Core Repair and Data Retrieval Program log n°��

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Data n° ███ retrieved.

00:12 : New data acquired. Commencing data verification...

01:02 : Verification process over. Data deemed safe. Archiving in progress...

01:03 : Reading data...

"This isn't looking good."

The day had been going quite well, though.
It was normal in the way it began. I just enjoyed the holiday by being out in the street and eating one of Shinjuku's delicacies when suddenly, everything went wrong. My world flew into pieces.


12 hours earlier

I walked through the busy streets, filling my stomach with a good mood. My black hair attracting the heat of the summer and my eyes hunting for any tasty food shops nearby, with a bit more focus for China-type food : Kung Pao Chicken was really good, so I stayed attentive for any shops that sold it. School was finally over, and now it's time for relaxing ! Well, it was supposed to be...

All of a sudden, the mood became heavy. People stopped walking and looked around them for why, whispers started to fly, and before soon, panic exploded. Even though I was in the middle of the crowd, I was completely in the dark as to why this was happening so suddenly. Confused, I somewhat managed to make my way out of the violent sea of bodies without getting trampled. Once I was out, under some building I didn't know, I began to look around me and quickly found why : Explosions.

Shouts of panic and pain, explosions and roars that clearly didn't sound anything human. Or anything that I knew, for that matter.

"Wha...What the hell ...?" Overwhelmed, I stayed frozen for a few seconds. An explosion closer than the others woke me up, throwing something that landed right in front of me.

I gasped in horror. It was a corpse. More precisely, it was pieces of corpses belonging to different people. The clothes were different on each limbs after all, so it had to be that. My stomach threatened to spill its contents on the floor.
I glued myself to the wall behind me. I would have collapsed simply standing on the ground. Confusion, fear, horror, and panic threatened to rob me of my thoughts. 'No , stop ! This isn't the time for this. Think, dammit, think!'
An attack from terrorists ? Or an army ? No, not only the roars didn't sound like guns or tanks, but if they were an army, they couldn't have got inside the town so easily undetected. If I trusted my ears, not only was that force quite big, but it was also almost evenly spread through the city. How did they even do all of this without getting noticed ? I gritted my teeth in frustration.

It didn't make sense. The conclusion I arrived at didn't bring me any peace of mind, or any understanding of the situation : I lacked crucial information. After all, the enemies couldn't have just appeared inside the city from nothing, right ?...

'...No, I can just figure that out later. For now, I have to run to that place !' I stood up and resolutely moved my legs. Not without a direction, though. Whatever was happening, it was on the ground. Below should be relatively safer. And this was my hometown, so once I understood that I knew exactly where to go to get to safety : into the sewers! The entry point wasn't even that far!

But something else was very close.

Fire, corpses, people, buildings more or less destroyed, anything that was on my path was dead or about to be. People still alive extended their hands toward me, mouthing desperate words.

"I don't want to die !"

"Please save me !"

"I'm begging you !"

I wanted to avert my eyes. Just keep running forward without looking. Block my ears to stop hearing them. But I looked anyway. I heard everything. Blocked under massive rubble from a destroyed building, multiple limbs missing, a massive blood pool under them, their situations were all varied but hopeless.

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