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June 18th 2023

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June 18th 2023

📍Washington, D.C.

"It's cool fr, I don't really know if I like being on the 17th floor but it's definitely an amazing view. I flip my camera to show my view from my new penthouse. I was unofficially traded to the Washington Wizards from Golden State Warriors almost a week ago. It was supposed to be a quiet trade but the press moves quick and before I knew it everyone knew about the move.

"Have you spoken to your neighbors yet? I bet they'd be surprised to see that they have an NBA player next door" My mother makes a face of confusion. She knew I wasn't comfortable with telling everyone my business especially with the press finding out about his trade. The press had been a nightmare since the switch. I'd had paparazzi in my face since I landed and talking to my neighbors would only bring more.

"I'll talk them when I get a chance" He's lying. He had no intentions in staying in this place for more than a month.

"Jordan, Don't lie to me. Next time we call you better have spoken to them. I love you J"

"I love you more Ma."

For the next 4 hours, I unboxed my things and decorated the new apartment. After the process of unpacking, I finally took a moment to appreciate the breathtaking view from my penthouse. The city lights glittered below, casting a glow across the skyline. Despite the chaos that came with the trade, the ambiance of my new space offered an escape from life.

As I settled into the plush couch, my mind wandered to the upcoming games with the Wizards. The pressure to perform well on the court was nerve-racking, but for now, I could occupied myself in the comfort of my penthouse.

In the midst of my contemplation, I remember what my mom said. I get up from the coach which now has an indent in it and make my way to the door.

Opening the door, I stepped into the hallway, contemplating the idea of meeting my neighbors. The whispers of uncertainty about my presence in the building lingered in the back of my mind. Ignoring those thoughts, I decided to take a chance and break the ice. As I strolled down the hallway, the sound of my footsteps echoed through the hall, and as I approached the neighboring doors, I hesitated. The weight of my status felt heavier than ever, but I took a deep breath and knocked on the nearest door.

A few moments later, the door swung open to reveal a friendly face. "Hey there! You must be the new guy from the on our floor, right?" The neighbor, a middle-aged white man with a warm smile, extended his hand. "I'm James, from 1703. Welcome to the building!" Relieved by the positive reception, I shook James's hand and introduced myself. We chatted for a while, and James shared some insights about the building and the local area. From the results of the greeting, I realized this man was too busy with his life as a doctor to be invested in basketball. He had no clue who I was and I don't know if I should be offended or happy.

𝑹𝑼𝑵 𝑰𝑻 𝑩𝑨𝑪𝑲,     jordan poole.Where stories live. Discover now