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Name: Y/n Samus Aran.
Nickname(by the Galactic Federation only): Samus Aran, Lady, Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Hunter.
Nickname(by her family only): Y/n, Sister, Young Sis, Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Hunter.
Nickname(by the Space Pirates only): Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Deadly Hunter.
Nickname(by the Chozo only): Chosen One, Warrior, The Great Hunter.
Age in Metroid franchises: mid-twenties(24) to early-thirties(30).
Age in Remnant: 21.
Eye color: Blue(mostly green).
Hair color: Long(ponytail) and Short Blonde.
Mother: Zeno(status: alive).
Father: Blackmask(status: alive).
Uncle: Rodney Aran(status: killed by Space Pirates).
Aunt: Virginia Aran(status: killed by Space Pirates).
Adopted mother: Unknown(status: ??????????????).
Adopted father: Raven Beak(status: Unknown).
Brothers(Homeworld 2): Robothuggerface, GoodTwin, Scorpius, Skulltar, Dark Shadow, Evil Dark Shadow, Undead Lord, SR, Fire Lord, Serpent(status: alive).
Sister(Metroid): Dark Samus(status: alive).
Half brother(Remnant): Tai(status: alive).
Sisters in law(Remnant): Summer Rose, Raven Branwen(status: alive).
Brother in law(Remnant: Qrow Branwen(status: alive).
Sisters in laws(Robothuggerface two wife): Tracer, Ender Dark Dragon(status: alive).
Nephews(Robothuggerface's sons): Robo the III, Draco Ender, Jäger Von List(status: alive).
Nieces(Robothuggerface's daughters): Wilhelmina the IV, Amalthea Ender, Emilia Von List(status: alive).
Nieces(Tai's daughter and half daughter): Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long(status: alive).
Ex-boyfriend: Unknown(status: presumably be dead).
Love interest: Still searching.
Sons: Maximus(status: alive).
Daughters: Metroid aka Malloy Aran, Sammy Aran(status: alive).
Sons/daughters(triplets): John Beak Aran(son), Doe Aran(son), Millay Aran(daughter)(status: unborn).
Friends: All Galactic Federation, Metroids, S.H.E Military, S.H.I SS, Forerunner Clans, Forerunner Empires, humans, aliens(except for Space Pirates), Chozo, Forerunners, H.H.E, Faunus, RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, STRQ, Earth, Remnant, Luigi, Bowser, Toon Link, Captain Olimar, Palutena, Meta Knight, Kirby, Dark Pit, Shulk, Little Mac, Wario, Bowser Jr, Yoshi, King K. Rool, Link, Min Min, Mr. Game and Watch, Wii Fit Trainer, Diddy Kong, Marth, Princess Rosalina, Rosalina & Luma, Captain Falcon, Princess Peach, Mario, Fox McCloud, Ice Climbers, Donkey Kong, Young Link, Princess Daisy, Fighting Alloy Team, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Inkling, Isabelle, Dharkon, Banjo & Kazooie, Ike, Wolf O'Donnell, Dr. Mario, Could Strife, Boo, Master Hand, Pit, Ridley(only Super Smash Bros).
Enemies: Ridley, Space Pirates, evil aliens, Raven Beak(most the time), Parasite-X, Parasitic Aliens, Ironwood, Ozpin, Salem, Adam Tartarus, Watt, Tyrian, E.M.M.I.
Allied Countries/Kingdoms/Forerunner Clans/Forerunner Empires: Honor Helios Empire, Saint Helios Empire, Allied Forces Clan, Scorpius Clan, Skulltar Clan, Dark Shadow Clan(Realm), Evil Dark Shadow Clan(Realm), Undead Clan(owns their own planet), SR Clan, Fire Clan, Serpentine Clan, the Galactic Federation, Vale, Mistral, Vacuo, Menagerie, Chozo.
Former allies: Vale.
Enemies: Atlas, Vale, Space Pirates, Parasit-X.
Former enemies: Saint Helios Clan.
Old occupation: The Galactic Federation.
Current occupation: Galactic Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter, S.HE Military(part time, sometimes an instructor), S.H.I SS(part time, sometimes an instructor), Galaxies Bounty.
Rank in the Galactic Federation: {REDACTED}.
Rank in the Bounty Hunter: Galactic Bounty Hunter.
Rank in the S.H.E Military: Admiral Top General.
Rank in the S.H.I SS: Field Marshal.
Abilities(first): Summon anything she wants and including resources(only Super Metroid and Metroid franchises, WWII, Cold War, S.H.C, S.H.E).
Abilities(second(Metroid): Missiles, Grapple Beam, Charge Beam, Jumps, Morph Ball, Arm Cannon, Bombs, Power Suit, Athletic Ability, Charge Combos, Gravity Boost, Melee Counter, Plasma Beam, Speed, Superhuman Physique, Transmission from DEV team, Aeion Abilities, Alien Physiology, Combat Expertise, Durability, Ice Beam, Ice Missiles, Screw Attack, Speed Booster, Super Missiles, flexible.
Abilities(third): Transformation, self-healing, healing factor, healing others, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, intelligence, telepathic, telekinesis, teleportation, night vision(rarely).
Weaknesses: Super cold environments, ice or any cold conditions or environments.
DNA: Human-Chozo-Metroid.
Sexuality: Straight.
Gender: Female.
Height: 1.9 m(6'3).
Weight: 90 kg(198 lbs).
Language spoke: English, German, French, Chozo, any alien language, any human language.
Citizenship: Galactic Federation, American, German, French, Zebesian, S.H.E Imperial Citizen.
Race: American-German-French.
Species: Human-Forerunner-Xenomorph Hybrid.
Skin color: White pale.
Looks without her power suit:

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