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A tiny figure darts through the dense underbrush, her small legs pumping furiously as she desperately seeks escape. The little girl's body is covered in dirt, cuts, and scratches, her dress torn and stained with blood. Her hands are bound behind her back, and a cloth gag stifles her cries for help.

Her eyes, red and swollen from tears and exhaustion, dart wildly about, searching for a way out. The forest seems to close in around her, the trees looming like giants, their branches creaking ominously in the wind.

With every step, she stumbles, her legs trembling beneath her. But she refuses to give up, driven by a primal fear that propels her forward. The sound of heavy footsteps echoes through the forest, drawing closer with every passing moment.

The little girl's heart races, her breath coming in short gasps as she pushes herself to her limits. She trips, falls, and scrambles to her feet, her eyes fixed on some point ahead, a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

And then, just as suddenly as it began, everything goes silent. The footsteps cease, the forest stills, and the little girl freezes, her eyes wide with terror, as a menacing presence closes in around her.....

"Hey, wake up, buddy! Ezra, hey!"

Hunter shook Ezra's shoulder, trying to rouse him from his sleep. Ezra's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up with a gasp, his chest heaving as if he'd been running.

"Thank goodness, it's the dream?"

Hunter asked, concern etched on his face. He'd seen Ezra struggle with this nightmare many times before.

Ezra nodded, rubbing his face, he should be used to these nightmares by now but those familiar looking eyes felt too real for him, like the Little girl is reaching out to him for his help, to protect her, to make her free and he didn't know how to. One thing was sure, he knows that eyes, he'll just have to figure out who it belongs to. "Yeah, and it's freaking torturous."

Hunter sighed. "I'm sorry, Ze. I feel helpless. I don't know how to make it stop."

Ezra waved a hand. "It's not your fault, Hunter. I can handle it. You know I can."

Hunter nodded. "Yeah, you're strong. You might make a great alpha one day."

Ezra chuckled. "Hell no, mate. I can handle nightmares at night, but I don't want my whole life to be one. You'd make a perfect alpha though - Alpha Hunter Rowan Adams, intimidating, charming, and hot."

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me. Anyway, we need to go. Everyone's at the pack grounds, warming up."

Ezra nodded, still looking a bit shaken. "I'll be right there. Just need a minute."

Hunter's mind raced back to the countless times Ezra had confided in him about his recurring nightmare. At first, they'd dismissed it as a mere dream, but as the nights went by, the frequency and intensity of the nightmare only grew. It had started on the night of Ezra's first shift, and since then, it had become a constant companion, haunting him every time he closed his eyes.

Hunter felt helpless, unable to fully understand what Ezra was going through. But he had witnessed his friend's suffering, seen the terror in his eyes, and heard the desperation in his voice. The first few months had been the worst, with Ezra struggling to cope with the nightmare's relentless grip.

Hunter had tried to find answers, scouring books and seeking wisdom from those he met, but none could provide a satisfactory explanation for Ezra's plight. He felt frustrated, unable to ease his friend's pain, and could only offer a listening ear and a comforting presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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