True Colors

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Before The Story

Gamey: Hey everyone. This story handles the topic of racism. If you don't feel comfortable reading this, go ahead and read the next story. Or wait til the next story is out if it hasn't been posted yet. With that out of the way, enjoy the story.

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Controlly was sitting by his cabin playing on his handheld console. Crayon Box was walking around the camp. She sees Controlly sitting outside of his cabin. She walks over there to talk to him.

Crayon Box: Hey Controlly.

Controlly: Huh? (Blush) Oh hey CB. Uhhhh.... Watcha doing out here?

Crayon Box: Just walking around. What about you?

Controlly: I'm just playing my games. Like usual.

Crayon Box: Hey can I ask you a question?

Controlly: What is it?

Crayon Box: Do you want to explain the bear stuff you have going on?

Controlly: Oh. The bear stuff..... Nah you would laugh.

Crayon Box: No I won't. I'm just curious.

Controlly: Well. The bear thing is sort of something that me and my mom have. She always said I looked like a bear when I was little and she started to call me her teddy bear.

Crayon Box: Aww. That's cute...... So how come you stopped liking it for a while.

Controlly: Well for one. I was getting embarrassed by it. I mean do you really want your mom calling you a baby name around your friends? And two........... Actually I would rather not get into the second reason. But yeah I stopped liking it for that. I'm just getting used to liking it again.

Crayon Box: Well..... I think it's cute.

Controlly: Oh uhh. Thanks. (Blushes and looks away) Yes Yes Yes!!

Gold Ingot: Hey Guys Guess What!!?

Chocolate Bar: Gametendo Is Coming To Visit!!

Crayon Box: Woah woah woah! Gametendo! As In-

Controlly: The Coolest YouTuber Of All Time!!

Gamey: Gametendo Is Coming!!

Oodle; No Way!!

Computer: I Love His Videos!!

Airy: He's cool.

Burger King: He's More Than Cool!! He's The Fucking Legend!!

4: Uhhh. Who are you guys talking about?

MePhone4: Who is Gametendo and what's with the praise on him.

Gold Ingot: He's Known To Do Everything So Cool! Stunts! School Stuff!! Gaming!! Sports!! You Name It!!!

Chocolate Bar: And he's coming here to choose some friends that will be in his next video!!

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