Episode 10: "Start Of The School Year, Pt.2"

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(The scene continues as Edgar return to the classroom with his original outfit. As he comes in, he is seen carrying a metallic case (something that was provided by the school to store his equipment). As he stands before the class, Peter Port tells him)

Port: I see your all geared up, Mr. Damiano. Are you ready for the demonstration?

Edgar: No quite yet. I just need a moment to setup.

Port: Of course Mr. Damiano. Take all the time you'll need.

(He nods & he approaches towards the teachers desk. He places the metallic case & proceeds to open it, but not before he takes a deep breath. As he flips the security lock, he opens the case to reveal his sword "Families Honor" & the five colored Dust Rings)

(Everyone are amazed by this to see his signature Rapier in action, along with his rings. As the rest of the member of Team ROSE looks on, Weiss pays close attention to Edgar due to her interest in him)

(As Edgar slips one of his rings into his ring finger, he then proceeds to pull out his sword & stores it into his sheath. After that he turns to Port & tells him)

Edgar: *sigh* I'm ready.

Port: Splendid! Then let's not wait any longer.

(Port proceeds toward the dark metallic cage that contains a Creature of Grimm. He pulls the level & as the cage opens Edgar proceeds to draw his sword. After that, the Creature of Grimm known as a Manticore comes out of the cage, this one being a smaller version to it's kind & being a land bound creature)

Port: Allright, Mr. Damiano. Let the demonstration begin.

(As the Manticore began to sence Edgar's negative emotions, he growls at his prey. However, Edgar remains calm as he let's out a soft sigh. Afterwards he raises his blade vertically & puts it close to his face which he then proceeds to closing his eyes & lowers his head)

(Afterward, he springs into action & goes into his battle stance, of which its revealed to be Weiss' battle stance, but mirrored)

(Afterward, he springs into action & goes into his battle stance, of which its revealed to be Weiss' battle stance, but mirrored)

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(This sends alarm into Weiss' head as she notice her own battle stance)

Weiss: (shocked) What?

(This draws the attention to Weiss' companions as they look on surprised to Weiss reaction. Ruby ask Weiss about it of which she explains that he is using her stance. Yang thinks that it his own style, however Weiss reaffirms her claims as she know the exact steps in going into that stance, minus the beginning part that Edgar did)

(Besides that, this was cut short as the Manticore proceeds to attack Edgar. Him however, dodges every attack that the Grimm dish out & attack it with quick jabs with his sword)

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