Chapter Four

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Jade was absolutely livid at the actions of acting Captain Spock. His actions and behaviors weren't suitable for an actual Captain. She was heading down to the Engine room when her communicator went off. When she clicked the button, she heard Spock's voice. "Cadet Kirk, please return to the bridge." When she arrived, she saw that McCoy was arriving simultaneously. They walked over to where Spock was seated, and McCoy spoke. "You wanted to see us?" He looked over at them and nodded. "Yes, Doctor. I am aware that James Kirk is a friend of yours. Also, Cadet Kirk, I understand he's your brother, and you are very close. I recognize that supporting me as you did, Doctor, must have been difficult. Also, witnessing that violence may have upset you, Cadet." McCoy scoffed and said, "Is that a thank you?" Spock stopped and turned to face both of them entirely. "I am simply acknowledging your difficulties." Jade took a step forward then. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" He tilted his head and said candidly, "I welcome it."

Jade had to bite her tongue to stop herself from completely lashing out, but what she had to say needed to be heard. "Captain, I understand that my brother was grossly out of line and that removing him from the bridge was the right call. However, what you did was a complete abuse of your power as a Starfleet Captain. You blatantly violated security protocol 49.09 concerning the safety of prisoners on board a starship. You were to put him in the brig and await the return to Command. Instead, you marooned him on Delta Vega, an unsafe class M planet. I will be filing a complaint and report regarding your actions today, Captain. Also, I'm not threatening you because that's definitely not in my nature, but if something happens to my brother while down there facing God knows what on that planet? I'll make it my sole mission that you're kicked out of Starfleet completely." McCoy looked at her like she was crazy for saying what she said, but she stood by her convictions. Spock nodded his head in understanding. "I understand your concerns and await the Command hearing regarding your report. In the meantime, with Engineer Olsen gone and you being the brightest Engineer on board, I'm putting you in the Chief Engineer position for the duration of this mission."

That was the last thing that she expected from Spock. She'd just told him she would try to get him fired, yet he was putting her in the highest engineering position on a starship. She stood at attention and nodded her head. "Thank you for the opportunity, sir; I'll head there now to ensure we continue running smoothly. Would there be anything else, Captain?" When he said she was dismissed she made her way to the engine room to check on the crew that was left. There was a lot of damage, and several of them were working on sealing off radiation leaks on other decks. She gathered at the primary console and opened a comm link to the engine room only. "Attention Engine crew, this is Cadet Jade W. Kirk. Acting Captain Spock has temporarily placed me in the Chief's position until this mission is complete, seeing as we lost Engineer Olsen today. I know many of you are already working on sealing off radiation leaks and doing repairs, and that's what we want to prioritize at this time. The remaining crew is in the engine room with me; let's ensure all the nacelles are primed and ready. We also need to ensure our torpedoes are stocked and ready to use; I have a feeling we'll use them before we are done. Lastly, let's check the warp core as we're doing maintenance. We had a lot of damage down here and need to ensure we're in the best condition possible. Thank you for your time and attention; let's work together to make this go smoothly."

It had been a couple of hours since her brother had been ejected from the ship, and she'd been down in engineering. They'd done a complete diagnostic and found only minor issues that needed to be repaired, but most engineers were still repairing the radiation leaks. She was passing through the water turbines while looking at her PADD when she heard the telltale sound of teleportation. Jade glanced around her surroundings with a furrowed brow and gasped when she saw Jim appear in front of the central water vat. "Jimmy!" she shouted. He grinned at her but then began to panic as he looked around. She started to ask what he was looking for when they heard a banging coming from inside the vat. She watched as Jim began to call for a Mr. Scott. She yelped when she saw a man get sucked through the turbine tunnel that was heading straight for the water processor. She didn't want to think about the contamination of the water, but she knew if they didn't get him out, he'd be shredded. She was about to suggest the turbine release, but Jim ran past her. He ignored her warning when he accessed the panel, causing the emergency release to open and spilling the man from the tube.

"Jim, you really need to start listening to me before you do things, especially down here." Jim gave her an exasperated look before helping his friend up from the ground. "Jade, we have to get back to the bridge, and I need you to come with me. Mr. Scott, this is my sister, Jade. Jade, this is Montgomery Scott." Jade's mouth dropped open at this revelation. "Oh my! I know who you are; you're a legend among the engineers in Starfleet. Please tell me you're here to take over as Chief because I gotta tell you, being thrown into the job on my first day is extremely overwhelming."

