Spy ...

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Pov of Someone unknown :

The blue Moon, with its exceptional status, is believed to bless us with a touch of luck and enchantment. The cosmic rarity which often linked to heightened clarity and a profound connection to the divine, a window into the ethereal where our intentions can thrive.

The day is close, the cycle completes when she enters that sacred phase and the power becomes unimaginable... Impossible to destroy, but only with the presence of her other half...
Her soul mate....

That prodigious soul of her will get complete with the other half... Her chosen one will be revealed to her that day...


I can't let that happen... I need to do it myself... that stupid mutt won't be useful in this case.... and if she gets her full power ____ no....I won't let her have that.... She'll rot like her mother...

Just wait for me little birdy... 😈

      ***********End of pov************

"What are you two talking about"

Luzy asked being curious to know what her brother and his buddy  is upto ...

" Just pack stuff..."

Hunter didn't have a problem with his sister knowing about their plan but he is certain that she would tag along if she knows.... He didn't want his sister anywhere near that pack ....

"Really ?? 🤨"

" Luzy.... Stop that, it's nothing...."

But luzy wasn't going to let it go... She knows they are plotting for something especially when a situation with Preston is going on... So she couldn't help but pester her brother about it...

" Then just tell me, what's the problem if it's nothing..."

Although she had a casual tone, she made sure to hint him that she's not going to back down without knowing it...

" Don't be so Stubborn pup, leave it to the grownups to deal with"

Ezra was again on a mission to piss her off...

"Shut up you dimwit"

Luzy bit back at Ezra...

" Okay... Don't start now you two and luzy the thing we were discussing was about_______"

"Moon stone.... I know..."

Luzy said even before hunter could complete his sentence....

" Then why did you ask me, if you already knew??... "

" I know it's about them but I don't know the specifics....yet... Soo......??"

Hunter sighed already knowing how this gonna end while ze was busy snickering at his bestfriend's dilemma....

" We are going to observe the warriors of Moon stone who's selected for the training session here..... Without them knowing..."

Hunter finished in a single breath....

"So.... Spying it is....."

"Yeah... "

"What's the expected outcome??"

Luzy wanted to know her brother's perspective of the current plan... Although it's kind of a precaution thingy, she's still not sure how this could benefit them...

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