Chapter Six

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-quick note-
this is going to be a longer chapter. Also there are mentions of negative thoughts, fighting, and a bit of gore - you're more than welcome to skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable with the topics.

Other than that, enjoy!


The night passed by quickly, like adults had said in town, "The night is young."

Ceilo lived in the land of Liyue, a large city in Tayvat. The city of Liyue, the city of contracts, and the city of the Geo Archon. The Geo Archon, Rex Lapis, had been their god for several years and Ceilo was grateful for that. Even though he went to the statues of the Geo Archon everyday, saying prayers, he still ended up in whatever this mess was.

"Did I mess up on one of the prayers..?" He whispered, then shook his head. "No.. I recited them perfectly!" he sighed. "What did I do to deserve this..?"


A year had passed since April abandoned Everest and him in the forest, and Ceilo had become slightly stronger than before. He had made himself a dagger a few days ago, and it worked perfectly for short range hunting. He even has become more stealthy. Though, he still only made little tents for Everest and him to rest in, and he always made sure they were in a clearing before setting up camp and starting up a fire. He didn't want a repeat of what happened last year.

Ceilo let out a quiet sigh, his birthday was already in a few days, he couldn't believe he would be turning eleven already.

"Hey Ceilo!" Everest shouted from afar.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"I got something for ya!"

"Coming-" he got up from making Everest's new bow and went over to her. "What's up?"

She held up some new materials she had bought in town. "I also got your favorite food!" Ceilo of course sniffed the air, smelling the familiar and delicious scent of chicken mushroom skewers. It was like his eyes sparked.

"You got chicken mushroom skewers?" Ceilo looked at Everest, a large smile planted on his face, he hadn't smiled properly for a little while. Everest of course nodded, holding up a small box with a roll of paper stamped onto it.

"I even got the recipe." she went on. "All that hunting you did, gave us plenty of mora to spend."

Ceilo hugged her tightly. "You're the best sister anyone could ever ask for!" He chuckled and let her go and carefully took the box. "Wanna share?"

"I got em for yo-"

Ceilo cut her off. "I don't care that you got them for me, I want to know if you would like some as well."

Everest nodded, he opened the box and took one of the skewers out, handing it to Everest. She took it gratefully and started to eat it. Ceilo took one as well and ate it slowly, wanting to savor every single bite.

Once they had finished eating, Ceilo went back to making Everest's bow. He made sure the materials he used were smooth so that it wouldn't hurt his sister.

He carved small designs onto it, making it look rather beautiful than all the other items he had made. It would make a wonderful gift for Everest's birthday which was coming up next month.

He looked up to the sky, pausing his work. Only three more days and he would officially turn eleven. He sighed, his thoughts wandering to Silver. Where could he be...

Ceilo looked back down to the bow, continuing to make it.


After two days of working on this bow, with barely any breaks, he completed it, it looked perfect. He tested it a few times to make sure it would work, and it passed all his testing.

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