Jim laughed out loud as he enveloped her in a hug. "You got promoted to chief engineer?" Jade rolled her eyes and pushed him off her; she was still mad at him for the scene he caused. "Jim, Olsen is gone and there wasn't anyone else remotely qualified. Still, I'm not qualified because I –"She was interrupted by Mr. Scott, who stepped forward. "Hang on now, Lassie. You're Jade W. Kirk, is that right? Well, I've also heard about you, the brightest up-and-coming Engineer in the cadet class. I think you're doing just fine." Before they could say anything else, security began to filter into the engineering room and surround them. "On orders of Captain Spock, you three must come with me." Jade scoffed. "Jim, I'm getting really tired of being in trouble just for being your sister." Jim sighed and nodded but put his hand on her arm as they followed the asshat who had started the fight in the bar a little over three years ago. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Just follow my lead when we get there, Winnie."

They were escorted onto the bridge, and Spock stalked angrily towards them. She looked over and saw that McCoy was still there, and he locked eyes with her briefly before she looked away with a blush. "Who are you?" Spock asked Mr. Scott, but Jim interrupted and said he was with him. Spock glanced at the two of them, completely ignoring her, making her think she wasn't supposed to have been forced there to begin with. "We are traveling at warp speed," Spock continued, "How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?" Jade glanced at her brother confusedly because that was an excellent question.

Jim, being Jim, though, refused to answer him and proceeded to antagonize their acting Captain. She watched Spock try his best to remain calm, but when Jim yelled in Spock's face that he never loved his mother, he snapped. She was roughly shoved aside as Spock leaped forward and began to fight her brother. Gentle but strong hands grasped her elbows, and she looked up to see McCoy helping her up. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. She took a deep breath as she looked into his chocolate-brown eyes. "I'm okay, Lenny, though I'm not sure why the security team forced me back up here." He nodded and continued to pull her out of the way, one arm firmly locked around her waist as he never broke eye contact. She was pressed flush against him as he maneuvered her to safety. "That I don't have an answer to, sweetheart; Spock didn't tell them to bring you; just said there were intruders." He cupped her cheek with his free hand and tilted her face up to his. "Are you sure you're okay? You got shoved pretty hard there." Jade was stuck momentarily as they stared at each other before she cleared her throat and nodded softly. "I'm okay, I promise." He smiled before letting her go. They both jerked their heads towards the front when the fighting between Spock and Jim worsened. When Spock had Jim pinned, choking him, she started to move forward only to be stopped by McCoy. "Spock, let him go!" She yelled at him, but he maintained the pressure, and she could hear her brother struggling for air. It wasn't until Spock's father said his name that he finally let go. She pulled out of McCoy's arms and ran to her brother's side, who put an arm around her shoulder, sucking in air. Jade lifted her stern gaze to Spock, unable to contain her rage at his actions. "What the hell is the matter with you?" She demanded to know. Spock just looked at her with a mixture of embarrassment and regret.

Jade watched as Spock took several steps back, lost in his own thoughts. He made eye contact with Uhura briefly before he addressed McCoy. "Doctor, I am no longer fit for duty. I hereby relinquish my Command based on the fact that I have been emotionally compromised. Please note the time and date in the ship's log." Jade gasped because she knew exactly what that meant. She turned her now furious gaze onto her brother as she stepped away from him. "You just have to get your way all the time, don't you? Damn everyone else in the process." Jim gave her a hurt look at her words but couldn't answer because McCoy stepped forward, also upset. Before he could say anything to break the silence, Mr. Scott broke it loudly, causing everyone to jump. "I like this ship! You know, it's exciting!" Jade couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face briefly. She was relieved to have a more experienced engineer on board to take control of the engineering deck. McCoy sighed as he approached them. "Well, congratulations, Jim. Now we've got no captain and no goddamn first officer to replace him." Jade winced at his words because she could only imagine what everyone's reaction would be when they realized it. Jim tried to keep the smirk off his face, and for the most part, he succeeded when he stood up straight and said, "Yeah, we do."

