. "Great." Miah said. Then I heard a cutting on the glass, I turned to my right, just in time to see it  exploded. We yelped in fear. Then I saw the dust cleared up to see... Baron Draxum rides in on one of his purple vines. I yelped in fear more. "No, not Draxum!" I said. "And my rule is no stealing from me!" Draxum said to Big Mama. "Mr. Sheep to the rescue." Mikey said. I glanced at Mikey. "That’s a good thing, Mike? Dude. He LITERALLY tried to destroy us last time we saw him. And worse, he tried to mutate Nessie." I said to Mikey. "WHAT?!" Miah said in madness and shock. "Scramulet to see you again, Baron Draxum. But you really must learn to use the dimbally door." Big Mama said to Draxum. "You must learn to use real words." Draxum said to Big Mama. I glanced at the others. "Oh yeah. They definitely know each other. The thing is, they're rivals, ALL the way." I said. "You are a sappy winner, girlfriend." Martin said. "Those are my property, fetch them my pets." Draxum said to Huginn and Muninn before the gargoyles jump down from his shoulders, snickering evilly. They are immediately pounced on by Gus, and start screeching, clearly outmatched. Miah, Waunu and I "oohed" at the sight. "I need these bimbaliy bugs for all those tasty victims. They will mutate for my Battle Nexus." Big Mama said. "Those were made for something much greater than your silly Battle Nexus. They’re here to eliminate the human threat forever. I will have every last one on the surface." Draxum said before I envision the next one. A man and a big silhouette fighting from the past and I grunted softly when the vision went away. 'The humans aren't a threat, something else is the threat to us all!' I thought to myself. I saw Draxum and Big Mama are fighting. We yelped when we got pulled away by Izzy once she was freed. "Hang on guys." Izzy said before she got us out. We got up. "You are gonna turn on your mom, just like that?" Nessie asked. "Yeah, besides, she's untrusted, unworthy and totally not fair to me. Besides, you're my family." Izzy said before we got teared up by her words of emotion. "Awww!" Mikey said. "To the roof! Time for us Yokai to take over the surface!" Draxum said before we saw him go to the rooftop along with his gargoyles flying away with the jar. "Okay, separate ways! Donnie, Mikey, Izzy, Miah and Waunu, fight off Big Mama! Leo, Raph, Martin, Nessie and I will take the roof to get the bugs! Leo, portal to the roof, pronto!" I said. "On it!" Leo said before he makes the portal big enough for us. "Let's go!" Martin said before we jumped in fast. We got to the rooftop fast by portal and I grabbed the jar from them. "Got it!" I said. We skidded on the roof. Baron threw purple vines with a yell. "Keep away!" I said before threw the jar and got hit by a vine. I got up and rushed as Raph threw it at Leo and me. "Got it!" Leo and I said before we got the jar. "Guys! Toss us the oozesquitoes!" Martin said before we dropped the jar fast towards Martin then we got hit by the vine. Baron pulls us to him that we yelped, he dangles Leo over the side of the building by his bandana tails and he dangles me over the side by my leg. I yelled in fear. "I may created the turtle, but I will not hesitate to destroy him along with the female Ultima." Baron said before we turned to him. "You CREATED the turtles!?" I said in exclaimed. "SHE'S the Ultima? There's no way." Leo said. "Let our friend and my sister go, you big bully!" Nessie said. "Guys, decide wisely!" I said. "Oh, Brotherly and sisterly loyalty. But my bugs are important to you as well. Which one will you choose?" Baron asked them. "Give him the bugs! Just give him the bugs!" Leo said. "Guys! Choose wisely, what will you choose?!" I said. "We gotta save our friend and brother. But we can't give Draxum the oozesquitoes." Martin said. "We're not giving him the bugs, these villains are all talk. He ain't gonna-" Raph got cut off. "Okay." Baron said before he dropped us. "NO!" We heard Raph, Martin and Nessie said in fear. "With my last breath, EC TOLD YOU SO!" Leo said before we fell fast. We screamed in fear turn we turned to see Raph in his construct form and Martin in his Falcon form with Nessie on his back flying for us. We yelped before they passed us that we got spun.
~Nessie's POV~
"SAVING LIKE A BOSS!!!" Raph, Martin and I said before Martin in his Falcon form to grab Leo with his talons then he dropped Leo into Raph's enlarged hands before the two deformed back to normal that we yelled and fall on the car. "Where's EC?!" I said in fear. Then we heard a scream then we saw EC still falling fast. "EC!!!" We said in fear before two silhouettes rushed to grabbed EC then we heard a trash crash. "Sis!" I said before we got off the car and rushed towards to the trash bin. We saw two people coming out. I saw.... Erika and another girl. "Erika?!" I said. "Nezuko!" Erika said before she ran and hugged me. I hugged back. "Nezuko?" Raph and Leo asked. "Yeah, Erika's nickname to Ness. Guys, meet Erika and Alexandria Aka Alix." EC introduce them to us. "Hello!" The brunette hair, brown eyes and fair skin girl named Alix said. "Nice to meet you." Martin said. "What happened to all the bugs you guys caught?" Erika asked. We heard buzzing and we looked up to see oozesquitoes are freed. "No!" Martin said. "Sorry we let them go, we have to save Leo EC, we can't just let them DOA on us." I said before I felt a hug before saw EC, I teared up and cried before hugged her. "Shh, it's okay. You guys did the right thing. And it's okay we're not perfect. We just got this done and over with." EC said.
~My POV~
"Okay." Nessie said before we departed and we sat on the bus stop seat. We heard hovering. We saw Waunu, Miah, Donnie, Mikey and Izzy are okay. "Guys!" Nessie said. Then I saw Mom, Dad, Shelton and Terrance came out. "Girls!" Dad said before Nessie and I ran to hug them. "Everyone okay?" Miah asked us. "We’re okay, Miah." I said. "But the oozequitoes got away. Another mission failed." Martin said. "Not a total failure. We got this to go get them now. Oh,  I am, however, out of webs. So partial failure? Yay.." Donnie said weakly at the last one. "Raph, Martin, what was that crazy power up? You saved my life." Leo said. "But not me!" I said. "We're sorry girl." Raph said. "At least we saved her." Alix said. "But we don’t know, Leo. Raph and I just knew that If we didn’t save your life, we'd never hear the end of it from you." Martin said. "BUT another thing , Draxum created you four turtles! He told me and Leo right before he threw us off the roof, so that's something." I said. "And another thing, the Ultima is totally real! The problem is, the Ultima could be one of the girls." Leo said. "So they're in plain sight." Alix said. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. Does that mean the boys could be teenage.." Erika said. "Mutant..." Miah said. "Ninja..." I said. Just when Waunu was about to answer the last one, Raph spoke up. "Sheepmen?" Raph asked. We got skeptical by Raph's answer. "You are a sore boy." Izzy said before we walked off to the lair, leaving Raph behind. I saw Mom and Dad got worried looks on their faces.

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