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June 14th 2023📍Los Angeles, California

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June 14th 2023
📍Los Angeles, California

As Selene watched her siblings walk out of the foster home, a wave of doubt surged within her. Am I really ready for this? It doesn't matter if she was ready she had new responsibilities and needed to be there for them.

"Is that everything?" Selene walked up to Peyton to grab his book bag as they walked toward their Uber. It'll be her first week as a "mother" to her younger siblings. Selene was only 23 and now had to raise her younger siblings. They lost their mother 5 months ago to a brain tumor. After 5 months consisting of piles of paperwork, she finally had the custody of her two siblings, 14-year-old Zahara and 6-year-old Peyton. No one would've expected change in lifestyle this for her as she was on the come up in the fashion world at such a young age.

"Yes, I think everything else is gonna be shipped." Zahara says walking to the car. Zahara hated this predicament more than both of her siblings. She was just starting to establish herself at her new school which she transferred to after moving to her foster home. This would be her 3rd school transfer and it was half way across the country. Due to her oldest sisters career she had to leave California for DC.

"Are we excited?" Selene turns around to ask her siblings in the back of the uber that was headed to airport. Zahara continues to look out the window and cancels out her sisters voice. "Yes! Leney, we can look at the White House and see the Washington Capitals. Did you know a basketball player moved from Golden State Warriors all the way to DC? That's kinda like me I'm moving from California to DC. I wonder if I'll be able to meet him. Leney, Can you take me to a game when we get there?"

Hearing the excitement come from Peyton's voice almost brought tears to Selene's eyes. She knew the move from California to DC was going to be a big change for her siblings but she wanted the absolute best for her siblings and to do that she needed to be back in a city. DC had many qualities for her such as the Astre Couture Boutique and Design Workshop. Only 2 out of 11 Astre Couture stores in major cities had a design workshop. The first and largest workshop being in Selene's second home in Paris and the second being in DC. She would have to work from there for her upcoming shows until she was comfortably stable with her siblings.

"Peyton, we can do whatever you want when we get to DC lovebug." He gives me a smile before going back to his iPad and I reach back to tap Zahara's knee. "Z, What do you wanna do when we get to DC? It's a lot of stuff I think you'll like."

Zahara slowly removes her headphones, her gaze meeting Selene's.  A subtle redness tinges the edges of her watery eyes, betraying the silent tears she'd been holding back."I don't know yet, I guess we'll see when we get there" She sniffles before putting her headphones back on and looking out the window.

𝑹𝑼𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲,     jordan poole.Where stories live. Discover now