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"He is an actor, and we are in LA, Harry".

She repeats calmly for the second time in the past 15 minutes.

She is emptying the dishwasher and waiting for the kettle to whistle. Harry is wearing down the kitchen floor, hands on hips, just pacing.

"But why would he be here?" he mutters.

She straightens herself from bending over the dishwasher and looks at him then, "Are you messing with me?" she asks, frowning.

He stops pacing then and looks at her, "no'' he says, but she can see he is immediately reverting his attention to whatever thoughts are in his brain.

"You are not even listening to me. You are more focused on winding yourself up with whatever ideas you are entertaining in your head", she says calmly and waits for an answer, and because none comes, she continues to unload the dishwasher. 

She is closing a cupboard when she feels his arms around her waist, his nose nuzzling on her neck, a light kiss, "I am sorry." She turns around in his arms.

"He is an actor, we are in LA, he is probably on castings, or script readings or whatever it is they do, you know", she says patiently for the third time.

"I know" he says, "I just need some time, I am not good at dealing with..."

"Jealousy", she finishes for him, "no way", she jokes, trying to lighten the mood. And he winces, because he knows that his jealousy has always been an issue between them, and a trait in his character that somehow, he has never managed to improve or fix.

"Honey," she says, then cupping his face, "all my undivided attention is on you". She places a quick kiss on his nose and moves away from him to make two cups of tea.

He groans, "Ough, I hate when you do that".

"Do what?" she says as she sets the tea up.

"Talk to me like I am a kid", he huffs, offended, and she laughs lightly.

"Well, if you act like one demanding attention, what other option do I have?".

And his wandering mind transports him to the day He found out that Taylor was dating Joe.

He was with Ed Sheeran in his house in North London, his living room turned into an improvised music room. Both messing about with their guitars, having fun.

Ed got a text message. He read it, putting the phone back in his pocket immediately after.

"Have you heard of a guy, an actor, Joe Alwyn? He lives around here." Ed asked out of nowhere.

Harry lifted his head from the guitar and answered: "no, should I know him?"

Ed shook his head, "just curious to know what type of chap he is."

Harry smiled "why would you care?"

"A friend is dating him, not met him yet so just checking for references."

Harry frowned: "who?"

Ed looked at him, unsure if he should just tell him or not. He did not know if they were still seeing each other or not, with them two you never knew, Ed thought.

"Who?" Harry pressed half laughing, enjoying Ed's little guessing game. But when he realised that Ed was not laughing with him, his smile disappeared suddenly, concern showing in his eyes.

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