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Neuvillette doesn't sleep at all that night.

He's awake when Furina tosses and turns, he's awake when he feels her turn to face him before she gets out of bed. He's awake as he hears her sniffle as she grabs her shoes, and when she closes the bedroom door behind her. He's awake when he hears her shuffle around in the lounge, and when the floor creaks by the front door.

Every ounce of self control, every glimmer of strength, every single flicker of his being wants to go to her, to take her hand and beg her to stay. To cup her cheeks, the way she leans into his hand, the way her face always softens as he does so. Every single part of him wants to run to her and beg Furina to stay. Beg her, on his hands and knees at her feet. Beg her in a way he never would to anyone else. In a way that he's not afraid to show her. She's seen the parts of him that he keeps hidden away, the parts that he hasn't shared with anyone else. All Neuvillette wants to do is take her hand and make her stay. Give him time to conjure up another plan - one where she remains here and safe and out of harms way, one that protects both her and Fontaine at the same time. He wants to keep her here, where he can kiss her good morning and make sure that she's warm, safe and loved.

But Furina is Furina. She is the most reckless, yet selfless, yet fearless person he has ever met. She's a wild spirit - and he knows that her love for Fontaine, her desire to protect her people, outweighs her love for him. Which, after five hundred years of acting as their Archon, is exactly the way it should be. He can't hate her, or blame her for it. In fact, it only makes him love her more.

Just like that, Furina is gone. He hears the door close, guilt and emptiness filling his chest. Standing up, he makes his way out of the bedroom, into the lounge that makes him feel so lonely. It was just a few hours ago that Furina was standing behind him in the kitchen, her arms around him. He'd known for days that this would happen. He knew then, that she'd be leaving him tonight. He knew the moment he looked across at her talking to Ei, at the glass of wine in her hands to try and dull the ache of her plans. Furina hates wine.

He goes over to the window, climbing onto the roof of the Palais Mermonia. He can see her. He can just make out her shadowy figure through the darkness. Can just make out the silver of her hair, the sapphire blue of her suit. Can see her running as if her life depends on it - because he knows that's what she's thinking. She's thinking about Fontaine, about her people - she's not thinking of what this means for herself. Of what this means. He can feel clouds descend over Fontaine, and curses himself for that. He refuses to let the rain fall, refuses to let it ruin her exit. He knows she won't let herself turn and look around at her city, or where she thinks he's sleeping. He won't let her know that he's awake, that the clouds are his doing.
He turns away the moment he sees her running down the Aquabus line. He turns away and looks down at the ground, feeling empty. Feeling cold and bitter and angry.

She had to do this, he knows. She had to do this, she had to leave. It had to end like this.

But that doesn't take away the Hydro Dragon's pain.

Neuvillette stands there with his eyes closed as he stares up at the sky. He can't bring himself to go back inside, not when Furina isn't here. Not when he won't see her peering over at his bookshelf, making comments about how he needs to read something other than nonfiction. Not when he won't hear her footsteps pad across the floor at three in the morning because she's had a nightmare. Not when Furina won't be there.

*• earlier that day *•

Nahida and Neuvillette sit on a bench behind the Palais Mermonia, the aqueduct stretched out behind them.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking about Lady Furina and Dottore," Nahida sighs after a moment of quiet. "I know that you insist on telling everyone that you are alright, and that it does not bother you... but I know it does."
Neuvillette shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He does not know Nahida particularly well, and he does not like talking about his personal feelings with her.
"I'm afraid that we are not enough to defeat those such as Dottore. I have spent a long time scheming and devising some sort of way that it might work... but..." Nahida trails off. "I know that you are not overly fond of the other Archons, I know that we have all misjudged our roles and places from time to time."
Neuvillette clenches his jaw, his shoulders tense. Usually, at any other time he'd have delighted in talking about his distaste for the Archons. Not now. Not today.
"But I do believe that this is going to be one of those situations where we must all rely on each other."
"You don't know Furina. No one in that room does," Neuvillette can't help but interject. "No one knows the extent of the suffering that she endured for so many years."
Nahida nods, even though he knows that his tone was a little too sharp.
"No, we don't know her all that well. But this is something bigger than just Furina, or just Fontaine, Neuvillette." Nahida stands up, smoothing out her dress. "This is something bigger than all of Teyvat. His desire to use her Vision..." The Dendro Archon shakes her head with a sad, knowing smile. "He promised me that he was looking into new perspectives in terms of his creations. I have been thinking about what this perspective may mean - generally, but also how it fits into Teyvat." She pauses. "I... I know now, or at least, I suspect - that he is planning on essentially using scraps of her Vision, the essence of it... to forge Gods. He has to figure out how to manipulate the will of the vision, of course - in order to do that. It is no simple matter, and it is one that he may very well have been working on for... centuries."
Neuvillette can't help but feel irritated at the fact that Nahida has known all of this information but has only come forward with it now.
"But, his plan also appears to be incredibly multifaceted. I assume you know about the Delusions wielded by the Fatui Harbingers? You must be aware of Tartaglia - I hear he made an appearance at the Court of Fontaine recently."
Neuvillette nods, but says nothing.
Nahida paces in front of him. "I believe that he desires to create a new form of Delusion, perhaps one that does not have negative implications on the user. I believe that he will warp the vision and alter it in some way to allow for fragments to be used on those around him. He is trying to find a way to... perhaps... create new visions to replace the delusions. Furina is proof that a vision can be granted not only by the heavenly principles and that is what he wishes to achieve."
"But... he can't... if Furina's alive, he can't touch it." Neuvillette is aware that Nahida likely already knows about the curse, that she likely knows of their plan - knows that Furina isn't going to be at the funeral.
Nahida nods. "No, he can't extract it from her that easily. But I..." the goddess trails off, turning away from him for the first time in their conversation. "I believe that he will try and sever her ties with it."
"That's... that shouldn't be possible." It's Neuvillette's turn to stand up, it's his turn to pace in front of the bench. There's not a single person in sight, which he is thankful for. He may be a hydro dragon, but he has never felt so helpless.
Nahida reaches up and gently touches his arm.
"I'm sorry, Neuvillette."
"How..." he is speechless. His chest is heavy, his breathing shallow and light.
"From what I know, it could be separated from her willingly, but judging by what we know of Dottore... and judging by Furina's impeccable strength and her willingness to protect Fontaine, I believe he will take it by force." The words are knives, and Neuvillette looks up at the sky. He can't let her go. He doesn't want to let her go.
"She cannot be killed, Neuvillette. Her vision will be useless the moment her heart stopped beating, it would be worthless to him. Not for a moment do I think that he is not foolish enough to let it happen."

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