Chapter Three

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4 years later (she is now 4 years old):

I yawned, shaking my head. I looked around, everyone was sleeping and only the lead mare was awake. I walked to the river, lowering my head and taking a quick drink. Soon everyone had woken up. The rays of sunlight beamed onto the valley. I stood still, soaking in the warmth.

After what seemed to be like ages, the lead mare reared up, alerting every horse of a threat that was nearby.

"Dingos." Eucalyptus snorted.

We all looked around warily, I saw small shapes moving on the edge of the valley. They were getting closer by the minute.

"They are getting closer." I whinnied fearfully.

I reared up, bucking out my hind legs, trying to intimidate the dingos, but I did not succeed. Soon the dingo pack began sprinting out of the shadows, running towards the herd. We all reared up, galloping in the opposite direction. I could hear the dingos growling and barking behind us.

I was galloping beside Flora and Flame.

"It'll be easy to outrun them, we have outrun men before. We can outrun these dingos." Flame grunted.

"Yeah, we sure can!" Flora whinnied.

I nodded, but as we continued galloping I saw some weird shapes on the horizon.

"Everyone wait, it's a trap!" I let out a high pitched whinny, skidding to a halt, since we were much further in front of the dingos I knew we had time to stop.

Everyone halted in front of me, looking at me.

"See on the horizon? There is a corral! The dingos are trying to chase us into it." I snorted, motioning to the odd shape on the horizon.

Everyone looked towards the shape of the corral. Then they all began rearing, turning around and galloping towards the dingos. Since we horses were much bigger than the dingos and weren't that afraid if we were jumped on, we ran straight through them. Galloping in the opposite direction of the dingos and corral.

Soon, after making sure the dingos weren't after us still. We all stopped in the shadows of the cliff. We used this resting chance to eat and relax. I hungrily munched on the delicious grass. I had gotten so caught up on grazing that I had walked out of the shadows. That's when I heard it, a massive amount of hoofbeats coming my way. When I looked up in panic, I was confused seeing one of the herds that lived around here galloping towards me. They all halted in front of me.

"What's wrong, why are you all running?" I asked, I could see the sweat dripping on their coats.

"Men! It's the hunt. The other herds are coming this way, get yours too. Quickly!" The lead mare warned me, I gasped.

"I will! Wait here, you need to take a break. The men haven't caught up to you yet. I'll get my herd and join yours." I instructed them, cantering over to the shadows.

"Everyone! One of the herds just informed me that the men are on the hunt! We must hurry."  I whinnied, rearing up and bucking out my hind legs, trying to catch my herds attention.

Everyone looked up in horror, I could see the panic arising from them all.

"Follow me! I'll lead you to the herd that informed me. Apparently the other herds are running away as well." I snorted, turning around and trotting to the spot I told the other herd to wait at.

I could hear everyone following behind me, so I sped up to a canter. When I arrived the lead mare trotted up to me.

"Where is your lead mare?" They asked.

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