Jim stood, pushed off the helm control board, made his way to the Captain's chair, and sat down. When McCoy made a disbelieving sound, Sulu spoke up. "Pike made him first officer." McCoy scoffed, disbelieving it until he made eye contact with her. She gave him a small smile before saying, "It's true, and we were all shocked. Spock thought it was a prank at first before Pike made sure to let him know it was real." McCoy shook his head and replied, "You gotta be kidding me!" Jade bit her lip to stop her giggle, but they both chuckled when Sulu nudged her arm. She really liked this crew; she was comfortable with them, and her best friend was also there. Jim sighed heavily as he looked up at his best friend. "Thanks for the support." He said, trying to hide how upset he was. Jade stood off to the side, watching as Ny walked up to him, obviously pissed off at how he'd antagonized Spock. "I sure hope you know what you're doing, Captain." She said sarcastically. Jade was surprised when he didn't get upset; he looked nervous. "So do I," he said quietly. Uhura didn't know what to make of that, so she just walked back over to her station. They all watched as Jim took a deep breath and hit the comm for a ship-wide broadcast.

"Attention, crew of the Enterprise. This is James Kirk. Mr. Spock has resigned commission and advanced me to acting Captain. I know you were all expecting to regroup with the fleet, but I'm ordering a pursuit course of the enemy ship to Earth. I want all departments at battle stations and ready in ten minutes. Either we're going down, or they are. Kirk out." Jade walked over to her brother and stood with her hands behind her back. "Captain, I'd like to request that Mr. Scott take over as Chief Engineer, as he has more experience than I do." Jim looked at his sister, surprised at her request, but he understood why she did it. He looked at Mr. Scott, who looked just as surprised but nodded in agreement with the plan. Jim looked back at his sister and sighed before saying, "Request granted, but I want you to remain in your original post of Assistant Chief. Scotty, go get dried off, change into a red shirt, and come back here. Jade, stay here as well; we need to strategize and devise a plan. I'll announce the command changes to the Engineering deck." Jade nodded and stepped back from the chair. She felt someone at her elbow and looked up to find McCoy looking down at her with a furrowed brow.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I know you're new, but I think you were doing a great job before Mr. Scott got here." Jade gave him a soft smile, aware Jim was watching their interaction. "I think it was the wisest decision, Lenny. Montgomery Scott is a legend in my field, and he has a lot more experience than I do. We're getting ready to go into very dangerous territory, and I think he's the best person to be in charge of our warp core and weapons deck." He placed a soft hand on the small of her back before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "I think you're going to surprise everyone with how well you do in this field. You're already great at it, so that's saying something." Jade felt herself blush as she made eye contact with him. He smiled at her before walking back over to her brother. When she met her brother's amused gaze, he just raised an eyebrow, causing her to roll her eyes. Luckily, she was saved from saying anything because Mr. Scott walked over to her with a grin. "Lassie, you really didn't have to do that, you know? I'd have been delighted to assist you, I've looked over the logs, and you've been doing a great job." Jade beamed at his praise and tapped him on the shoulder. "Honestly, that means a lot coming from you, Mr. Scott. I meant it when I said you're a legend!" He laughed with her, and when she turned to see McCoy frowning at her, she dropped her smile a bit, confused. They were interrupted when Jim called them over to the navigation controls.

She stood at the back while she listened to Chekov, Sulu, and Jim start to argue more than strategize. She rolled her eyes as the men kept overlooking the younger man, who clearly knew the best course of action. Ny walked over to her and nudged her shoulder. She glanced over at her as Uhura leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Don't think I haven't noticed the little moments between you and a certain doctor." Jade's eyes widened as her cheeks became stained with her blush. "Ny, no! Not here, okay? And I don't really think it's anything; he's just been looking out for me." Jade tried to keep her voice low so no one could hear them, but Ny's chuckle alerted them all to their presence. Jim glared at them and began to talk again. "Whatever the case, we need to get aboard Nero's ship undetected." McCoy scoffed again and interjected. "We can't just go in there guns blazing, Jim, not with their technology." Sulu also said, "I'm telling you, the math doesn't support what you're suggesting." Jade groaned softly to herself and closed her eyes when suddenly Chekov walked over and began to excitedly try to get her brother's attention. "Captain Kirk, Captain Kirk!" He huffed in a breath and turned to look at the young boy. "Yes, Mr. Chekov. What is it?"

