Chapter Seven

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This chapter will include a lot of fighting- so...ENJOY!

-Time skip four years-

Ceilo woke up, yawning. Five years had passed since April had abandoned them. Ceilo was now fifteen.

He got up and walked out of his tent, stretching. His tail curled slightly at the tip. He turned and reached into the tent, pulling out a golden, dangly earring and put it in his earlobe where a little hole was. Ceilo then put two ring earrings in the other ear.

Ceilo was proud of himself, proud of what he now was, a free boy. No, a free man. He chuckled to himself before walking over to the fire pit, starting up a new fire and putting fresh logs in. The fire crackled, the flames licked up at the sky.

He went over to where he stored the food, pulling out a few things of bacon. Ceilo also grabbed a stone plate he had carved out. He went back to the fire putting the stone plate on the fire, putting a few slices of bacon onto it. His mouth watered at the smell that emitted from the bacon. He went back over to the food storage and picked up a few fruits.

Ceilo had figured out that he could cook a few of these fruits, which would bring out more flavor. He grabbed another stone plate and placed it by the other plate. He of course cut the fruit with one of his not-so-good daggers. Once the stone plate was heated up enough, he put the slices of fruit onto the plate.

He then flipped the bacon so that it would cook on both sides.

Ceilo had become a better cook then how he originally was. He had made up weird, but delicious concoctions, like this one. A few minutes later, the food had finished up its cooking and Ceilo went and plated them on more stone plates. The only thing they had for plates was stone, unless they went into town and bought some plates.

"Everest!" he shouted.

The ginger girl stepped out of her tent, her hair knotted and messy.

"What?" She yawned, then sniffed the air and ran over to Ceilo, snatching her plate. "Ooooh! Breakfast time!"

Ceilo nodded. "Enjoy, after this I'll be heading out, you can hunt if you'd like." He smiled softly, picking up a slice of cooked bacon and biting it with a soft crunch. He smiled even more at the flavor, then took a few more bites. Once he had finished the bacon, he started to eat away happily at the fruit.

He looked up at Everest, her face was messy with food. She was also looking at him. How could he be so neat and proper when he eats out in the wilderness? He blinked a few times.

"What?" he said, his voice muffled a little by food.

Everest shrugged and continued eating away at her food. After a few moments the two had finished their food. There were a few drops of juice from the fruit on the ground, which would dry up eventually.

"Alright, I'm heading out." He spoke, getting up and stretching. "I'll be back after bit. Make sure you can make yourself some food if I'm not back by supper time."

"Yeah, yeah," Everest rolled her eyes. "Don't let the bores get ya in the butt!"

Ceilo chuckled. "I won't even let 'em touch me."

He went over to where he stored his weapons, picking them up and putting them in their holders. He put his good daggers on each side of his hip, making sure their scabbards held them good. He then picked up his sword and put it in its scabbard.

"Be safe, Everest." He looked at his sister, who nodded.

"I will."


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