The Favour

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(pic - *Ezra*) 👆🏻

15 years prior.....
(A conversation between some unknown individuals)

" It's surfacing, although in a slow pace but still it's unbearable considering she's just a child.... poor thing, she thinks that she's severely ill and gonna die soon... I don't know how she got that idea in her mind....but it's really hard to watch her suffer...."

" I know... but she has to go through that.... alone... we are good as a rock when it comes to her current situation....(long sigh...😔)
Only if her mother was alive....."

" There has to be some way to help her.... atleast just to relieve some of her pain.... should we ask for advice..... there must be someone who knows what to do ______"

"Beth !! You saw what happened to her mother right ?? we can't trust anyone with her.... she's just a can go wrong many ways...."

"I know.... 😔 it's just that i feel so pathetic standing here not being able to do anything when she's suffering right under my nose...."

" Have patience... don't lose faith.... nature has given her a gift... something that is nature will take care of her.... when pain fades away she will taste something incredible, something powerful and then you'll see the good carrying her atop while the evil bows down with their head on the ground....." 😌

*****Back to Present****

"Want me to join...."😊

'Lilith'.... lilly for me..... she's been with me from the moment i came to this pack.... at that time, most of the girls would stay away from me thinking that I was a boy (I mostly acted and dressed like a boy) but this b*tch came to me while grinning like an idiot.... she behaved like we have known each other for ages.....
At first i got irritated by her clinginess but one day that all changed.... She got batshit crazy at Ezra for making fun of me ... that was the moment i fell in love with her 🤭😍.....

She's a soft beauty outside but mess with her and you'll see an ugly beast that she really is....😂 that day she threw some really nasty stuff at Ezra but i think it worked as a cupid's bow for that moron.... he's been flirting with her nonstop after that incident...

" How about a 'NO'..... how does that sou____ ow.. ow.. ow ...s..stop... You are supposed to take it as a Joke girll !!!!! "

"And you are supposed to take THIS as a joke too.... Boyyy 🤭🤭 !!!! "

" Lily....not you too.... it's hard enough that I have to deal with the devil himself..... "

"Just kidding hun..🤭"....

"You heard the news ???"

"Yeah.... dad was talking to mom about it "....

"Hmm.... i think it's kinda sketchy..... Terry has the same opinion but dad is kinda neutral about it all.... he says they're doomed if they do something stupid....."

"It's not you two .... most of our pack members think the same and Alpha is not wrong, if he does something then he'll be having a chat with the Lucifer himself....he have always messed up every chance they got with every other pack .... "

" Moon stone is currently in a stage of going extinct.... Preston is a total jerk for doing this to his pack.... his father was a well respected one though ".....

" If f*ck around and find out had a face, it would be him" ....

Lily said while laughing.....


Alpha - Preston Gregory, 23 y/o, egoistic spoiled brat, blinded by thirst for power......

One of our neighbouring packs..... Preston Gregory is their current alpha.... his dad Alpha Reynold Gregory had passed away from an unknown disease a few months back and soon Preston became the alpha..... Although he is the rightful successor of that throne he wasn't a good fit to be an alpha yet.... but he was adamant on becoming the alpha and the pack council just let him....that was the worst decision they have made and the pack is currently suffering.... Alpha Preston is just 23 years old and he's not matured enough to be an Alpha.... there's even a rumour going on that he himself killed the former alpha so he could take that position.... anyways after he got crowned, it was a rapid downfall of the moon stone..... the warriors got really lazy, their defence system broke to it's bone, so many pack members left because of his unhinged ruling ethics and now the pack is in danger.... even a small group of rouge wolves can destroy them.... It's pathetic.....
So now I'll adress the elephant in the room....

Alpha Preston asked for a favour from us... more specifically he want some of his elite warriors to be re-trained under the guidance of Hunter..... He said he would send a group of 13 warriors to our pack and after they have learnt everything he could train others in their pack with the help of them.....

That's what he said..... ofcourse we haven't trusted him completely but our dad says we have to do it because of the former alpha.... he was a good soul who had helped our pack in the past and now it's time to repay..... Although Terry and dad has said the topic is currently on discussion, i know they are going to give Preston a chance....)

*** EZRA _ POV ***

( Ezra Rey Williams, 24 y/o, hyper active, chaotic but charismatic personality, a free spirit, wouldn't give a f*ck even if the world is gonna end but would die for his loved ones.... haven't found his mate yet, so using the opportunity well by being a flirt... 'Hazel' the one thing he couldn't stand....😜😜)

Yeah, that thing (Hazel) is a total pain in the a$$... I don't know why but just her name is enough to give me a headache 😤.... so be careful not to mention anything about her when I'm here..... okay 🤨

I'm so great ful to have someone like Hunter in my life.... my best bud..... I literally wouldn't have survived after everything if it wasn't for him and his parents.... they are my family.....
buuuuttttttt !!!!
His sister.....that little sh*t is unbearable..... i even feel like I'm going to explode with her sassy attitude and those sly remarks.... not to say those infuriating looks that she has reserved only for me, goddess !!!!! It irritates me to the point where I Just want to murder her on the spot....

I've hated Hazel Adams the minute I set eyes on her for the first time... From the stupid baseball cap on her head to the light -up sneakers... I had half been expecting her to sprout devil horns and a tail at any moment. But since our Alpha was watching, I said hi to Hazel... she just pushed me back i almost toppled over. so i tripped her.

And that was when our rivalry began... We literally made our life's goal to make each other's life a living hell....

Anyways let's get in to the actual thing........

" I need a favour from you"...
Hunter asked after a few moments later....

"Nah bruh..... I'm all out of those..... "

"Not the time for joking Ze.... I'm serious "

"Is it seriously serious or just serious, cause I'm dealing something more serious right now...."

I held up the bite of delicious pancake in front of him....

" Goddess..... what's it in your stomach actually ?? Should check that out soon... and yes, the thing I'm going to ask is more important than your food but you can listen to me while eating.... So go ahead...."

" Tch...tch.... You're just jealous that i have an interesting, stable, passionate, monogamous and lifelong relationship...."

" With food..... Yeah that's exactly it...."

"I knew it !!! 😁😁 , now come to the point... What is it ???"

" An investigation... Should be secretive.... trustworthy and reliable..."

"So you want me to spy...on what ???"

" Not necessarily... But we can't trust anyone in this i figured we should do it ourselves..."

"Hmm.... Let me guess.... You want us to spy on Moon stone pack ..."

That pack is a whole sh*t show right now and the clown of an Alpha is like the cherry on top.... The noodle head Preston had managed to wreck everything that his ancestors including his father had worked hard for... I'm pretty sure he's planning something wicked right now.... But it's going to bite him back, like always 😂....

"More like spy on the specific ones who are selected for the training...."

" Woooh.... it's going to be a fun game then.... Should we dress up too...."

"You do understand the purpose right ??🤨"

"Oh relax dude.... His birdbrain is as bright as beige.... He wouldn't even notice if someone stole his balls...Oh wait, he don't have them .... Change it to eyes then....😇"

" I didn't know you were this fond of him since you never got a chance to interact with him..."

"I've heard enough to know ...."

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