The Myth

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Supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires etc. are purely myths. They don't exist and if they do it's just on those books and movies, also in your imagination too...

This is what they always say. Like, come on guys!!! Why can't you use some of your commonsense or is that also a myth for you all. If just a human could create something like a freaking airplane which effin gets in the air just by using some buttons and can carry a ton while floating in the sky, just think about the possible things the one who created this whole ass universe could do. Isn't it crazy. I mean just think about it.

Don't be like a stone age human who was told that smartphone is a thing. I think the most intelligent and dumb creatures to live on earth is humans ( no offense)😁.
But seriously bro, when I tell you this you have to believe me. They Exists, the supernatural beings.

Power is like a cursed blessing. They attract unwanted attention and troubles towards the one who carries it. So it is natural for them to live their lives without making it so obvious that they are powerful. They probably would have enough to deal with among their own kind so they'll prefer being invisible to others. Like if humans really found out that they exists it won't take long before they start the "research" aka torture on the newly found species and that's not something a living creature wish to go through. Trust me i would know.

Anyways now you all are wondering who I am. Well then let's start with the introduction. I am "Hazel Nora Adams" (luzy) the adoptive daughter of alpha Trevor Adams and luna Thena Adams of Silver Bane pack. I know the pack name is kinda funny but there's a reason for the name. Our wolves are resistant against silver and wolf bane. It's not a 💯 % but still has it better than any others. It's not something that everyone outside of our pack knows but also not a secret either. It simply never came forward as a matter of discussion. May be the other packs would have guessed cause the human part of werewolves are not that dumb and have every human qualities or they would have been informed by the previous rulers.

As you guys know it's true that my own folks never wanted me, but I'm cool with that though. I'm better off without them i think. I never once had missed my parents cause Trevor and Thena treated me as their own, more like spoiled me. Now don't get confused here, I'm definitely not the only child. It's impossible for werewolf mates to not do the deed and have pups. So my parents also did.

If you get a chance to see how those two acts around eachother, you would probably think that they have a lot of those little imps running around, but nah, they had two of them which they made sure to create the most annoying ones. I'm a 21 year old living with two gentle giants, that is if you count my dad in.

The older one is Hunter Rovan Adams (Terry) and the youngest is Izaiah wilder Adams (Iz) who just turned one. My parents always say that he is the best mistake they had done in their life.

Hunter is the goody two shoes guy with badboy aura around. The perfect child with good manners and everything but anyone who looks his way would think twice before doing something that would upset him. He is the more mature one among the two of us since he's going to be the next alpha.

As for Little Iz, He was such a sweet bundle of joy until he turned one, but now he is literally the shadow of devil. He had kinda said his first word not long ago, and guess what he said, "loser" looking straight at our father. It was hilarious to see our dad's face. He runs around naked while licking and chewing on anything that he sees 😂. I think my little brother is getting heavily infected from a very specific parasite. I think it's time for some deep cleaning.

Don't be confused, I'll give you guys a detailed description of the said "parasite" soon. So STAY TUNED 😉...

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