• Mahisak❤️ •

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After a long time updating this!

Hope you like it!

This story takes place when Ziva is born!


Sakshi gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Ziva and Mahi got to know this news from Sonu. Mahi couldn't come to see his baby girl as he had his duty and team to take care of and Sakshi knew this very well. Mahi's elder brothers like Sachin paji, dada, jammy bhai came to meet the cute little daughter of mahi and were really happy.

After few weeks of waiting mahi was finally going to see his baby daughter, Ziva for the first time ever. He was nervous as well as excited. Along with him, Yuvi pa, Sonu, Ro and Vi were also there.

When they reached at Mahi's house, Mahi headed towards his and Sakshi's bedroom as Mahi's mother told them that Sakshi is resting and baby is sleeping in the room. All the other excited chachus decided to give him some space and meet their niece later, so they all sat in living room.

Coming in room, he saw his wife sleeping with his daughter peacefully making him smile.

Sitting on the bed near his wife he looked at his daughter and held her in his arms for the first time ever.

Admiring her, he noticed he looked alot like him, just like carbon copy of his. He kissed her forehead, making the little girl smile in her sleep. Oh his heart, he had love at first sight looking at his daughter. He knew right away she will be papa's princess or you can also say queen, she will be Rani and saks is already his maha Rani. Thinking this he chuckled.

He then looked at his wife who was looking absolutely tired, which made mahi a little guilty thinking he wasn't there when she needed him the most. He kissed her forehead which made her wake up. Looking at her husband she smiled and hugged him still laying down on bed.

Mahi - sorry I woke you up.

Saks - it's okay I have been sleeping for a quite long time.

Mahi - vi, ro, yuvi and Sonu are also here

Saks - go and call them I want to meet my brothers and my 2 kiddos

She said laughing and mahi nodded laughing. Putting his daughter near his wife he left the bedroom to call his brothers only to find his living room in mess and then eating and laying around like they own the place. They surely do own the place, afterall it's their home too. Shaking his head sideways, he called them up and they all running upstairs being excited. Ro and Vi were literally jumping around like monkey who was excited to get their banana.

Ro and Vi were the first one to enter but seeing Ziva sleeping they shut their mouth and sat near their saks bahbhi. Ro sat on the right side of sakshi while vi on left. Yuvi and Sonu sat infront of saks while mahi took a chair and sat near the bed.

Saks smiled and creased ro and vi's cheeks lovingly. Oh she missed he first kiddos.

Vi and ro took Ziva and started admiring her while still talking with Sakshi while the elder brothers just looked at them lovingly

Yuvi and Sonu started asking sakshi questions and also told how mahi was more on his phone from last few days looking at his baby girl now and then making sakshi laugh and mahi glare at his bestfriends who were also brothers of sakshi. Soon Ritika also came along with Anushka and all had best time of their life with newest member, Ziva Singh Dhoni.

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