Jade smiled softly as Jim gave Chekov his undivided attention; he would be a great captain. The younger boy began excitedly to explain what he'd discovered. "Based on the Nerada's course from Vulcan, I have projected that Nero will travel past Saturn. Like you said, we need to stay invisible to Nero or he'll destroy us. If Mr. Scott and Ms. Kirk can get us to warp factor 4, and if we drop out of warp behind one of Saturn's moons, say Titan, the magnetic distortion from the planet's rings will make us invisible. From there, as long as the drill is not activated, we can aboard the enemy ship." Mr. Scott had come to stand on the other side of her. He glanced at her and nodded. "What do you say, Lassie? I think we can do that, don't you?" he said to her before calling over to Jim. "I think that might work." McCoy looked between Jade and Mr. Scott before frowning and walking closer. "Wait a minute, kid," he irritatedly said. "How old are you?" Jade frowned at his question and the looks he was throwing in her direction.

Jade leaned over to Uhura and whispered, "What's his problem all of a sudden?" Ny giggled and put her arm around her shoulder. "Girl, whenever Mr. Scott gets close to you, or you laugh with him, our good Doctor gets agitated. He's jealous, Jadey." Jade jerked her head at her friend and then scoffed, not believing it for a second. She was, however, shocked when Chekov announced that he was only seventeen. She watched as McCoy rolled his eyes and said, "Oh good, he's seventeen." Jade was about to interject when they heard Mr. Spock interject from behind them, catching everyone's attention.

"Doctor, Mr. Chekov is correct. I can confirm his telemetry. If Mr. Sulu is able to maneuver us into position, I can beam aboard Nero's ship, steal back the black hole device, and, if possible, bring back Captain Pike." Jim sighed and shook his head. "I won't allow you to do that, Mr. Spock." Jade bit her tongue to keep from saying something she shouldn't. She shouldn't have worried, though, because Spock stated his case alone. "Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device. Also, my mother was human, which makes Earth the only home I have left." They all shared a somber silence as the gravity of Spock's words hit them. She held her breath as Jim approached the commander. He glanced and made eye contact with her before saying, "Then Jade and I are coming with you." McCoy interjected then. "Don't be stupid, man, she can't go with you, it's dangerous!" Jade felt herself flush from anger as she scoffed. "I assure you, Doctor, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. I'm actually more suited to this mission than my brother." She caught Jim's eyes, and he smirked at her. "I won't take offense to that, Jade, only because I know you can kick my ass." This got everyone chuckling except for McCoy. Spock nodded and said, "I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it." Jade giggled at his statement and patted Mr. Spock on the shoulder before moving towards the lift to wait for them. McCoy jogged over to her and stood before her, taking one of her hands.

"I didn't mean to insult you, Darlin, I'm just saying you've been through a lot, and this is extremely dangerous." Jade tilted her head to look at the Doctor and smiled softly at him. "I understand, Lenny, but I would have insisted even if Jim hadn't selected me. We both know he's going to get hurt, and I'm a better-trained fighter than the two of us. I should be going alone with Mr. Spock by regulation, but like he said, my brother will just ignore regulations." McCoy took a deep breath before leaning down and pressing his lips firmly onto hers. Jade was shocked but only hesitated for a split second before responding, moving in sync with him as she brought her free hand to rest lightly on his cheek. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on hers. "Just promise me that you'll be safe and come back." Jade smiled and ran her fingers gently through the hair on the nape of his neck. "After you finally did that? You can bet your ass I'll be back." He chuckled before pressing another quick kiss to her forehead and moving back. "You're right; I was an idiot for waiting so long." Before Jade could respond, Jim spoke from next to her. "I don't know how I feel about this." They both jumped and found Jim smirking at the two of them. "I'm just kidding, Bones; I've been telling you for two years to make your damn move. We'll be fine, but we do have to go." Jade, Spock, Mr. Scott, Uhura, and Jim all went to the transporter room. She stood with Mr. Scott as he began to take over the controls, getting ready to send the three of them onto Nero's ship. She was terrified, but she knew it would take all three to pull Jim's insane plan off. She just hoped that everything went how it was supposed to and there were no surprises.

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