Chapter 4

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Boss Alexei was a renowned bigshot in Siberia. Having a fortune and knowing how to take care of it, he was one of the people you needed to avoid crossing if you wanted to survive. He had built his empire by wonders of manipulation and smarts, with a touch of arrogance and sadism in the mix.

So, when his mansion suddenly caught fire with him inside, the people got scared, thinking that some warfare was taking place. But that conclusion was somewhat wrong : it was indeed an attack, but one would find it difficult to qualify this as a great armed battle.

The assailants were numbering to one underage kid after all.

Said intruder had managed to enter incognito into the mansion, kill the guards that got in his way, and lit a great fire inside the house. He then beheaded Boss Alexei, who had already soiled himself by the time his eyes registered the threat visually. Not much of a 'Boss', really. His body was mysteriously found almost intact(Except the head disconnected from the neck), dropped in front of the mansion for all to see.

The cause of such a violent aggression was evident to everyone in the town. Earlier that evening, Alexei, drunk, had proclaimed he got the Golden Hunter in a famous bar. That he sent him on a mission where he would work for him and get stupidly killed in the end for nothing. That he was so smart, his plan had no flaws.

Nobody would dare to tell him he was wrong, but quite a bit of people remembered what happened to the last ones that made a similar claim. Nevertheless, this declaration had his weight behind it, so slowly, doubt spread.

Perhaps he was telling the truth, they doubted. Maybe one legend, one terror of the tundra was gone, they wondered.

But now, people had no longer any doubt on what truly happened. Greed had claimed another victim, his life reaped by a golden blade.


Lux felt like this whole mess kept getting even crazier, if that was even possible. As if the events of last night weren't insane enough.

He somehow woke up without a single wound from his 'death' after his fight against that girl -the Herrscher of the Void, that was how the Imaginary Core called her- without anyone around. He remembered feeling his body ripped apart by the hit of the monster and the shot from that woman. The pain had briefly peaked to the highest agony he had ever experienced but vanished almost immediately, his body surely far too damaged for his nerves to work properly. He had fully believed it was his end and somewhat even accepted it. Despite the number of regrets and the frustration he could feel, one precious wish of his had been granted. Yet he woke up.

At first, he thought this was some sort of final mirage : an illusion before the last spark of life in his brain died. But no : he slapped himself, scooped up snow and threw it, testing whether he was really alive, and nothing seemed to indicate he had become some sort of disincarnate phantom haunting the snow-filled plains. Before that realization brought him much deserved tears, he heard noise in the house and jerked his head, not having paid enough attention to the world around him until now. Once that was done, he picked up on the voices of the women from before. Shudders went through his back as he immediately booked it. Moving into Imaginary Space in record time, he ran back to his house as quick as he could, starving for some food and safety. Once he was inside and checked every single last security measure inside, he collapsed, overwhelming gratitude and relief for being alive taking away his legs and making him shed a massive amount of tears.

After the waterworks were over, burning rage took over Lux. It was time to pay back that evil son of a ***** for having thought he could get easy money out of him. Most people would probably consider themselves lucky and would call it a night, but not him.

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