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2019 NBA Draft Day June 20,  2019📍Brooklyn, New York

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2019 NBA Draft Day
June 20, 2019
📍Brooklyn, New York

First Game, AAU filled Summers, MVP trophies, Practices After Games, Scholarship Offers, and 2 years at Michigan.

It was finally my Draft Day.

As the clock ticked away, my mother addressed me with a mischievous smile, "Now Jordan, you know we couldn't let you go to your first NBA event as an Eligible Draft pick wearing this Nordstrom suit." She moved deliberately to the closet, retrieving a garment bag that, to my surprise, was empty. Panic started to set in as the event was just three hours away, and I officially had nothing to wear.

Before I could voice my concerns, my mother silenced me with a gentle finger on my lips. "Your father and I have something special for you today," she announced. "There's a young designer making waves among the Eligible Draft Picks. I want nothing but the best for my future NBA player, so I had her design a suit for you. She should be over soon to help you get fitted. And no worries, this girl is projected to be the next big thing in the fashion industry. She's just that good, and she's only 19. I could have used her for myself, but I wanted something extraordinary for you." The room seemed to buzz with excitement as the promise of a remarkable surprise hung in the air. Jordan knew his parents went above and beyond. He didn't know how he could ever repay them.

And within a few seconds, our hotel door heard a knock.

My mother rushed to the door with excitement, taking a deep breath before opening it. Two young girls stood there with a hotel cart filled with three garment bags and a suitcase. I stood in shock, completely taken by her presence. Pulling out my phone to avoid staring.

"Hi, I'm Selene, and this is my assistant Kat. We're so thrilled to be a part of this special day with you!" I liked that name, Selene, like the goddess.

"Oh, please come in. I was just telling my son about how you were coming. I'm Monet Poole. That's Jordan Poole, him right there. The one you're dressing." She points to me as the girl shifts her gaze to meet my eyes before quickly meeting my mother's again"

"And the one over there is my husband Anthony. That's all mine," my mother said with a chuckle.

I watched meticulously tracking every movement as the girl entered the hotel room. Her movements were  enchanting, from the flowing of her curly hair to the subtle sway of her hips. The sun's natural lighting filled the room highlighting her brown skin, and he couldn't help but notice the details specifically the gentle curve of her smile. In that moment, time seemed to slow as he absorbed the girl appearing before him, appreciating all of her presence. As he continued to watch her, taking in the nuances of her beauty and the captivating scent of vanilla and pistachios that surrounded her, an undeniable enchantment took hold. The more he observed the deeper he found himself in love with her features.

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