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Furina is standing outside Neuvillette's door, trying to decide whether or not she should knock. The thought of sleeping alone in an unfamiliar place does not appeal to her at all, but she does not want to bother him. They've had a long couple of days, and he is probably relishing in some time to himself.

It's been a tiring day, and she wants to sleep but feels like she can't do it on her own. She's terrified of the nightmares that threaten to haunt her when she's alone.
The door opens, causing her to flinch, taking a couple of steps backwards.
"Are you alright?" Neuvillette asks. How did he know that she was here? She'd been so quiet - she had every intention of turning back around and going to her own room.
"Yep," she nods, going to spin on her heel and walk away. He takes her hand before she can flee, his face telling her that he knows she's lying. "Perfectly fine."
"Would you like to come in?" He asks, and Furina laughs.
"No..." she shakes her head. "It's alright."
"Furina." He tilts his head, and she knows that he can tell that she's lying. She knows that he can read her in a way that no one else ever has before. That is terrifying. "Come in."

Neuvillette's voice is direct, firm enough that she knows he's completely serious.
"Maybe I shouldn't." Her voice is quiet, and she shrugs.
"Why not?"
"Because," Furina tried to put her thoughts into words. "Well..." she can't think of a reason.
He takes a step closer to her, his hand cupping her cheek. She can't help but lean into it, can't help but close her eyes.
"I guess I could come in for a little while," she sighs. "You know, just in case you're a little lonely."
"How could one ever be lonely with you around?" He guides her into the room, and she blushes at his reply.
"Neuvillette?" Furina asks, folding her arms across her chest.
"Do you think it's going to work? Our plan? What if it doesn't work?"
She can hear him sigh, feel his presence behind her.
"Do you not believe it will work?"
Furina sighs, but her breath catches in her throat as she feels his breath on her neck. Warm, so warm. It sends a shiver down her spine that she hopes he can't feel.
"I never believe that anything will ever work out the way I perhaps find myself hoping it will." She closes her eyes, her mind fixed on the fact that Neuvillette is so close to her. It's the kind of intimacy that she's never felt before - one that makes her scared. Scared because everything she loves... she tends to lose. "Can I trust in your plan, hydro dragon?" She feels his hand, taking hers. His fingers lacing through hers. The contact makes her shiver once again.
"That's up to you, Furina." His lips are on her neck, the words spoken so quietly that it was a conversation that no one else in Teyvat could hear. "Only you can make the decision to trust in someone else."
She turns around, slowly meeting his eyes.
"I can trust you," she murmurs, and Neuvillette cups her cheek. "I've always known I can trust you. I've just been too scared before." His lips touch hers, so soft and warm. She gazes up at him, her eyes sparkling.
"Five hundred years," she gives a light smile. "That's how long it took for us to be this close."

Neuvillette's hands are tangled in her hair, his robes on the floor. Furina kisses him madly, as if there were miles between them - trying to close such distance.
"Neuvillette..." she moans as his kisses trail down her neck, to her collarbone. Kissing it delicately. Like she was a treasure, something so valuable. In a way that she had never been made to feel before.
"You're so beautiful, Furina." He whispers against her skin.
"Neuvillette, I've never... I mean, I haven't-" she trails off, finding herself getting fearful of everything that comes next. He stops kissing her, instead, he looks down at her with a warm smile.
"It's okay," he tells her kindly. "There's no rush, not now, not ever."
"It's not that I don't want to - I mean..." Furina feels her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "I just..."
He just presses his lips to her forehead, and her eyes flutter shut.
"You never have to explain yourself to me."
Neuvillette brushed her hair out of her eyes, and she smiles.
"I don't think I ever comprehended just how lonely I was." She leans up onto her tiptoes, and presses her lips to his cheeks.
"I hope you never, ever feel like that again."

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